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Drama Queens Drama Queens Drama Queens


This country is just about to hear the toilet flush


Im not going to get into the battle of this womans life or death fight. But come on folks. THIS HAPPENS EVERY DAY! EVERY SINGLE DAY SOME HUMAN IN THIS WORLD IS TAKEN OFF LIFE SUPPORT OR THEIR FEEDING TUBE IS REMOVED. Some times its elder folks, sometimes its children. It is sometimes a blessing for the person suffering. I had to watch my father in law suffer and rot away from cancer for 4 years. I watched that great human go from 180 pounds to just around 65 pounds before he passed on. I prayed everyday for God to take that man to a better place!



There is no need for hundreds or thousands of people to gather around for weeks in protest. Crying and laying on the street thowing fits. Do these people have jobs? Give me a friggin break! Hey freedom of speech, its great! But give me a break. 99% of these idiots are the same people who protested the war, protest abortion, protest aids, protest this and protest that. Then we have these doctors and lawyers out there giving these ass backward interviews and crap looking for a book deal. Now, every time I go to find a new book to read, Ill have to crawl past the 10000000000's of books on everyones 2 cents about a woman they dont know or never met. Just like I do now, I have to crawl past 10000000000000000000's of books on Scott and Lacy Peterson from people who don’t know $^*&%^ !!!!! Im still crawling past books on OJ for Gods sake.


Bottom line here... Im not being cold hearted but why does this country need all the friggin drama? The media is just out of control with this stuff and the common person just feeds off the crap. And everyone is looking to profit off anothers suffering.

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check out the video on the right side of the page if you wish...

Drama Queens Drama Queens Drama Queens


This country is just about to hear the toilet flush  


Im not going to get into the battle of this womans life or death fight.  But come on folks.  THIS HAPPENS EVERY DAY!   EVERY SINGLE DAY SOME HUMAN IN THIS WORLD IS TAKEN OFF LIFE SUPPORT OR THEIR FEEDING TUBE IS REMOVED.  Some times its elder folks, sometimes its children.  It is sometimes a blessing for the person suffering.  I had to watch my father in law suffer and rot away from cancer for 4 years.  I watched that great human go from 180 pounds to just around 65 pounds before he passed on.  I prayed everyday for God to take that man to a better place!

There is no need for hundreds or thousands of people to gather around for weeks in protest. Crying and laying on the street thowing fits.  Do these people have jobs?  Give me a friggin break!  Hey freedom of speech, its great!  But give me a break.  99% of these idiots are the same people who protested the war, protest abortion, protest aids, protest this and protest that.  Then we have these doctors and lawyers out there giving these ass backward interviews and crap looking for a book deal.  Now, every time I go to find a new book to read, Ill have to crawl past the 10000000000's of books on this woman and everyones 2 cents.  Just like I do now, I have to crawl past 10000000000000000000's of books on Scott and Lacy Peterson from people who don’t know $^*&%^ !!!!!  Im still crawling past books on OJ for Gods sake.


Bottom line here...  Im not being cold hearted but why does this country need all the friggin drama?  The media is just out of control with this stuff and the common person just feeds off the crap.  Any everyone is looking to profit off anothers suffering.



There apparently was some very weird stuff going down about this woman's medical care the last few years. Her husband stopped allowing speech therapy or rehab therapy for her in 1993, coincidentally the same year he started dating his current girfriend that he has 2 children by.


If you believe the 3 nurses out there that have been discussing Michael Shiavo's treatment of Terri, then you have to wonder what kind of "loving husband" he was.

He chose not tell anyone of Terri's wish to die under these circumstances until 4 years ago.


If a number of people are appalled enough at the potential for scandal here to want to hold signs up at the hospice then I think they have that right. If it bothers you to see it, change the channel.

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There apparently was some very weird stuff going down about this woman's medical care the last few years.  Her husband stopped allowing speech therapy or rehab therapy for her in 1993, coincidentally the same year he started dating his current girfriend that he has 2 children by.


If you believe the 3 nurses out there that have been discussing Michael Shiavo's treatment of Terri, then you have to wonder what kind of "loving husband" he was.

He chose not tell anyone of Terri's wish to die under these circumstances until 4 years ago. 


If a number of people are appalled enough at the potential for scandal here to want to hold signs up at the hospice then I think they have that right.  If it bothers you to see it, change the channel.




Here we go....


Weird stuff, Corrupt husband, dating, illegal kids....






The Drama heartbeat of America!

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check out the video on the right side of the page if you wish...

Drama Queens Drama Queens Drama Queens


This country is just about to hear the toilet flush 


Im not going to get into the battle of this womans life or death fight.  But come on folks.  THIS HAPPENS EVERY DAY!  EVERY SINGLE DAY SOME HUMAN IN THIS WORLD IS TAKEN OFF LIFE SUPPORT OR THEIR FEEDING TUBE IS REMOVED.  Some times its elder folks, sometimes its children.  It is sometimes a blessing for the person suffering.  I had to watch my father in law suffer and rot away from cancer for 4 years.  I watched that great human go from 180 pounds to just around 65 pounds before he passed on.  I prayed everyday for God to take that man to a better place!

