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Impeachment Hearings Open In House Of Representatives


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On 3/25/2019 at 12:05 PM, Deranged Rhino said:

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That Nadler is a cool cat. I like how he is slow rolling all this out so we get a "sweeping and sustained effort" to expose the lawlessness and unpatriotic actions of this president and those that surround him. Keep up the good work!

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The House Oversight Committee moved Tuesday to hold a former White House personnel security director in contempt of Congress for failing to appear at a hearing investigating alleged lapses in White House security clearance procedures.

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said he would consult with the House counsel and members of the panel about scheduling a vote on contempt for former White House personnel security director Carl Kline. At the instruction of the White House, Kline failed to show up for scheduled testimony on security clearances.

The move marks a dramatic escalation of tensions between Congress and the Trump White House, which is increasingly resisting requests for information from Capitol Hill.

“The White House and Mr. Kline now stand in open defiance of a duly authorized congressional subpoena with no assertion of any privilege of any kind by President Trump,” Cummings said in a statement. “Based on these actions, it appears that the President believes that the Constitution does not apply to his White House, that he may order officials at will to violate their legal obligations, and that he may obstruct attempts by Congress to conduct oversight.”




So the White House is stonewalling on the security clearances now. This is the same White House aided by the Russians that sought help from the Russians, and they are saying its none of congresses business how they had out access to the top secrets in our government. This is the same White House that is holding secret meetings with Vlad Putin, where no one in our governments seems to know what these two were talking about.


Will not be surprised in the least if jail sentences get handed out over issues related to this.

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Sure, let's just end this practice of ...well..Congress. The road to dictatorship continues one step at a time. This is crazy. Trump has decided checks and balances is for losers.





President Trump on Tuesday said he is opposed to current and former White House aides providing testimony to congressional panels in the wake of the special counsel report, intensifying a power struggle between his administration and House Democrats.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Trump said that complying with congressional requests was unnecessary after the White House cooperated with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe of Russian interference and the president’s own conduct in office.

“There is no reason to go any further, and especially in Congress where it’s very partisan — obviously very partisan,” Trump said.

Trump’s comments came as the White House made it clear that it plans to broadly defy requests for information from Capitol Hill, moving the two branches of government closer to a constitutional collision.



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The documents are at the bottom of the post.

Trumps sue to quash Deutsche Bank, Capital One subpoenas

Deutsche Bank has continued to lend money to the president when other banks have refused. Trump wrote a check to Michael Cohen on his Capital One account.


The suit alleges that Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff and Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters, both D-Calif., have refused to provide the Trumps with copies of the subpoenas, "preventing them from even knowing, let alone negotiating, the subpoenas' scope or breadth."


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Hey, it's only national security clearances, why should the American public know know why these were handed out to people who were denied them by the career professions? Oh ya, deep state excrement excuse





The White House said Wednesday that it will not authorize any executive branch officials to disclose to Congress information about individual security clearances, a move that House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) called “the latest example of the president’s widespread and growing obstruction of Congress.”

The Oversight panel has been examining the administration’s handling of security clearances and allegations that officials, including presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner, were granted access to sensitive information over the objections of career staff.

The investigation has led to an angry and escalating standoff between the House committee and the White House, which accused the panel in a letter Wednesday of “advancing a partisan political agenda.”




Most transparent administration ever! 

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On 4/23/2019 at 10:37 PM, Koko78 said:

This new strategy by the left is hilarious. Collusion didn't work, so now it's on to "Trump's a dictator because he's mean to us and won't let us get him THIS time!!!!111"


must be sad as they see the royal ass-kicking coming in the 2020 elections, hopefully losing the House for 20 years as well


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32 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


Looks like the left has its new boogie man. No more collusion. Let's get his taxes.


Trump should say he'll release his taxes after Obama releases his college transcripts.


Trump's taxes are in audit anyway so they can't be released.

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On 5/1/2019 at 12:10 PM, row_33 said:


must be sad as they see the royal ass-kicking coming in the 2020 elections, hopefully losing the House for 20 years as well


Yes, but I will say the attempted coup did net them the midterms this time. I hope the short term gain is at the cost of the long game.

41 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


Looks like the left has its new boogie man. No more collusion. Let's get his taxes.


Trump should say he'll release his taxes after Obama releases his college transcripts.

I'm willing to bet Donald's tax returns are a lot less suspicious than Waters, Pelosi or any of the other democratic/communist slobs returns.

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1 minute ago, Dante said:

Yes, but I will say the attempted coup did net them the midterms this time. I hope the short term gain is at the cost of the long game.


I believe it is. The main reason they got control is because the people behind/around Trump purged the GOP prior to the elections of (almost) all the bad actors. 40+ congressmen decided not to run, including heavyweights like Ryan. This wasn't a fluke or an accident -- they were given the option to step down early and avoid the spotlight, or go down publicly with the rest. 


The Senate was the more important midterm target for the larger picture. Retaining the Senate, especially the judiciary committee, was key for what's coming next. The House committees can hold hearings and create headlines, but they're powerless to do anything of substance. Unlike the Senate. 


After 2020 I think there's a very high chance the DNC loses the House and Oval. 


That'll give Trump 2 years to really work unimpeded by the bad actors (there will still be political/partisan opposition, but not the nefarious sort we've seen).


(imo of course / reading tea leaves)

14 minutes ago, McGee Return TD said:


Trump's taxes are in audit anyway so they can't be released.


If there was anything wrong with them, the IRS would have already let the world know in 2015/2016. This whole sideshow is for the lesser informed partisans out there, it's really irrelevant. 

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