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I just got drunk with Louis Lipps


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Did you get his autograph...?


Nope, but I did offer to take him outside and plant him in the snow. He thought that was pretty funny coming from a guy who was 5'8" 180lbs. I was hoping he'd take me up on it as I've always wanted to turf an All-Pro wideout, but then I saw how he was "walking" up the steps behind me and the poor sonofagun hardly has any knees left. 0:)

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..... but then I saw how he was "walking" up the steps behind me and the poor sonofagun hardly has any knees left.  :P



Why should he worry, he made millions of $$$ while he played in the NFL.


Damn greedy players. 0:)

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So, I was hittin that blunt with Wicky the other night and hes usin a dolphins jersey to clear the air cause someones knockin on the door, and I'm like, Wicky's not here, man!

Then all of a sudden he just sets the pipe down and walks out of the place leavin me standing there,never said anything,and I'm like Damn he must do that to everyone.

Next day, I call him and tell him he owes me for the MJ cause he just took off and he tells me he's thinkin about comin back.



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Did he talk about his time in the Navy when he inadvertantly loaded a missle backwards? I think that's where people came up with the phrase "Louis Lipps Sinks Ships."


Or something like that.







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I ran into John Salley at a winery in Santa Barbara Saturday and we talked about how drunk we got Jim Kelly last year in LA. He strikes me as a pretty gracious guy; he didn't even grimace when my little lady told him he "should play basketball".


His taste in wine though is a little dicey ;-)

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Unless he introduced himself - how the hell would anyone recoginze Louis Lipps?

I probably wouldn't have recognized him if he came in wearing pads. It was at some party my wife dragged me to and he apparently worked with a few people there so he came up from the 'Burgh. I was sitting at the bar in this guy's basement and the bartender asks me if I want to meet Louis Lipps. I said "No, not really" and the guy standing behind me starts laughing: it was Louis Lipps. :lol:

Turns out that his wife also dragged him to this party and we were just two broken down old ballplayers(with, ahem, varying degrees of talent), neither of whom wanted to be there and both of whom had nothing in common with the dozens of oily, schmoozing businessmen surrounding us.

So we just got shitfaced and made fun of everybody else;-)



He strikes me as a pretty gracious guy; he didn't even grimace when my little lady told him he "should play basketball".


:P;):lol: Nice.....

I always liked 'ol Spider. Seemed like a pretty decent guy on whatever NBA show on TNT/TBS I used to see him on occasionally. He ought to be ashamed of hisself though for plying an innocent WesternPennsyltucky boy like Kelly with the devil's firewater.....


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