There is no need for hundreds or thousands of people to gather around for weeks in protest. Crying and laying on the street thowing fits.  Do these people have jobs?  Give me a friggin break!  Hey freedom of speech, its great!  But give me a break.  99% of these idiots are the same people who protested the war, protest abortion, protest aids, protest this and protest that.  Then we have these doctors and lawyers out there giving these ass backward interviews and crap looking for a book deal.  Now, every time I go to find a new book to read, Ill have to crawl past the 10000000000's of books on everyones 2 cents about a woman they dont know or never met.  Just like I do now, I have to crawl past 10000000000000000000's of books on Scott and Lacy Peterson from people who don’t know $^*&%^ !!!!!  Im still crawling past books on OJ for Gods sake.


Bottom line here...  Im not being cold hearted but why does this country need all the friggin drama?  The media is just out of control with this stuff and the common person just feeds off the crap.  And everyone is looking to profit off anothers suffering.




Sorry the world has become so depressing for you and that these media figures have become such a distraction during your daily frolic.

Here's a cure for you.....just cease all eating and drinking. No more of all this misery.


This country didn't become great by people sitting on their hands and being apathetic. You should be proud that Americans are such passionate individuals and that we're legally provided the freedoms to express ourselves. There are a lot of places in this world where free thinking outspoken voices are quickly silenced by the ruling powers. Regardless of your view on the Shiavo case or other matters, you should be proud that your voice can be heard if that is your choice.


As far as the books go, well, a free market is dictated by supply and demand. If people choose to read them, why does it bother you that they're available?

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check out the video on the right side of the page if you wish...

I had to watch my father in law suffer and rot away from cancer for 4 years.  I watched that great human go from 180 pounds to just around 65 pounds before he passed on.  I prayed everyday for God to take that man to a better place!



I also posted on another thread here, my dad went into a diabetic coma for 4+ months, went from about 190 to about 100# before he died. What a joke. Dying pets and death row convicts are dealt with much more humanely.


Bush is a frickin' joke too. Him and "culture of life" and he is going to keep all these veggies alive forever. His medical programs can't be financed as it is. Join the real world, and oh yeah, how many 1,000's died in HIS war?

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check out the video on the right side of the page if you wish...

Bottom line here...  Im not being cold hearted but why does this country need all the friggin drama?  The media is just out of control with this stuff and the common person just feeds off the crap.  And everyone is looking to profit off anothers suffering.



You must have missed the last few years, where "news" and "reality TV" have replaced entertainment programing in America. It's a hell of a lot cheaper to make stories out of "real" people's pain/joy/embarasment than it is to pay actors, directors, scriptwriters to produce anything.


The Teri Schivo story was great filler between ads for Zantrex and iPod's over the last month. Next week, it'll be something else. The media don't care what the story is...they've got time slots to fill.


Best to just ignore TV and national media outlets and not support what passes for "journalism" today.

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check out the video on the right side of the page if you wish...

Drama Queens Drama Queens Drama Queens


This country is just about to hear the toilet flush 



There is no need for hundreds or thousands of people to gather around for weeks in protest. Crying and laying on the street thowing fits.  Do these people have jobs?  Give me a friggin break!  Hey freedom of speech, its great!  But give me a break.  99% of these idiots are the same people who protested the war, protest abortion, protest aids, protest this and protest that.  Then we have these doctors and lawyers out there giving these ass backward interviews and crap looking for a book deal. 


Bottom line here...  Im not being cold hearted but why does this country need all the friggin drama?  The media is just out of control with this stuff and the common person just feeds off the crap.  And everyone is looking to profit off anothers suffering.



Hey navy, a few weeks back you were the one who was crying that the Government wasn't doing enough to help people out, and they needed to be more involved in our every day lives. Those same people you speak about not having jobs and protesting are the same ones you felt did not recieve enough benefits for NOT working..


I can longer understand what you want. I am sure the banks have a role in this whole thing as they control the country right?

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There is no need for hundreds or thousands of people to gather around for weeks in protest. Crying and laying on the street thowing fits.  Do these people have jobs?  Give me a friggin break!  Hey freedom of speech, its great!  But give me a break.  99% of these idiots are the same people who protested the war, protest abortion, protest aids, protest this and protest that.


I have a couple of questions for all the people who were protesting....do you people have jobs? If so, why were you not at them? If not, why not? And how in the hell are you supporting yourselves?


Seriously, even if I felt very strongly about an issue, there is no way I could tell my boss I'm taking a few weeks off to go protest. Utterly ridiculous.

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Hey navy, a few weeks back you were the one who was crying that the Government wasn't doing enough to help people out, and they needed to be more involved in our every day lives.  Those same people you speak about not having jobs and protesting are the same ones you felt did not recieve enough benefits for NOT working..


I can longer understand what you want. I am sure the banks have a role in this whole thing as they control the country right?



DING! fries are done!

