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I really like the team of Gumbel and Collingsworth. Not screaming, great insight from Chris. Love he just said based inalighmnet the Bengals DB knew the Ravens reciever had to go inside. Right before that saying how Mcnair should have dove for a first down instead of taking a dive.

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Gumble is terrible. It sounds like Kermit doing play-by-play, and he sounds liek he's reading off of a sheet of paper. Its painfully obvious he doesnt know enough about football.


McNair. Completed pass. to Mason. First down.

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Gumbel is an (expletive deleted) idiot.


He was sitting there with like 10 minutes left on the clock saying , "the ravens still think they have time to run".

Collinsworth responded with something to the effect of, "they do. 10 minutes is an eternity in the NFL with a 13 point lead."


I agree with the previous poster, he knows little about football. He'd make an ultra-crappy coach.


Has anyone ever seen his show "real sports"?


I watched it once and it had this big feature about the homeless world cup, where homeless guys get flown to europe to compete against one another in soccer. Ridiculous stuff.

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I really like the team of Gumbel and Collingsworth. Not screaming, great insight from Chris. Love he just said based inalighmnet the Bengals DB knew the Ravens reciever had to go inside. Right before that saying how Mcnair should have dove for a first down instead of taking a dive.



You'll definitely find yourself in the minority on this one. :)

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RE: Gumbel...


Everytime a team got stopped on 3rd down and were about to punt he would say " and the (insert team name here) will turn it over on downs"... ;)


Doesn't he want to say have to punt it away or something? I translate " turn it over on downs" as they went for it on 4th and failed to reach the first down marker??? :)


But I don't mind Bryant he is better than that one late night host dude with all those political afiliations they used to set loose on us... not the menace, the other dude...

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This was the 1st NFL Network broadcast I've seen.


The camera work initially seemed kinda amateurish...I was having thoughts of a local station broadcasting a high school game, not a prime-time pro game.


But as the game wore on, it got better - good replays IMO, and they didn't beat them to death.


Gumbel was alright to me. Collinsworth did well in my mind...I agree with plenz's comments about him...he was breaking down the game - all game long-which is different than the buffonery and hyperbole I've come to expect from the "color" man.

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I have to agree that Gumbel is too much of a milquetoast on the broadcast. It's as if he's a disinterested observer. I like Collinsworth.


Aren't there any decent play-by-play guys out there the NFL Network can get?

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ESPN, NFL Network, Fox, and NBC all suck hard, and I refuse to watch any of those channels for more than 8 hours a day.


Gumbel sucked so bad last night I could only take 4 quarters of his b.s. then I had to shut it off.


:) to everyone on TBD and their announcing skills

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Steve Czaban had a good take on how gumbell's voice is just way too thin for play by play, and i totally agree.


Thin was the exact word I used with my wife to describe his voice last night. When you add his voice to the fact that he's a fuggin supercilious pompous a-hole...well, I don't like him a bit.

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i hate chris collinsworth. He didnt make an ass of himself last night, but that doesnt change anything.


i hate his opinions on teams, players, even plays. i hate how he somehow always works in his past playing time in to every single conversation. i hate how he says a team sucks one day, then is proclaming them great the next and says he like the team the whole time.


I dont like when the announcer is bigger than the game they are announcing. every time he speeks its as if he is the center of attention and the game is just the background music.



i dont know the other announcer but he seemed ok to me.

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I have to agree that Gumbel is too much of a milquetoast on the broadcast.  It's as if he's a disinterested observer.  I like Collinsworth.


Aren't there any decent play-by-play guys out there the NFL Network can get?



They should grab Joe Theisman. He's the best!

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i hate how he says a team sucks one day, then is proclaming them great the next and says he like the team the whole time.


They all do that. Last week 'they' were saying that B-more was either #1 or 2 in the AFC, and Cincy would have a hard time making the playoffs because of schedule...this week???

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