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[OT] Happy 16th Birthday to.....


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Youre Looney!


I am not a looney! Why should I be attired with the epithet looney merely because I have a pet halibut? I've heard tell that Sir Gerald Nabardo has a pet prawn called Simon (you wouldn't call him a looney); furthermore, Dawn Pailthorpe, the lady show-jumper, had a clam, called Stafford, after the late Chancellor, Allan Bullock has two pikes, both called Chris, and Marcel Proust had an haddock! So, if you're calling the author of 'A la recherche du temps perdu' a looney, I shall have to ask you to step outside!


Sorry, I had to.

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I got my permit on my 16th birthday and was a NYS licensed driver exactly 41 days later (there was a waiting list for the east aurora test).


That's one thing that other states do that I like... (I *know* this will irk ya Smoker, but I can't help it..) they make you wait a full year from the day you get your permit.


16, and so begins the late-teens. A don't remember 'em all that well. Good luck, and happy birthday to the kid!



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Congratulations Cable Kid. Cable lady, be glad you don't live in Western NY. My 19 year old went on a date with her 20 year old boyfriend yesterday afternoon. Ten minutes later we got a call from her cellphone. "I'm OK, but we hit a patch of ice and snow. The car went into the ditch and then flipped. I can't get out and I'm upside down, but don't worry." Fortunately, they really were all right and did eventually get out. It's a given that it takes several years for kids to really gain the respect they need to have for foul weather conditions.

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