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LOST 2.16 Discussion Thread

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Sun comes to the revelation that she might be pregnant. She struggles on whether to tell Jin about the situation at first as she feels it might upset the entire balance of the survivors' community. Meanwhile, with no success from Jack or Sayid, Ana-Lucia is called in by Locke to interrogate the new prisoner Henry Gale to get more information out of him about the balloon that he and his wife supposedly landed on the island with in the forest.


Finally, we get back on schedule! I don't think there'll be m/any more hiatuses from here on out. Eight episodes left for a whole season, and the finales are now tending to air in late May.


One of these writers was responsible for a 'Meh!' episode early in the season... But from what I've read, next week promises to be good w/ Lindelof & Cuse.


T minus 1:15.

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Finally, we get back on schedule! I don't think there'll be m/any more hiatuses from here on out. Eight episodes left for a whole season, and the finales are now tending to air in late May.


One of these writers was responsible for a 'Meh!' episode early in the season... But from what I've read, next week promises to be good w/ Lindelof & Cuse.


T minus 1:15.



Sun is obviously lying - she cheated on Jin with the hotel manager....

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I have no problem with the plotlines developed tonight, so I’m not ragging on that, but the dialogue from these writers Kim and Sarnoff just wasn’t on par with Lindelof & Cuse or Fury.


The Sun/Jin storyline sets up another ‘special’ child…. I was getting the reading that Sun only said she was happy that she couldn’t get preggers b/c of Jin’s thinking that “it was going to make everything better.” At the end, she smiles and puts her hand on her stomach. But it is getting kind of trite how Jin is presented at the start of a story to be all bad-ass and destructive only later to see things how we all want him to and be the doting husband. With Sun’s learning English, I was snookered at first thinking it was something more, but it was a genuine friendship with the guy she’d been dating before she met Jin. (I think he may have hinted at something being possible, but hey, he's a guy.)


So, Jack says Sun should tell “The whole truth” and then tells Kate that nothing’s going on in the hatch. I’ve thought ‘Henry Gale’ is an Other from the start. It’s been set up to make you wonder whether he has been telling the truth, but that last scene when Jack let him out for breakfast… doesn’t leave a doubt for me. And even if it does show the balloon in the preview, that doesn’t mean that Henry hadn’t joined up with the Others.


The Hurley/Sun scene was pretty good. " :ph34r: I just found this lying in the middle of the jungle...." :)


But, as I wrote before, next week is big.

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OK episode. Maybe it's the fact that the show has completely lost it's rhythm thanks to ABC's scheduling or the fact that The Shield was so mindblowing last night that I still haven't recovered, but it fell a little flat. The Sun story was just 'meh.'


I did enjoy the Evil Charlie and Evil Sayyid alliance though. I can't believe they aren't talking more about it possibly being a trap. Sayyid thinks this guy is an "Other" so why go exactly where he wants you to go and hang around?

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Also, anyone notice the typo on the translation when the doctor pulled up to Sun in his car? It read, "You're husband...."





my wife did and I said WTF are you talking about? Now I know.

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Yeah, I noticed that too.  I can't believe no one caught that.



I'm wondering if that 'grammatical' was there from the script. Someone not knowing the usage of 'your' possessive and the contraction of 'you are' really does not merit them writing a Thank You note, much less another episode of LOST.


You can really tell that the ep wasn't very good just by the lack of much talk about it (here, and elsewhere, I'm noticing).

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Sun is obviously lying - she cheated on Jin with the hotel manager....



allright, my take. I said lasy year that Sun and Micheal hooked up. How much ya wanta bet that if that baby is a boy, he will be rather well endowed :ph34r:


Seriously, I still can't figure whether she did or didn't. In the last seen with him in the hotel. he says do not go to america as your life is here. She asks"is Jin my life"

His reply" I didn't say to stay because of Jin". Thought he was saying cause I love you, and we be doing the nasty soon. In the opening of that scene, he states he left because he THOUGHT he loved a woman, implying to me at least he really loved her.


Im not buying the whole immaculate conception thing.

