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It's Groundhog Day!


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I think Rex banged the groundhog last year and he ran back to his hole scared. If Mickey D's can get the D back to form, keep Gilmore, Lorax and Z Brown, if we draft well and progress on O and keep Tyrod, I think there is a good chance we can go 10-6 or 11-5 and make a run. If the front office makes any mistakes or we lose too much firepower from our talent pool 6-10 is a real possibility. A lot can happen between now and Sept.

Mickey D's???? :lol:

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The tradition should be that if the stupid groundhog sees its stupid shadow then it is immediately beheaded and roasted on a spit. Every idiot who attends the jackass ceremony would then be forced to eat a chunk of it.


And, no, I don't want to extend this to other events like the Oscars or Miss America, etc.

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I have a Buffalo sweatshirt that proclaims, "Just one before I die." Here in the Seattle area, few understand what the sweatshirt means. Any Bills fan will know automatically.


If I live another 32 years - to the ripe old age of 88 - probability says that I should witness one Super Bowl win before I die. Then again, probability says we should have won one already. The Bills seemed inclined to defy the odds so I'm not feeling confident about getting that 'just one before I die.'


But the playoff drought cannot last forever. I'll go on record saying the Bills will make the playoffs in 2018, in McD's second year.


I truly appreciate the support from a Pats fan. Very classy. But I can't reciprocate. I hope you get trounced in the Super Bowl.


You guys have experienced more than your fair share of celebrations. It's time for another city to enjoy Super Bowl glory.

Great post. I feel exactly the same way, though I am older than you are; I've followed this team closely since the AFL title days.

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Keep TT, and LB's. Forget Gillmore if he wants mega money. Remember we have LY's three picks that really never played and this years would contribute something. Hope in the air. 10-6 and our new coach is a hero. If our running game stays really good it could be 11-5. I'm 72 and don't want to have to wait thank you. 1960 was a great year when the Bill's came to town. Never lost hope and still don't. Love my team.


God Bless you brother!

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I say next year if you are able get a competent FG kicker and your HC can get your D to play average football.. I see 10-6 and a playoff birth

Have you looked at the schedule for best year? I'm the eternal optimist regarding the bills making the playoffs each year, but that schedule makes me cringe

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Have you looked at the schedule for best year? I'm the eternal optimist regarding the bills making the playoffs each year, but that schedule makes me cringe

One thing I have learned is worry about your own team first. The Bills have talent and for whatever reason really didn't playbupnto that talent on D. Also the schedule looks very hard but you don't know how a team will look when you face them. A good example is would you have thought the Bills had a chance week 4 in NE this year?

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