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A few thoughts about the Dolphins Game (BillFromNYC Tribute)


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As a Bills fans, you learn a lot of new phrases. Today's favorite has to be "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory." I'm going to do this recap today in a little different fashion. I may repeat a few points, but because I'm going to try this in story form as the game played out. Thank you for your understanding.


1. Players checking out - The game started like the last few games with many players just sleepwalking through the first quarter. Offense couldn't get anything going and were running some head scratching plays. Lynn calling plays where TT has only one read or it's a loss. Or having 5 of the first 6 passes go to the RB in the flats. Defense missing tackles and giving up long 3rd downs. You just felt early that we were going to give this game away and the players had quit on Rex.


2. TT with Sammy - That was until these two got going. Yes, the running game was going okay, but the way Sammy would step up and make catches seemed to really get TT going. You could feel the confidence growing in both of them. All of TT's throws were not great, but Sammy bailed him out and the rhythm of a great game for both of them began.


3. Confidence spreads to Clay - Not only did Clay get involved, he was breaking tackles and running routes we don't normally see from him. In fact, we finally saw some deep crossing routes from other receivers. I was very happy with how Clay, Sammy, and even Goodwin at times got involved and showed a passing game not confined to deep threats or curl routes.


4. If I were a king

If I had everything
If I had you and I could give you your dreams
If I were giant-sized, on top of it all
Then tell me what in the world would I sing for
If I had it all


5. Giving it Away - With the offense clicking towards the end of the first half, you would hope for the defense from the first half of the season which would figure things out and shut the other team down. Instead, we got the defense we had against the Raiders but with worse tackling somehow. Defense failed time and time again. The DB's seemed to do okay, but with no pass rush and large runs to the outside, you felt like it was a matter of time until the offense couldn't keep up.


6. THEY KEPT UP! - This had to be the most complete game from our offense. We had a game tying drive at the end of the game. We had a full field drive in OT. TT threw for over 300 yards. He was throwing darts and his receivers were making plays after the catch. We used our TE. I mean, what else could you want to see from these guys. If there were a resume game where people are playing for their jobs, I would hire this offense next year based off this game. I know it's only one game, but potential means something.


7. Eliminated - For all the positives on offense, we still found a way. It was nice for a moment to think that we weren't going to be eliminated from the playoffs until week 17. But in the end, we are a Rex coached team and we did just enough to snatch a loss from the jaws of victory. It was exciting. It was OT. But it was Bills football and we've all been down this road before.


8. Carpenter - I'm sorry, but it's time. Maybe it wouldn't feel as bad if it went both ways. But when the Dolphins second year kickers hits that 55 yarder without a time out or anything to help him, it's just that much worse. Not only did he not win the game for us, he helped us lose it. It just can't keep happening and we have to move on. It's nothing personal, and he's one guy. But this one guy may have lost his job and his coaches.


9. Defense - To lose this many games when you score over 20 points is inexcusable. We've now given up THREE 200 yard rushers. We had 10 men on the field for the game sealing run. We continue to lose contain to the outside. And honestly, you can feel the other teams running plays that take advantage of our over pursuit. And then the tackling. That's just poor discipline and lack of heart. It happened so many times it was comical. I just don't know how we can run this defense next year. Which brings me to....


10 Rex - Sorry boss, time to go. You can't lose this game when your offense plays like that. You can't punt in OT when a tie also eliminates you. You can't allow players to perform like they are on defense. This is his defense, his mental stamp on the game, and his ownership. The playoffs were more than ours for the taking this year and time and time again, he didn't get the team ready. I don't even think he would be a good defensive coordinator anymore as his system may be just too antiquated. His system has always allowed a lot of rushing yards but now with the total points and the sloppy tackling. It's just time.


Overall guys, it did feel nice to be a part of an exciting game. I feel terrible for the offense. TT was amazing today and I hope he gets a chance next year with a new coach. I stand by idea that he plays the game the way the coaches tell him and we really don't know what he's fully capable of. Sammy, stay healthy. Clay, keep doing it. Carp, it's been run. Rex, nothing personal.


Lets get 8-8 and win the offseason, Buffalo style.


Go Bills!

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This game felt similar to the Seattle game. Both intense, close games that we just couldn't close out. But this time our offense rose to the occasion when they needed to and the defense & teams let them down. It was fun to watch but I'm left with the same sadness especially of everything else breaks our way.

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Seattle game, Oakland, Miami X2, Baltimore, NY Jets... that's 6 wins that Rex left on the field. 6 times we could have and should have had victory. Take those 6 and we are 13-3... that's the difference between NE and us. It is not the talent gap. It is the incompetence from our coach. Take 3 of those games and we are WC at 10-5.


For this alone, it is time to say goodbye to Rex and his staff. Maybe Lynn stays, maybe Ed Reed. Rex is the worst thing to happen to the Bills in a long time. A 9-7 team on the brink of improving and this tard blows it all up with his defensive genius. What a dick!

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Seattle game, Oakland, Miami X2, Baltimore, NY Jets... that's 6 wins that Rex left on the field. 6 times we could have and should have had victory. Take those 6 and we are 13-3... that's the difference between NE and us. It is not the talent gap. It is the incompetence from our coach. Take 3 of those games and we are WC at 10-5.


For this alone, it is time to say goodbye to Rex and his staff. Maybe Lynn stays, maybe Ed Reed. Rex is the worst thing to happen to the Bills in a long time. A 9-7 team on the brink of improving and this tard blows it all up with his defensive genius. What a dick!


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- lack of contain for a Dolphins TD. I think it was Hughes.

- bad tackling by Gilmore on the Parker TD. (notice the same tackling form by the Phins player that injured himself on that fantastic Clay TD)

- overpusuit on a simple WR screen to Landry that instead of 3rd and 20, it became 3rd and 5 that they converted.

- week 15 and the defense still has communication issues.

- TT had a very good game yesterday, but he couldn't read the option all game, the Phins were not going to get beat by it. Throw the ball to the endzone or give it to DIzzy or McCoy.

- stupid kicker


We needed to win to make the playoffs, the defense, hence Ryan and his henchmen, failed miserably.

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Here's my problem: I'm so numb to the mediocrity that I've lost the passion. A few years ago we were playing New England and had 4th and 2 from their 31 yard line. Gregg Williams called a punt. My head nearly exploded at the gutlessness of this call. After the game, the radio was flooded with phone calls about that gutless call. I suggested that Ralph Wilson should have marched onto the field and thrown Gregg off the team when he made that call.


We ended up punting to the 19 yard line.


That was the game during which New England ran like 25 screen passes, and they all went perfectly. It was almost as if somebody was listening in to our defensive signals. Which years later we found out was exactly what they were doing. They cheated. ]


I digress. Had I cared as much now as I did then, I would be completely obsessed with that gutless decision to punt in overtime. They had fought so hard to get to that point in the game, there is NO WAY they should have punted. Rex believed in the defense, which had done very little to earn that belief. And he showed no confidence in the offense that had gotten him nearly 600 yards. Horrible call.


Now that I see this with a clear head, I can only come to one conclusion: Rex must go. I'm sorry. He and his twin ruined the defense. Take Whaley too.

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Perhaps this team sleepwalks thru first quarters because they have a lousy game plan, if that. Lazy or careless coaching has to go.


The fact that Sammie catches bad passes says something about Taylor and why he's not considered a solid passer when Sammie's not on the field. Just a thought.


Clay has not really stepped up; he's merely seeing the ball more than he has since he arrived here. Everyone ragging on him for almost two years should count the times passes have come his way each game. I have a feeling Lynn has something to do with this improvement.

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