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The funny thing about this board and meeting fans in person


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Now there's one more. I know he's definitely coming.

oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!


Is it me? Do I win the prize?


Honestly, if you were at the tailgate I don't recall meeting you. Would have been nice to put a face to the thread starter.


You weren't the one that was fingering his girlfriends butthole were you?

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One thing you'll never get an insult out of me. Like I said that's to easy and cowardly.


so you start a thread that basically says" hey, I figured based on this board, all Bills fans are arseholes, but I met some non aresholes at the game" and say you don't insult anyone. That right, you didn't insult "anyone", you insulted everyone, especially long time members here.


And all welcome at the TBD tailgate, so you can put a name to faces and meet folks you have differences with on this board. Guys here like Boyst I disagree with all the time, and he thinks I am an idiot, and we have a great time together at the tailgate.


And it just not one game, its every game there is a spot for TBD at Hammers. So get some "courage" as you say and come out and meet some board members..but i am pretty sure that courage will never show.

Edited by plenzmd1
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LOL see what I mean?

I know you thought I was trying to insult you, but actually I wasnt. It's a legit question. I've never seen you contribute to anyone else's thread. I see a constant stream of LAMPs, followed by responding to your own LAMP.


I ask again, if this place is full of meanieheads, why would you choose to put yourself in that environment?

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