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I dont think there is a flashback angle.  The shows characters progressed with the lay-off.  All I know is, Miss Meadow was looking absolutely PHENOMENAL in that little get up she was dancing in.



That's the best thing about having a Tivo. I can watch it over and over and over and over :(:huh::devil:

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WOW, interesting, that might lead to a back story on the guy that hung himself, he kind of came out of nowhere.




I know it is sort of hard to keep track of all of the peripheral characters sometime, but that guy, Jeano, was in the show last season. If you remember, he was the one who got the snot beat out of him, for making a joke about someones' wife, at the construction sight. It was the episode where Meadows boyfriend cathces Vito in the "unnatural act". Jeano had smaller roles in other episodes as well...


One odd thing, in the scene where they are all sitting in front of Satrials, and the FBI agent approaches them, they show Benny (Tony's driver in season 5, the guy he sent to his house to guard AJ and Carmella from the bear) looking happy and healthy. Didn't he get killed by Phil Leotardo in one of the final episides from last season. Or, did he just get beat up really bad? I can't remember anymore...

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One odd thing, in the scene where they are all sitting in front of Satrials, and the FBI agent approaches them, they show Benny (Tony's driver in season 5, the guy he sent to his house to guard AJ and Carmella from the bear) looking happy and healthy.  Didn't he get killed by Phil Leotardo in one of the final episides from last season.  Or, did he just get beat up really bad?  I can't remember anymore...



I think that's the guy Phil beat with the tire iron, but he wasn't in danger of dying from that beatdown.

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Quite the opposite.  More pissed when shows like the Shield give up the plot of 80% of next weeks show in the promos.



Not looking for them to give away the plot, just a little hint. I can be very impatient :)

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Not looking for them to give away the plot, just a little hint. I can be very impatient  :)


That's why I usually wait for the DVDs to come out before watching... not this time.


I really hope last night was not a flashback episode, that would be pretty lame IMO. :D

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That's why I usually wait for the DVDs to come out before watching... not this time.


I really hope last night was not a flashback episode, that would be pretty lame IMO. :)



It would be pretty lame but true to Sopranos fashion. I still love the show but I really feel like the show has not been as good from Season 3 on.

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It would be pretty lame but true to Sopranos fashion. I still love the show but I really feel like the show has not been as good from Season 3 on.




I think season 5 was every bit as good as the first three, if not better...seasons 3 and 4 were pretty strong too, just not as much murder as some seem to need to enjoy the show...at its' very worst, the "Sopranos" still blows anything else on television away....why would you say "it would be pretty lame, but true to Sopranos fashion." They have never done anything like that before. I think what makes this show so great is that is consistantly believable, and never, ever goes where anyone guesses it will...what other "lame" things have they done?

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I think season 5 was every bit as good as the first three, if not better...seasons 3 and 4 were pretty strong too, just not as much murder as some seem to need to enjoy the show...at its' very worst, the "Sopranos" still blows anything else on television away....why would you say "it would be pretty lame, but true to Sopranos fashion."  They have never done anything like that before.  I think what makes this show so great is that is consistantly believable, and never, ever goes where anyone guesses it will...what other "lame" things have they done?




i think season 4 and 5 weren't as great except for a few scenes here and there. i have a feeling that 6 will be the best one with all the uncertainty surrounded the bosses of the family. I mean, when Jackie Aprile Sr died, the captains were Barese, Curto, Tony, Junior and Jimmy Altieri. Level headed guys in comparison to the captains now. Chrissy, Vito, Paulie, Sylvio, and not sure who else. The instability will prove to make the show probably the most interesting ever.

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I think season 5 was every bit as good as the first three, if not better...seasons 3 and 4 were pretty strong too, just not as much murder as some seem to need to enjoy the show...at its' very worst, the "Sopranos" still blows anything else on television away....why would you say "it would be pretty lame, but true to Sopranos fashion."  They have never done anything like that before.  I think what makes this show so great is that is consistantly believable, and never, ever goes where anyone guesses it will...what other "lame" things have they done?



