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College or NFL

Which one do you prefer?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one do you prefer?

    • College
    • NFL
    • NFL because of the Bills

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I would gladly watch the Bills over any other team in sports. That said as a NFL historian/football purist the NBA mentality of today's game has been a huge turn off to me. For games not involving the Bills I would gladly take the pageantry and enthusiasm of the college game over the NFL. I also think the disparity of talent in college football makes for a more interesting game.


Which one do you prefer?

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I picked the NFL. College games take far too long to play. Most big time games are almost 4 hours in length. The clock stops every time a guy breaths, I mean come on. Plus watching most college games is like watching paint dry, the offenses are bland but somehow the scores always end up 48-35. Oh ya because the clock stop every ten second and each team has 33 possessions. By the way, can anyone every hit a big kick?

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As much as I love college ball, I gotta go with the NFL for the simple reason that losing one game, let alone two, won't keep a team from being able to make the playoffs and compete for the Super Bowl. In college one loss hurts your chances and two pretty much eliminates a team from competing for the National Championship...

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I picked the NFL.  College games take far too long to play.  Most big time games are almost 4 hours in length.  The clock stops every time a guy breaths, I mean come on.  Plus watching most college games is like watching paint dry, the offenses are bland but somehow the scores always end up 48-35.  Oh ya because the clock stop every ten second and each team has 33 possessions.  By the way, can anyone every hit a big kick?


That is why I pick the college game. There are more plays. There are not enough plays in the NFL since they start up the clock sooner after an out of bounds play. I went to the Cal/Wash. St. game with my kids last Oct. and the game was exciting. I looked up and there is still time to go in the first QTR. One long drive in a Pro game can eat up 2/3 of a qtr. I went to the Bills Raiders game the next day and it wasn't near as fun for my boys and I.

I say lengthen the games and allow all 53 players to suit up. Timout's in the pros used to be one minute long. Now it seems like I'm watching commercials with a splattering of football mixed in. We only get about 60 offensive plays per team vs. about 75-90 in college. I'll take a four hour game in college any time.

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I like college football, but I never really had a favorite team. Working at University of Texas has made me appreciate the college game a little more...my biggest gripe with college is that there are just way too many lopsided mis-mathces to make the season really fun..when a good team goes into a season, knowing that there are only two, possibly three teams that even have a chance to beat them, it takes some of the lustre away...plus, there are so many friggin teams that never, and will never play eachother...it is too murky a scene...


I prefer the NFL, where I can call a player a piece of sh--, and not feel as bad, because I know he pocketing huge dollars in the NFL...college, you can't be too critical of a bunch of kids...I know a lot of people love the pagentry, but go to a Texas game, and you may find it kind of creepy....and phony to boot...


I prefer the NFL, because I love the game itself, and I want to see the best possible players on the field...but college is fun too...I used to really enjoy going to crappy Buff State Bengals games, and UB games...hearing the new UB coach on the radio kind of had me homesick for that atmosphere...push come to shove though, it has to be the NFL....

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I love the NFL and the Bills, but I love college football by far. Many more rivalries that have been going on longer than any NFL rivalry, much more exciting, no agents, so players are playing for school pride instead of me, me, me all the time. college bands, cheerleaders that actually look good, school mascots, basically the whole atmosphere is just better.

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I voted NFL/Bills...


I cannot sit down and watch an NFL game unless it is the Bills...or has something to do w/their chances at a Wild Card/Home Field..ect.


I can however easily watch just about any College match.

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I would gladly watch the Bills over any other team in sports.  That said as a NFL historian/football purist the NBA mentality of today's game has been a huge turn off to me. For games not involving the Bills I would gladly take the pageantry and enthusiasm of the college game over the NFL.  I also think the disparity of talent in college football makes for a more interesting game.


Which one do you prefer?


I prefer professional ball. There's no point in watching team A just whallop team B; a fact which makes many college games uninteresting. Moreover college games often involve less strategy. If your offensive line can massively overpower the other team's defensive line, you don't need to be a strategic genius to figure out what you're supposed to do.