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I still think henry gale is an other. Also, when they (sayid/charlie/ana lucia) walked into the clearing looking for the balloon, a trap was the first thing i thought of. Next week's episode shoudl be good tho. This week's was ok, but the show is starting to drag. I think its a combination of a few sub-par episodes combined with all the time off.


Also, the south park episode right afetr LOST was hilarious, so that may have overshadowed it a bit.

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Sun is obviously lying - she cheated on Jin with the hotel manager....



I think ultimately it will be revealed that Sun did not cheat on Jin and all of this is just a tease and the writers' way of toying with us. There's enough medical phenomenon going on with the island (paralyzed Locke walking) to allow me to believe that Jin could have gotten the job done.


As far as Michael being the father I think that's a completely ridiculous notion.

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I think ultimately it will be revealed that Sun did not cheat on Jin and all of this is just a tease and the writers' way of toying with us.  There's enough medical phenomenon going on with the island (paralyzed Locke walking) to allow me to believe that Jin could have gotten the job done. 


As far as Michael being the father I think that's a completely ridiculous notion.



It was just a joke my good DR. Also, I do not think the hotel guy tapped that as she was still planning on staying in America when she was gunna ditch Jin at the Airport.

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It was just a joke my good DR. Also, I do not think the hotel guy tapped that as she was still planning on staying in America when she was gunna ditch Jin at the Airport.



A joke from you, but I've heard the theory in a number of different places. Sometimes people just take the speculation in this show too far.

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I think ultimately it will be revealed that Sun did not cheat on Jin and all of this is just a tease and the writers' way of toying with us.  There's enough medical phenomenon going on with the island (paralyzed Locke walking) to allow me to believe that Jin could have gotten the job done. 


As far as Michael being the father I think that's a completely ridiculous notion.



Agreed. Let's not forget that the "Others" seem to be particularly interested in children too. With all the weird stuff on the island it is not out of the realm of possibility that one of the "experiements" revolves around pregnancy.


Claire was pregnant

Sun is now (after a miracle)

I thought Shannon was going to get knocked up before she died (being the first ones to bone on the island, I thought that might be where the writers were going with Shannon/Sayid's story before she got iced).


And how much do you want to bet that Kate's pregnacy test came back positive too? The one she talked to Sun about (not that she is pregnant now).

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The scene where he asked asked her if she had taken her temperature led my dirty mind astray as I thought it was a poor attempt at trying to get Sun in the mood. She just didn't give him a chance to finish the line:


Jin: Have you taken your temperature?

...would you like to use my meat thermometer?



So, Jack says Sun should tell “The whole truth” and then tells Kate that nothing’s going on in the hatch. I’ve thought ‘Henry Gale’ is an Other from the start. It’s been set up to make you wonder whether he has been telling the truth, but that last scene when Jack let him out for breakfast… doesn’t leave a doubt for me. And even if it does show the balloon in the preview, that doesn’t mean that Henry hadn’t joined up with the Others.



for all we know, Gale could've known that the balloon was there from some other poor bloke that crashed and drew that map to that balloon to gain their trust...then when he's out, he's going to wreak some havoc

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I thought the scene of Bernard and Rose bickering was great, I so want to know their story and wonder what the writers are waiting for.


I don't know why but have a feeling Sun's pregnancy will not come to full term either she'll end up losing it or something happens to her to prevent it from being born.

I still think henry gale is an other. Also, when they (sayid/charlie/ana lucia) walked into the clearing looking for the balloon, a trap was the first thing i thought of. Next week's episode shoudl be good tho. This week's was ok, but the show is starting to drag. I think its a combination of a few sub-par episodes combined with all the time off.



I agree good ole Henry is an other but next week's preview does seem to indicate there's a balloon on the island so wonder what that could mean. All and all it was a good episode not great but think it's setting up some very good episodes to follow.
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Anyone else wondering where all the food is coming from?  I thought they ate it all in one big party.  Hurly has had ranch dressing and candy bars while Locke and Jack apparently have cereal.



Ranch dressing?


I can't believe I've never watched the show.



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