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Jets new stadium rejected

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This reinforces the fact that only three people (Assembly Speaker Democrat Sheldon Silver, Republican Gov. George Pataki and State Senate Republican Majority Leader Joseph Bruno) run NY STATE.


Why bother having all these layors of government - from the Town, City, County, to the State when only three guys in a room can make a decision. No wonder taxes are high - the state is business-UN-friendly - union intensive and residents leave.


Wake up people - things have got to change in NYS - from the union to the politicos - this state is continuing to go downhill, FAST.


I think www.freebuffalo.org is on to something. (Free Buffalo. . . from big government, political machines

and special interests. Because 45 straight years of economic and cultural decline are enough!


(And no, I have nothing to do with the orgnization - just admire the mission.)

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New York Board Rejects NYC Stadium Plan


Jun 6, 6:10 PM (ET)




ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - New York City's bid to host the 2012 Summer Olympics suffered a setback Monday when a powerful state board rejected critical public funding for a $2 billion stadium on Manhattan's West side.


The state Public Authorities Control Board vote came after Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver came out against the plan for $300 million in public funding for the stadium that would also be home to the New York Jets.


The state board could reconsider the issue again later. But without Silver's support, the state funding cannot move forward.


"This plan is at best, premature," Silver said, indicating he was willing to continue talking about the issue.


Mayor Michael Bloomberg had heavily lobbied Silver in recent days for support of the stadium.


"If we don't have a stadium, we cannot get the Olympics," Bloomberg said after Silver's announcement. "I had not been able to persuade him."


The mayor said he would talk with members of the U.S. Olympic Committee about how to proceed.


Silver said the West Side stadium project and its related commercial development would hamper efforts to redevelop lower Manhattan, which he represents, in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that brought down the World Trade Center towers.


"Am I to sell out the community I have fought for?" Silver said at a state Capitol news conference. The speaker renewed his call for officials to consider putting the stadium in Queens.


The Democrat's decision was announced less than an hour before the meeting of the Public Authorities Control Board. Silver, Republican Gov. George Pataki and state Senate Republican Majority Leader Joseph Bruno each have a voting representative on the three-member PACB. Its actions must be unanimous.


The PACB meeting, which was scheduled to begin at 3 p.m., didn't get underway until almost 5:30 p.m. The delay was caused in part by the presence of more than 100 highly vocal stadium supporters and by continued behind-the-scene talks that dragged on through the afternoon.


In the end, the board brought up the plan, but only Pataki's representative voted for it. Representatives of Silver and Bruno abstained.


While Pataki has been a stadium backer, Bruno and Silver had remained on the fence.


Earlier Monday, Bruno had said he was willing to have the state board approve the stadium funding contingent on the International Olympic Committee approving New York City's bid at its July 6 site selection session in Singapore. He offered that as an amendment at the PACB meeting, but the motion failed to gain a second.

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That and the fact that the Jets won't join the Snyder, Jones, etc. side in the fight for the new CBA. On July 6, the Olympic Committee will choose an olympic site. No stadium plan, no olympics and no olympics, no stadium.

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That and the fact that the Jets won't join the Snyder, Jones, etc. side in the fight for the new CBA.  On July 6, the Olympic Committee will choose an olympic site.  No stadium plan, no olympics and no olympics, no stadium.

As I mentioned in the other thread, Bruno was only going to vote yes if the IOC awarded the 2012 Olympics to NYC. So why take a vote before they made the decision? Frankly I hope the IOC chooses someone else (Paris) soon and just nails the final coffin in this whole farce.

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Thats very good for the Bills when it comes time for them to get a stadium in 8 to 10 years. For once maybe NY state's money won't be tied up downstate.


Yeah, like 5 years ago when they gave how much state money for the Ralph??? I'm sure you were up in arms about that. $300 million for that stadium makes more sense financially than the $ they gave the ralph....(though neither really "make sense")

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Sorry I didn't see the previous post. Other news re: the IOC report which gave rave reviews for Paris and "cited the continuing uncertainty over the New York stadium project, noting "no guarantees were provided" to ensure that the stadium and an international broadcasting center would be built."


I never thought I'd be rooting for Paris to get the olympics!!

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I am not against the Jets getting a new stadium. What bothered me was the cost to the taxpayers. Two BILLION for a stadium is obscene in it's own right and a $300 million bill to taxpayers is even more obscene. If they wanted a $2 billion dollar stadium in Manhatthan, than finance it privately, not with my money or your money. WNY taxpayers should not have to foot part of the bill when the stadium is 450 miles away and we already have a team and a stadium here, not to mention our own problems with taxes in Erie County.


I also don't like the idea of the Olympics in NYC. They may as well have called it "Terrorist Convention 2012". The cost for security alone would be in the hundreds of millions and who pays for that? The taxpayers in New York STATE.


Why can't the fat cats and big shots in NYC kick in a few bucks each for the stadium? Donald Trump could have kicked in a couple hundred million for the naming rights on his own. I can see the name in gold already: "Apprentice Field at Trump Stadium"

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This reinforces the fact that only three people (Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Republican Gov. George Pataki and State Senate Republican Majority Leader Joseph Bruno) run NY STATE. 


Perhaps just a simple omission on your part, but you go out of your way to call attention to the fact that the Gov. and majority leader are rebublicans, what about Silver? Is he an independent?

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Thats very good for the Bills when it comes time for them to get a stadium in 8 to 10 years. For once maybe NY state's money won't be tied up downstate.



You may be right, but I wouldn't be too sure. The fact is that Mr. Wilson is poor compared to Woody Johnson, and in all probability, ANY owner of the Bills will likely have far less resources.

The Bills, not the jests are one of the teams rumored to be leaving town, and will probably need/seek help in the near future.


Truthfully, I have no real opinion on the stadium. It WOULD have created a lot of jobs, and brought pro football back to NYC (not that I would go to see it). Do I like my taxes being used to fund the jests? No.

I guess my opinion would be based on the economic pros and cons, about which I don't know enough about to comment, other than that jobs are a good thing.

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