That said, I do like the atmosphere of college ball; the fact the players aren't getting paid millions like NFL guys are, and the fact there's more variety in college teams' playstyles. I wish you could combine the best of the two: the quality of play of the NFL and the narrowness of talent differences on the one hand, with the variety of playstyles and the overall atmosphere of the college game on the other.

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I prefer professional ball.  There's no point in watching team A just whallop team B; a fact which makes many college games uninteresting.  Moreover college games often involve less strategy.  If your offensive line can massively overpower the other team's defensive line, you don't need to be a strategic genius to figure out what you're supposed to do. 


That said, I do like the atmosphere of college ball; the fact the players aren't getting paid millions like NFL guys are, and the fact there's more variety in college teams' playstyles.  I wish you could combine the best of the two: the quality of play of the NFL and the narrowness of talent differences on the one hand, with the variety of playstyles and the overall atmosphere of the college game on the other.


You're entitled to your opinion but let's not exaggerate the talent disparity that much. Often times the games that are actually televised have fairly even talent levels. Just as you probably wouldn't want to watch the Colts play the Cardinals, I wouldn't want to watch Texas play Rice.


I remember last season flicking back and fourth between Michigan/Penn State, and Notre Damn/USC, both games finishing on the final play of the game. That's when I knew I turned. I just love the playoff type atmosphere that exists every week in the college game, and IMO the OT system is more exciting.

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I'll grant that if you're watching the right college game, it's not the talent mismatch I described.  That said, I HATE the college OT system.  :lol:



Agreed. (scary, huh?). Nohing like watching a good fought 17-17 game end up 48-47 because of 65 OT's.


I love the NFL, but living in Tallahassee and going to many FSU games has opened my eyes to college ball. The NFL is still by far better, but the college game has that "atmosphere", and much much bigger rivalries.


Also, i'll take the scenery at Doak Campbell Stadium here over The Ralph any day! :doh:

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NFL, even without the Bills.


College football sucks most of the time. Usually one team is beating the crap out of another team that has no business being on the same field as them. Just watch a few bowl games at the end of the year and you haven't missed anything.

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You're entitled to your opinion but let's not exaggerate the talent disparity that much. Often times the games that are actually televised have fairly even talent levels. Just as you probably wouldn't want to watch the Colts play the Cardinals, I wouldn't want to watch Texas play Rice. 




Well the previously mentioned talent disparity in the college game is very real and it's miles wider than the NFL and those type of games are more frequent. Also, the Cardinals have a much much much better chance against the Colts than Rice does vs. Texas (there's a big difference between a 10% chance of an upset and a .05% chance).

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Just as you probably wouldn't want to watch the Colts play the Cardinals, I wouldn't want to watch Texas play Rice.


I love watching the game of pro football regardless of who is playing. The college bowl games are interesting to watch, but even then I need to lay some dough down to really keep me paying attention. But I don't need anything to keep me interested in a pro game except a good picture, a cold beer, and the freedom to cuss my head off without anyone within earshot getting offended.


Truth be known, I did not go to a college that had a football team, and that clearly plays a role. Plus, I've always been amazed at how people are big fans of teams like Notre Dame or Duke or USC, and yet they never attended those schools and are likely sitting on a futon watching their team play on a 13" Ford Philco TV with their BOCES certificate hanging over it.


If you're a Notre Dame fan, shouldn't you have at least attended the school? Or maybe your parents? A brother? Sister? SOMEBODY?!?!

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As fun as going to Bills games is, the experience of going to a college football game cannot be beat. It's a win-win situation though, as both are a lot of fun.


I've experienced playing college ball and it was a blast. I only wish I could've had the experience of playing pro ball.

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By far and away it is college ball. There is nothing comparable to a rivalry that has grown over years like Michigan vs Ohio State. There is nothing like the highs and the lows during the game. Two touchdown leads are meaningless. Point swings are wild. The school bands are really entertaining.

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Now I love the Bills because that's my team. But I LOVE NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL more than any other sport that I've ever embraced. Always have. I look at it this way, if Dame was in the National Championship game on the same day and at the same time the Bills were in the Super Bowl, I would watch the ND game.

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