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Sorry the world has become so depressing for you and that these media figures have become such a distraction during your daily frolic.

Here's a cure for you.....just cease all eating and drinking. No more of all this misery.


This country didn't become great by people sitting on their hands and being apathetic. You should be proud that Americans are such passionate individuals and that we're legally provided the freedoms to express ourselves. There are a lot of places in this world where free thinking outspoken voices are quickly silenced by the ruling powers. Regardless of your view on the Shiavo case or other matters, you should be proud that your voice can be heard if that is your choice.


As far as the books go, well, a free market is dictated by supply and demand. If people choose to read them, why does it bother you that they're available?


Give me a break! The "free market" is a bunch of weak minded people that swallow whatever kind of crap the 24 hour news channels shovel.

Did you ever notice how the quality of movies fell off a cliff when they started opening 40 screen googleplexes. Any sorry crap was made just to fill the screens.

Pathetically news has become the same. Too many stations, not enough news so we manufacture it.

The Petersons? 100s of people are murdered every day, but this becomes "news" because the charecters are compelling. The idiot masses turn off Jerry Springer or whatever reality show their watching switch over to the news and feel enlightened because they are watching and interested in "current events"


You say we should be proud that Americans are so passionate, I say I'm embarrased that there are so many idiots out there ready to jump onto whatever cause, protest, or bandwagon their news channel of choice tells them is important today.

There was a couple "juggling for Jesus" outside of Terri Schivo's Hospice the last few days. JUGGLING FOR JESUS for God's sake!


Excuse me while I go salute the toilet, at least the crap in there isn't pretending to be something it isn't

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Give me a break! The "free market" is a bunch of weak minded people that swallow whatever kind of crap the 24 hour news channels shovel.

Did you ever notice how the quality of movies fell off a cliff when they started opening 40 screen googleplexes. Any sorry crap was made just to fill the screens.

Pathetically news has become the same. Too many stations, not enough news so we manufacture it.

The Petersons? 100s of people are murdered every day, but this becomes "news" because the charecters are compelling. The idiot masses turn off Jerry Springer or whatever reality show their watching switch over to the news and feel enlightened because they are watching and interested in "current events"


You say we should be proud that Americans are so passionate, I say I'm embarrased that there are so many idiots out there ready to jump onto whatever cause, protest, or bandwagon their news channel of choice tells them is important today.

There was a couple "juggling for Jesus" outside of Terri Schivo's Hospice the last few days. JUGGLING FOR JESUS for God's sake!


Excuse me while I go salute the toilet, at least the crap in there isn't pretending to be something it isn't




Moved in 5 minutes will be my prediction, but here I go anyway.


Love it when someone posts about the idiot masses, as it seems the majority of people claim not to be part of the majority, but dam, logically that cannot be true.


As for their news channel of choice, mine is ESPN.

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There apparently was some very weird stuff going down about this woman's medical care the last few years.  Her husband stopped allowing speech therapy or rehab therapy for her in 1993, coincidentally the same year he started dating his current girfriend that he has 2 children by.




The thing that a lot of people miss about this case is that Michael Schiavo was no longer Terri Schiavo's legal guardian. He turned that over to the state of Florida in order to better ascertain whether he was making the right decision to allow her to die. Don't believe me? Read this document Abstract Appeal It was written by a Florida lawyer to present the facts of the case in relation to Florida state law. He doesn't write it from either point of view. Simply states facts. If you read that WHOLE document, and it's a big one, I guarantee you will learn something new about this case. On BOTH sides of the argument.

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Love it when someone posts about the idiot masses, as it seems the majority of people claim not to be part of the majority, but dam, logically that cannot be true.




Welcome to Lake Woebegon, where the childeren are all above average! :doh:

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The thing that a lot of people miss about this case is that Michael Schiavo was no longer Terri Schiavo's legal guardian.  He turned that over to the state of Florida in order to better ascertain whether he was making the right decision to allow her to die.  Don't believe me?  Read this document Abstract Appeal  It was written by a Florida lawyer to present the facts of the case in relation to Florida state law.  He doesn't read it from either point of view.  Simply states facts.  If you read that WHOLE document, and it's a big one, I guarantee you will learn something new about this case.  On BOTH sides of the argument.


My last two cents. I believe this is one area that until you put into the situation you just have no idea how you will react. Man its hard. Again, not looking for a sob story or sympathy, but when my Mom died in 2000 it was rough. She had cancer and died at home as she wanted. But those last days she was not intaking any water or food is horrorable. Thank goodness the AWESOME people from the WNY hospice were there to help us through.


I'm telling you, unless you have been there, it is hard to judge.

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I'm telling you, unless you have been there, it is hard to judge.



Yeah I can only imagine how hard it is. I haven't been placed in the situation and it's part of my problem with the way a lot of people have approached this debate. Portraying the husband as someone almost worse than Hitler. I don't agree with what the family has done and don't imagine I would have done the same thing in the same situation, but I feel for them. I hope that they can now start to get some closure on this sad case.

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