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LIGO Gravitational wave detection


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40 minutes ago, Magnetar said:


I never knew of Kip Thorne's involvement, interesting.

One of Kip Thorne's colleagues at Cal Tech is Sean Carroll, who has now done 2 podcasts with Joe Rogan, including one just recently.  

The first was much better in terms of focusing on physics.  Anyone interested in this thread would probably enjoy that podcast.



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10 hours ago, LeGOATski said:

I love LIGO.


I just got the Voltron set. It's pretty frickin sweet.




Har har har.



11 hours ago, Foxx said:

time has always been of great interest to me. as part of that education, gravity was naturally part of it all.

Know any good documentaries on Youtube discussing time or time travel ?


I have always been interested in it too; read a few books.  One was called "The Arrow of Time" and the basic concept was that time only moves forward, not backward...I guess this is a flaw in some of Einstein's equations as he treated it like it could go both ways.


One thing we know is that with time dilation, you could definitely make a forward traveling time machine!  Just go out into space in a fast moving spaceship, get the thing up to 80% of the speed of light or whatever, and do a few laps of the solar system or whatever....kill some "time" (no pun intended)...and come back.  Your 1 week trip will advance things on Earth many years.  I have never seen what the numbers actually are for that. 


Like at what speed for what time duration would result in what rate of time advancing in "normal time" back on earth? 


Anyway, it should work.  Traveling backward in time is another matter entirely.  I think that must be fundamentally impossible.



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2 hours ago, Fadingpain said:

Har har har.



Know any good documentaries on Youtube discussing time or time travel ?


I have always been interested in it too; read a few books.  One was called "The Arrow of Time" and the basic concept was that time only moves forward, not backward...I guess this is a flaw in some of Einstein's equations as he treated it like it could go both ways.


One thing we know is that with time dilation, you could definitely make a forward traveling time machine!  Just go out into space in a fast moving spaceship, get the thing up to 80% of the speed of light or whatever, and do a few laps of the solar system or whatever....kill some "time" (no pun intended)...and come back.  Your 1 week trip will advance things on Earth many years.  I have never seen what the numbers actually are for that. 


Like at what speed for what time duration would result in what rate of time advancing in "normal time" back on earth? 


Anyway, it should work.  Traveling backward in time is another matter entirely.  I think that must be fundamentally impossible.




The rub is multiple universe theory. If you did travel in time, you don't know if you would remain in your own universe.

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2 hours ago, Fadingpain said:

... Know any good documentaries on Youtube discussing time or time travel ?


I have always been interested in it too; read a few books.  One was called "The Arrow of Time" and the basic concept was that time only moves forward, not backward...I guess this is a flaw in some of Einstein's equations as he treated it like it could go both ways.


One thing we know is that with time dilation, you could definitely make a forward traveling time machine!  Just go out into space in a fast moving spaceship, get the thing up to 80% of the speed of light or whatever, and do a few laps of the solar system or whatever....kill some "time" (no pun intended)...and come back.  Your 1 week trip will advance things on Earth many years.  I have never seen what the numbers actually are for that. 


Like at what speed for what time duration would result in what rate of time advancing in "normal time" back on earth? 


Anyway, it should work.  Traveling backward in time is another matter entirely.  I think that must be fundamentally impossible.



well, it is a deep subject. not really knowing where you are in that curve, there is a good intro to it by probably the currently most well known theoretical physicist Michio Kaku.



a few of the questions that niggle at me are...


time is not linear.(?)

what if time could be viewed as being like a ball?

if we reincarnate what is to say that i have not already lived a future life?

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