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$BILLIONS lost in the south


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I give in. I'm not going to labour my point.


To the people in Nwarlens who are suffering and are out of a home for some time - I'm sorry - I'm thinking of you. Don't let it beat you.




Something we both can I agree on.

Time to go to the red cross web site to donate money.


PS: Most americans would gladly give the shirt of their backs to help their friends in England. But a lot of us have had it with the hate being preached in the Islamic world. I heard one the London Bombers lived in England for 20 years. The whole time he and his family lived off of social programs paid for by english tax payers. A reflection of how we spead our resources is a needed thing...

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Excuse me, but I don't hear anyone bitching about the UK. We all love the UK here, and for good reason.


What some of us object to is giving aid to nations (aid that comes out of the taxpayers wallet) to nations that openly support anti-Americanism such as Indonesia. And this is the opportunity to point out the hypocrisy and greed of nations such as Indonesia.




I have to agree with JSP on this sentiment......


UK is our friend...no doubting that....but we continue to give aid to countries who take it like they deserve it and then spit in our face......there is no doubting that either......


I am not quite sure about the "you made your bed...lie in it"....what exactly does that mean?

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As a foreigner I thought I better weigh in:


I have recieved many kind words of support and condolence since the July terrorist attacks in London from Americans. Those words have been glady and gratefully recieved. So to the victims, family and friends of Katrina I offer my sincere condolences, prayers and hope for a swift return to normal.


In terms of Aid, both financial and humanitarian, large prosperous nations such as the US, UK, Germany, Australia, etc cannot realistically expect a large amount of aid from foreign countries. We are the ones with the money, so we have to make sure we look after ourselves properly.  I hope the UK is offering aid of some sort in this case, but chances are it will not be accepted or needed. The USA has remarkable resources at its fingertips that the rest of the world can only dream of - you'll use them to the best of your ability to fix up and move on.


Take our aid if you need it - take our condolences and prayers because we offer them.


Don't be isolationist - in times of crisis you need your friends, if only for a shoulder to cry on.



Nick, you have two very good points there...we have the resources to rebuild here, and I'm sure the victims gratefully accept your condolences and prayers.


I must give you my support and condolences for what happened in London...my brother has been there twice and worked near one of the subway stations where one of the explosions happened on 7/7. Fortunately, he was in the states on that date.


Andy (my brother) was also at the PATH train station under the World Trade Center when the first plane hit on 9/11.



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I have to agree with JSP on this sentiment......


UK is our friend...no doubting that....but we continue to give aid to countries who take it like they deserve it and then spit in our face......there is no doubting that either......


I am not quite sure about the "you made your bed...lie in it"....what exactly does that mean?


I meant that you guys made yourselves the only superpower. When nobody rushes to your aid you should just suck it up and get on with it. What aid do you realistically expect?

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I meant that you guys made yourselves the only superpower. When nobody rushes to your aid you should just suck it up and get on with it. What aid do you realistically expect?



I'm not expecting aid from third world countries. However, I would hope that countries like England, France, Japan, etc, would offer up something (even if we turn it down). Just because we CAN do it all, doesn't necessarily mean that others shouldn't help us out.


However, I have read several people here saying that other countries have offered and given condolenses. I havn't seen any of the links/articles, but if true that's good enough for me.


PS: I sure could go for some Cadbury WholeNut bars and Walker's crisps right about now... :P

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I hate to agree with JSP, but in this case..... Next time an earthquake splits some multisyllabic, multi vowel country, I would love to see our representative stand up at the podium and tell them that we will give as much aid and supplies as we received during the Katrina disaster.



No offense, but if one of Donald Trump's home's burned down, how much $$$ would you (or other TSW-ers) be sending him to rebuild?


The U.S. is the richest nation in the world (GDP Per Capita). Even though we give billions in foreign aid to other countries, I'm not sure we need anything from them in return.


The Gross State Product (value of all goods and services produced) of Lousiana and Mississippi represents 2% of the U.S. total. As bad a things are with the loss of life and property damage, this is something the U.S. can afford to handle.

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I'm not expecting aid from third world countries.  However, I would hope that countries like England, France, Japan, etc, would offer up something (even if we turn it down).  Just because we CAN do it all, doesn't necessarily mean that others shouldn't help us out.


However, I have read several people here saying that other countries have offered and given condolenses.  I havn't seen any of the links/articles, but if true that's good enough for me.


PS: I sure could go for some Cadbury WholeNut bars and Walker's crisps right about now...   :lol:



FYI: for all those crying about lack of aid


I just did a quick search of google news and found stories on Venezuela, Canada, Russia and Germany all offering. I am sure there is more but that was just the first page. :P

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I meant that you guys made yourselves the only superpower. When nobody rushes to your aid you should just suck it up and get on with it. What aid do you realistically expect?



How about just a goodwill offer of "If you need anything US we are here to help"


Nick....not to nitpick here....but from the way you worded that it made it sound like we should feel BAD that we are a superpower......that is kind of like a millionare should feel bad that he worked hard and did well for himself....and the US being a superpower has sure had its advantages for its allies over the years.........

