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3 million more of the American voters in that map voted for Clinton instead of Trump.


Indeed. However, our representative republic requires a majority of electoral votes, a fact of which team Hillary should have been more aware.


The election was hers to lose, and that's exactly what she did.

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Students are marching in down town Austin right now, some wearing ISIS-style head coverings to hide their identity, carrying signs with slogans like "save a human, kill a NAZI". It appears to be peaceful for the most part, but local news is reporting that things will pretty much be shut down starting at 5pm when the official protest starts out from Auditorium Shores and makes it's way up Congress to the Capital.


Austin traffic is always a nightmare as it is at 5pm, and especially so on Fridays. This is really going to piss a lot of people off.


There's more than a couple "protesters" in DC flashing pentagram pins for any camera they can find...


Make of that what you will.

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3 million more of the American voters in that map voted for Clinton instead of Trump.


Yes, it's called "California."


So you're arguing that California should dictate to the other 49 states? That is exactly why we have an electoral college, you nitwit.

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3 million more of the American voters in that map voted for Clinton instead of Trump.


Yes, and they were all from California. Which is why we have an electoral college.


You know, for a guy who talks a lot about politics, you have a surprisingly bad understanding of how things work in this country.

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Indeed. However, our representative republic requires a majority of electoral votes, a fact of which team Hillary should have been more aware.


The election was hers to lose, and that's exactly what she did.

Not to mention a whole shitload of whiners at Salon.com, Huffington Post, Vox, etc., etc. And apparently, PastaJoe.




Hey kids! It's the return of the Vast Right Wing ConspiracyTM! New and Improved for 2016! Now with Hacked ElectionTM and Russian InfluenceTM!! Don't miss out, order yours today!!

Edited by KD in CA
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Very impressive. Nine memes, no relevance.


There's more than a couple "protesters" in DC flashing pentagram pins for any camera they can find...


Make of that what you will.


I have to confess ignorance to the significance of the pentagram.


Unless it's an inverted pentagram.

Edited by Azalin
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Yes, it's called "California."


So you're arguing that California should dictate to the other 49 states? That is exactly why we have an electoral college, you nitwit.


Every American vote should have equal weight regardless of where a person lives. Why should 3 million American votes not count, but 75 thousand among 3 states should make the decision? Other democracies do just fine with the popular vote.




Very impressive. Nine memes, no relevance.


To be determined, if the Republicans allow for a full investigation of the Russian interference.

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Please explain, in however many words as you wish, how Russia "hacked" the election.


Once you determine they didn't "hack" anything, please explain how Russia influenced the election with verifiable evidence.


Because if you can do either of those things, it's more than the IC has proffered in over three months of investigations.

If you can't do any of that, you might want to consider updating your meme game.


Every American vote should have equal weight regardless of where a person lives. Why should 3 million American votes not count, but 75 thousand among 3 states should make the decision?


Because that's how the constitution was written and designed to function?


Helps if you read the document.

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Every American vote should have equal weight regardless of where a person lives. Why should 3 million American votes not count, but 75 thousand among 3 states should make the decision? Other democracies do just fine with the popular vote.



Because you don't live in a democracy, you live in a democratic republic, you moron.




Remember when the Clinton State Department approved the Exxon deal?

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Every American vote should have equal weight regardless of where a person lives. Why should 3 million American votes not count, but 75 thousand among 3 states should make the decision? Other democracies do just fine with the popular vote.


Those three million American votes DID count. They gave Hillary the state of California. In a landslide!


Now, if only the US were a democracy, you'd almost have a point!

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