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New York Considering Legalizing "Magic Mushrooms"


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9 hours ago, Tiberius said:



I saw a report on HBO--Bryant Gumble's show I think--where athletes with head injuries were experimenting with this and they said it was working with them to fight depression and clear up their brains. 

I've had a lot of concussions playing football


My head's absolutely been dinged up and Ive battled with depression in the past 


Magic mushrooms.. literally doing it once.. I felt like it healed my brain and It honestly made my head feel better

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16 minutes ago, Pete said:

touche  but that was not big pharma- the best was made by Owsley Stanley

From July 12-27, 2007 RS:

‘Later that year, a friend gave Owsley 400 micrograms of pure LSD manufactured by Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland, where Dr. Albert Hofmann had first synthesized the drug in 1938.’

Though Owsley said that he and his Chemist friend Cargill stated they would try to make acid that was “at least as good or better than any pharmaceutical firm.” all they did (and many others) was to replicate Hofmann’s published paper’s on LSD-25 synthesis. Owsley’s product was synthesized very well as he created Bear Research Group and obtained lysergic monohydrate, the precursor for LSD-25, which was only available to serious research groups.

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20 hours ago, muppy said:

The most memorable was taking them and going to see Walt Disneys Fantasia...........I wonder if walts artists did some shrooms before they made that movie??


I was in a class once and, I'm not sure how, but Fantasia came up in conversation. Some students said they didn't "get it." The professor replied in an authoritative, professorial tone, "Well, there are ways to see that movie, and there are better ways to see that movie." Half of the class laughed while the others just had puzzled looks on their faces. My wife and I went to see it about 30 years ago, when it was re-released in theaters. She wanted to go, but I had a feeling we'd be the only adults there without a child in tow. I was right. We did put on a nice herbal buzz before the show, though.


To the topic, many psychedelics have shown evidence of therapeutic value in treating mental disorders, especially in small doses (microdoses.) It's only because of the insane "War on Drugs" that medical research hasn't been able to explore them to their fullest.



Edited by WhoTom
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21 hours ago, Pete said:

Mother Nature provides.  Big pharma can never replicate mother nature


That depends. I certainly agree that natural remedies that work are preferable to lab-borne pharmaceuticals, but there are some things that nature doesn't treat/prevent/cure. As with anything, use the right tool for the job.

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