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"We made our bed, now lie in it"


Sweet. Im looking forward to us taking this approach with the rest of the world when the situations are (one again) reversed.


Another Tsunami? No help from us. Hey.....youre a terrorist-harboring anti-American country....why should we help YOU....you made your bed...now go ask Achnad for some money.


Another train bombing? Hey....youve been a bunch of racist, imperialist !@#$s since the beginning of time. Youve made your bed.....now lie in it.


Another dictator with huge oil reserves holding a gun to the rest of the world.....YOU take care of it. Youve propped up his regime...YOU send Koffi-boy in to deal with it.


Hitler banging on your front door? YOURE the one who send a man in to promise "Peace in our Time". YOU made your bed.....YOU deal with him.


Nice logic, Nicky. But hey....we know.....America is "evil", we suck, were the sole reason the rest of the world is the way it is and EEEEVERYONE else is just peechy-keen good guys with great intentions. AMERICA BAD!!!! AMERICA BAD!!!!!!

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How about just a goodwill offer of "If you need anything US we are here to help"


Nick....not to nitpick here....but from the way you worded that it made it sound like we should feel BAD that we are a superpower......that is kind of like a millionare should feel bad that he worked hard and did well for himself....and the US being a superpower has sure had its advantages for its allies over the years.........


You shouldn't feel bad - but you also shouldn't EXPECT other people to help you out because you gave them a helping hand. You guys done good - but now take care of home, it is what you're best at!


Good luck! Me and the rest of the UK are here is ya need us... figuratively speaking anyway - there are professionals......

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FYI: for all those crying about lack of aid


I just did a quick search of google news and found stories on Venezuela, Canada, Russia and Germany all offering. I am sure there is more but that was just the first page. :P




Oh come on, why bother researching the facts when it's so much more fun to just whine about a perceived lack of caring from the rest of the world? :lol:



This thread is sinking fast...

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FYI: for all those crying about lack of aid


I just did a quick search of google news and found stories on Venezuela, Canada, Russia and Germany all offering. I am sure there is more but that was just the first page. :P




Wow, look at the islamic countries on that list!

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"We made our bed, now lie in it"


Sweet. Im looking forward to us taking this approach with the rest of the world when the situations are (one again) reversed.


Another Tsunami? No help from us. Hey.....youre a terrorist-harboring anti-American country....why should we help YOU....you made your bed...now go ask Achnad for some money.


Another train bombing? Hey....youve been a bunch of racist, imperialist !@#$s since the beginning of time. Youve made your bed.....now lie in it.


Another dictator with huge oil reserves holding a gun to the rest of the world.....YOU take care of it. Youve propped up his regime...YOU send Koffi-boy in to deal with it.


Hitler banging on your front door? YOURE the one who send a man in to promise "Peace in our Time". YOU made your bed.....YOU deal with him.


Nice logic, Nicky.......



AMERICA: OK World. We are in charge here now. Do as you are told and eveything will be fine.


WORLD: OK, no problem.


<NATURAL DISASTER hits AMERICA. AMERICA busies itself with fixing things. World looks on with concern.>


AMERICA (mad): Hey world - why aren't you helping us?


WORLD (scared): You didn't tell us to.


See what I am getting at?? Ignoring the fact that aid HAS been offered, and gladly, what you guys fail to understand is that you are the greatest nation on earth and can deal with this like no other country..

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You shouldn't feel bad - but you also shouldn't EXPECT other people to help you out because you gave them a helping hand. You guys done good - but now take care of home, it is what you're best at!


Good luck! Me and the rest of the UK are here is ya need us... figuratively speaking anyway - there are professionals......





Why are we giving aid? To generally help out or throw it back in other's face when they don't help us.


From a lot here, it sounds like the later.


YOU HELP BECAUSE YOU WANT TO HELP. You should expect NOTHING in return.

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Let's use an example of a neighborhood to explain this.  There was a storm.  A tree in Mr. Smith's yard fell down.  Mr. Jones, his next door neighbor, has no damage to his yard.  Now would it make sense for Mr. Smith to be pissed off that when he woke up and saw the fallen tree that Mr. Jones wasn't already out there chopping it up?  No, if he wanted his help with taking care of it he'd give him a call and ask him nicely and offer him some beer when they're done.  People don't always know what to do unless they're asked.



You missed the point. In the last storm when Mr. Jones's house was hit by a tree, Mr. Smith was the first one there and paid for a tree removal service and carpenter to fix the damage. If I was Mr. Smith, I'd be a little perturbed as Mr. Jones can't be bothered to stoop over his rail fence and say, "Hell of a storm. Here, have a beer. Need to borrow my power saw?" Mr. Smith shouldn't have to knock on the door.


So as I understand it, several here are saying that b/c we in the U.S. have a good economy that is the collective of people working their butts off 60 hours a week, that our resources and money gained while working those hours should be given away for free to others who will gladly take our aid and then spit in our face? Maybe they should get off their butts from their afternoon siestas and tea and smoking clubs so their economy can withstand a hit too, instead of depending on others to bail them out.

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