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Supreme Court allows prosecution of

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This ruling is a great relief. We can't have people self-medicating with natural substances in this country. It is immoral, unnatural, and leads to stronger illegal drugs.


Thank you Supreme Court for Standing Up for America!



the pharmaceutical industry

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This says it all for me:


"Under the Constitution, Congress may pass laws regulating a state's economic activity so long as it involves "interstate commerce" that crosses state borders. The California marijuana in question was homegrown, distributed to patients without charge and without crossing state lines."


The Fed should BACK OFF! :lol:

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This says it all for me:


"Under the Constitution, Congress may pass laws regulating a state's economic activity so long as it involves "interstate commerce" that crosses state borders. The California marijuana in question was homegrown, distributed to patients without charge and without crossing state lines."


The Fed should BACK OFF!  :lol:



The interstate commerce clause has been abused more than Paris Hilton's, um.. nevermind.

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The interstate commerce clause has been abused more than Paris Hilton's, um.. nevermind.




pot is jsut as bad as alcohol, but not as deadly as cigarettes.


why cant the government cahrge the doctor who perscribed the pot to begin with?


but are there medical uses of pot? maybe. i know alot that would want to be in that study.. :lol:

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This says it all for me:


"Under the Constitution, Congress may pass laws regulating a state's economic activity so long as it involves "interstate commerce" that crosses state borders. The California marijuana in question was homegrown, distributed to patients without charge and without crossing state lines."


The Fed should BACK OFF!  :lol:



Better still:


Amendment X -

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


The judicial system (yes, I'm including the Supremes) has become a joke. They're making schit up as they go along now...

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The judicial system (yes, I'm including the Supremes) has become a joke. They're making schit up as they go along now...




Actually, the Supreme Court has been doing that since it's inception. Making it up as they go along is nothing new.

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The Supreme Court is leaning on the legislature to enact the law that would permit medincinal use. This ruling by the court only makes it more likely that Congress will force NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse, primarily responsible for blocking medicinal marijuana research by refusing to provide its marijuana to FDA-approved scientists) to change its stance.

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They need to smoke a bowl and chill out...


But in all seriousness Marijuana can be used for a variety of illnesses and to not recognize its medicinal value is ridiculous.


After I broke my wrist last year they gave me Tylenol 3 with codeine. After writhing in pain for 2 straight nights, and being denied by my doctor for a stronger pain reliever I decided to visit the local street pharmacist. The relief was enough to get threw those first few days of intense pain and that was that.


No addiction, no immediate side effects, and no long term consequences. The only legit beef you could make is the negatives of smoke inhalation. But nowadays they make vaporizers so that doesn't even have to be an issue anymore.


But I suppose it would be in the people’s best interests to prescribe more powerful unnatural drugs with very little information about their long term consequences.


For once can't it be about the people and not the money?

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The interstate commerce clause has been abused more than Paris Hilton's, um.. nevermind.



Not to split hairs, but nothing in the article (other than a reference to the constitution) suggested that the argument for federal jurisdiction was based on interstate commerce.


It sounds to me like that was not the rational (but I don't know anything else about the ruling).

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familydoctor.com (a site obviously against marijuana) lists the side effects of marijuana as:


# Trouble remembering things

# Sleepiness

# Anxiety

# Paranoia (feeling that people are “out to get you”)

# Altered time perception


From Cancerhelp.org, the side effects of some of the cancer drugs I randomly picked from a list of hundreds:



Hair Loss

Skin Rash

Peeling of skin

Sore Mouth

Loss of appetite

sensitivity to sun

loss of fertility

temporary damage to heart tissues

loss of taste


inflamation of the lungs

jaw pain


difficulty emptying the bladder


open sores in the mouth

kidney damage



My point? Well, I understand that Chemo is a potential cure and Marijuana is not. However, WHO THE HELL is the supreme court to tell people who have any or all of the side effects from cancer drugs (or just the pain from cancer(s) anyway) that they can't smoke a joint to make themselves feel better?


A politician on the news tonight said "there's no medicinal herione, so there's no medicinal marijuana"...


wow, this man needs to pick up a book, or maybe ever better, smoke a bowl.