I just have a feeling that it could end up like the whole dream episode from last season. That was freaking lame.

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I just have a feeling that it could end up like the whole dream episode from last season. That was freaking lame.




The "Sopranos" frequently disappoints people, I think, because they "want more". If you go back and watch season 5, on DVD, say, and you don't have to wait a week for the next insatallment, it plays like one very long movie...the show is so well written, it boggles my mind sometimes. My only real complaint about season 4 was that they spent too much time on whining Meadow...but even that was done for a very specific reason...


I remember a lot of people on this board said that the show had "jumped the shark" with the dream episode. I think they missed the point. If you go back and watch that dream sequence (it was really only 20 minutes, and they were not trying to trick you into thinking the events were really happening, like truly "lame" shows do), it pretty much lays out the events of the two episodes after it (where Adriana gets killed, and then Tony Blundetta). It was very well done. I know everyone doesn't watch the show over and over (it is the only thing I will watch twice) but very often, they are telling you what is going to happen ahead of time, you (me too) just don't realize it at the time...sometimes this show is so good, the hair on the back of my neck stands on end....

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I thought it was boring. Of all the premires this was the worst. Who the hell cares about that Gene dude and if he wanted to move to FL, or if his son was on drugs or whatever. It was a total waste of time.


The fact that they made Uncle June pretty much dead was bad, he was a solid character that we didn't need to see go.


Tony getting shot is stupid. Of couse he will get better, the only way it would be good is if he goes into a coma and life goes on, then he comes back and everything is messed up. I don't see that happening.




Things I thought were intresting:


Carmella and her new car. Everyone is wondering about it. Not to mention Angie (kitty's wife) and her Corvette remember when T went nuts about money for her Dog.


Tony and the weight thing was intresting, however, thats probably out the window due to getting shot.


It was pretty much a waste of an episode, I mean I don't mind building a story but I don't anything going anywhere.

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I don't think it was a "great" episode, but i think it was an interesting way to start the season off. A couple of things though...


1. Vito is obviously conspiring to kill Tony on the account of what he said about "something" happening to Tony. I think he is letting the power that he as acquired over the lay off go to his head a little bit. I think he may be conspiring with Phil, who is Johnny Sac's acting boss while Johnny is in prison. Vito is the only contact between the New York family and the Soprano family, which means that he has the power to manipulate the relationship for his benefit.


2. Tony caught a break with - I can't remember his name - the guy who was a rat and his son has MS dying. He couldn't get out what Tony was saying on tape before he croaked so, that's just one of those things that you'll have to look for.


3. Tony is not going to die. Let's be realistic here.


4. The guy who hung himself will more than likely come back at the end of the show. Do you remember how he wiped the blood on the road map when he was driving back from the hit? The FBI knew he was involved with Tony and he was working for them. Could this be the thing that finally links Tony Soprano to a murder, even though he did not give the order? (Christopher did) Did the guy who hung himself leave a suicide note?


5. When Tony was giving in to Phil on one of the shady deals between the New York family and the Soprano family, - where Tony was going to get 35% of the deal instead of the original amount - is that going to portray Tony as a weakling and inspire some factions of his family to rise up to seize power?


6. The main question i want to ask is how many of the guys from the past are going to end up affecting this story in the future? For example, the guy in the Pinebarrens. I have been waiting for him to show up in one of these episodes, seeing as Christopher and Paulie "might have" killed him.


All and all i thought it was a decent episode and i think these are some key things that people should keep in mind for the remainder of the season.

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I don't think it was a "great" episode, but i think it was an interesting way to start the season off. A couple of things though...


