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Leger Douzable petitions Cuomo to get Uber in Buffalo


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Just think how many cab rides you could get with that cash if you are lucky enough to be crippled in an accident!


That sucks either way... Still, I'd take a cool mil over thirty grand, and a driver who flees the scene of the accident.

Edited by #34fan
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There isn't much in the way of hard figures to fully convict or exonerate Uber...




If taxis are old-hat, and Uber is the way of the future, -are we replacing something unsafe, and marginally reliable with something even WORSE simply because it's cheaper?


Much remains to be seen... The cabs in my area carry A MILLION dollars in liability insurance, or they don't roll... That means for now, the cabbie gets the benefit of my doubt.

Go ahead and stick with the expense, dirty, stinky unreliable business model beause of the unlikely chance something should happen. Next time you drive on the freeway take a look around and imagine how many people that could cause an accident are under-insured or not insured at all. But you still drive right?

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There isn't much in the way of hard figures to fully convict or exonerate Uber...




If taxis are old-hat, and Uber is the way of the future, -are we replacing something unsafe, and marginally reliable with something even WORSE simply because it's cheaper?


Much remains to be seen... The cabs in my area carry A MILLION dollars in liability insurance, or they don't roll... That means for now, the cabbie gets the benefit of my doubt.


As opposed to the $1 million coverage that Uber provides? And for greater measure, let's say that that the damage is greater than $1 million. Who's in a better position to pay the overage, the local hack owner or a $40 billion enterprise?


Keep digging. Uber is successful solely because taxis overcharge for the service they provide, are not available when you most need them and overall generally suck.

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Of course they have... One key difference is the cab company's responsibility when something goes wrong... The passenger's/ victims have some recourse.... On many occasions Uber has skirted responsibility just like they skirt the local laws when they do business...







I'm NOT here to defend the virtue of cab drivers... Some are, in fact, douchebags... That said, many douchebags work for companies that will take responsibility for their douchebag-worker's conduct while on the job.... The day I get into a cab, and read a bulls#! disclaimer like Uber's, is the day my feelings change about cabs.

So you don't mind getting your head cut off, you just want to be able to get compensation after the fact. Smart!

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