I quit smoking weed for good almost a year ago, but anyone who thinks it is more dangerous than alcohol is kidding themselves and has either never smoked it, or never been around people who have...


sad, sad situation

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Better still:


Amendment X -

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


The judicial system (yes, I'm including the Supremes) has become a joke. They're making schit up as they go along now...



It's not often I find myself agreeing with any of Gavin's non-football posts, but Amen brother!

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this topic's already been on PPP, so i'll just go ahead and post the same thing here that i did there....



Well I don't know but I've been told, you never slow down, you never grow old.

I'm tired of screwin' up, tired of goin' down,

Tired of myself, tired of this town,

Oh my, my, oh hell yes - Honey put on that party dress.

Buy me a drink, sing me a song,

Take me as I come . cause I can't stay long.


Last dance with Mary Jane, one more time to kill the pain.

I feel summer creepin' in and I'm tired of this town again.

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A politician on the news tonight said "there's no medicinal herione, so there's no medicinal marijuana"...


wow, this man needs to pick up a book, or maybe ever better, smoke a bowl.


I quit smoking weed for good almost a year ago, but anyone who thinks it is more dangerous than alcohol is kidding themselves and has either never smoked it, or never been around people who have...


sad, sad situation



Heroine? Jesus what is wrong with this guy. While equally dense it’s easier to compare alcohol and heroine then it is to compare marijuana and heroine.


But their will always be those people, most completely lacking in life experiences and common sense, that classify all drugs as the same.

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Heroine? Jesus what is wrong with this guy. While equally dense it’s easier to compare alcohol and heroine then it is to compare marijuana and heroine. 


But their will always be those people, most completely lacking in life experiences and common sense, that classify all drugs as the same.


theres no medicinal heroin? I guess that guy never heard of Oxycontin

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Ah.........another victory for the moral majority.


I wonder how many of these people in the supreme court know someone with MS who only feels good if he's smoking marijuana. I do. The guy can barely walk and is in pain all the time and smokes weed to feel better. It works for him and I know it works for others with horrible diseases. Who the hell are these people to tell someone they can't ease their pain?

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Ah.........another victory for the moral majority.


I wonder how many of these people in the supreme court know someone with MS who only feels good if he's smoking marijuana.  I do.  The guy can barely walk and is in pain all the time and smokes weed to feel better.  It works for him and I know it works for others with horrible diseases.  Who the hell are these people to tell someone they can't ease their pain?


I bet if you polled the moral majority the vast majority would legalize marijuana.

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One of the medications I used to take for MS warned that if I was considering suicide, I should contact my doctor immediately. :lol: It required skin popping a drug that I had to mix myself, and was like taking an IV of the flu. It took almost three months to build a tolerance to the side effects. :w00t:


Another med I take now for anxiety and stress has made me a drug addict, and it will be a long and difficult withdrawal some day. I am not a regular pot smoker now, but back when I smoked a few hits every evening, I NEVER considered suicide, was not addicted, and the worse side effect was giggling at stupid things, understanding the words to that song from Pink Floyd's Umma Gumma (you know the one I mean), and a bad case of the munchies. :w00t:


Now THOSE are serious side effects. :w00t:


familydoctor.com (a site obviously against marijuana) lists the side effects of marijuana as:


# Trouble remembering things

# Sleepiness

# Anxiety

# Paranoia (feeling that people are “out to get you”)

# Altered time perception


From Cancerhelp.org, the side effects of some of the cancer drugs I randomly picked from a list of hundreds:



Hair Loss

Skin Rash

Peeling of skin

Sore Mouth

Loss of appetite

sensitivity to sun

loss of fertility

temporary damage to heart tissues

loss of taste


inflamation of the lungs

jaw pain


difficulty emptying the bladder


open sores in the mouth

kidney damage

My point? Well, I understand that Chemo is a potential cure and Marijuana is not. However, WHO THE HELL is the supreme court to tell people who have any or all of the side effects from cancer drugs (or just the pain from cancer(s) anyway) that they can't smoke a joint to make themselves feel better?


A politician on the news tonight said "there's no medicinal herione, so there's no medicinal marijuana"...


wow, this man needs to pick up a book, or maybe ever better, smoke a bowl.


I quit smoking weed for good almost a year ago, but anyone who thinks it is more dangerous than alcohol is kidding themselves and has either never smoked it, or never been around people who have...


sad, sad situation


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