1. Vito is obviously conspiring to kill Tony on the account of what he said about "something" happening to Tony. I think he is letting the power that he as acquired over the lay off go to his head a little bit. I think he may be conspiring with Phil, who is Johnny Sac's acting boss while Johnny is in prison. Vito is the only contact between the New York family and the Soprano family, which means that he has the power to manipulate the relationship for his benefit.


2. Tony caught a break with - I can't remember his name - the guy who was a rat and his son has MS dying. He couldn't get out what Tony was saying on tape before he croaked so, that's just one of those things that you'll have to look for.


3. Tony is not going to die. Let's be realistic here.


4. The guy who hung himself will more than likely come back at the end of the show. Do you remember how he wiped the blood on the road map when he was driving back from the hit? The FBI knew he was involved with Tony and he was working for them. Could this be the thing that finally links Tony Soprano to a murder, even though he did not give the order? (Christopher did) Did the guy who hung himself leave a suicide note?


5. When Tony was giving in to Phil on one of the shady deals between the New York family and the Soprano family, - where Tony was going to get 35% of the deal instead of the original amount - is that going to portray Tony as a weakling and inspire some factions of his family to rise up to seize power?


6. The main question i want to ask is how many of the guys from the past are going to end up affecting this story in the future? For example, the guy in the Pinebarrens. I have been waiting for him to show up in one of these episodes, seeing as Christopher and Paulie "might have" killed him.


All and all i thought it was a decent episode and i think these are some key things that people should keep in mind for the remainder of the season.




I think you're right on some of them. The guy who hung himself i think will have no effect on Tony. Rather it shows how some of the men who remain soldiers probably regret their decision of joining the life as there is simply no way out.


Ray Curto (the guy you can't remember) was another break for Tony out of the endless breaks he has gotten over the years.


Tony won't die, but like Jackie Aprile, will not have as much control in the hospital and will have to leave Sylvio as acting boss since he is the Consigliere. As a result, most of the other captains will objective as Sylvio is not exactly the best candidate to be the boss. He doesn't have the influence that a man like Johnny Sac has.


I seriously think the fact that the Captains of the New Jersey crew are all weak, and only one has the true backing of the NY family will cause a rather violent war internally and might destroy the family. The fact that this is the case after 5 seasons of harmony makes this season a prospect of being a great season.

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I just have a feeling that it could end up like the whole dream episode from last season. That was freaking lame.


The entire series might end up being a dream/fantasy sequence akin to The Newart Show. As I can't help notice the intermingling of TV/movie clips recently which might come back that this entire series could be a sequence of Tony watching The Godfather and/or Analyze This and developing the whole idea in his head. Yet if they end the series like this it truly would have jumped the shark.



The funniest thing from last night was Bobby Baccala in the train hat and how miserable did Janice feel about having a kid?


Actually I thought the funniest moment was when Vito Spatfore grabbed a bread stick and put it in his mouth. It was really subtle but still very funny.


I think you're right on some of them.  The guy who hung himself i think will have no effect on Tony.  Rather it shows how some of the men who remain soldiers probably regret their decision of joining the life as there is simply no way out.

The reason that he hung himself is it was the only way he'd be able to let his family go to Florida. As although Tony said no he was still looking for a chance to go but the FBI denied him that too.


I felt the entire episode foreshadowed itself. I mean just before that guy went to the feds I knew he was going to and before he hung himself I knew that too. While Tony getting shot was a surprise if rewatch the show they mentioned a few times that about the possibility of Tony getting layed up so can't serve anymore or not being in charge in a year or two etc. Then of course the irony that it appeared Tony got shot in the stomach after the whole scale issue.


All and all I classify it as a good to very good episode but have heard mumblings that the next few episodes aren't as good.

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Actually I thought the funniest moment was when Vito Spatfore grabbed a bread stick and put it in his mouth. It was really subtle but still very funny.





Another was Christopher making fun of Phil Leotardo, to Tony, saying "those eyebrows!" Christopher has some pretty thick eyebrow action going too!

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