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Bucky Gleason: The Pegulas May Be in Over Their Heads


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Other people? Many here have fallen over themselves to absolve the GM for his role in picking Rex. They have pointed squarely to Pegulas.


I'm not saying I agree with this guy's opinion, but one can read it and understand his point of view, instead of dismissing it because he is a "hack".



This may be the first thing I have ever read by Gleason...I mean who the F reads the Buffalo newspaper anyway? I don't give two dumps about Bucky Gleason.


You haven't really shown any ability to counter his argument other than to call him a hack. It's not very persuasive.



Not patient? This and other boards filled with passionate fans pouring it out 24/7, increasing annual season ticket sales, sold out stadium---depite 15+ years of mediocrity and playoff futility? Clueless assessment.


Your disgust for Bills fans is, as usua,l poorly contained.



Where would that be? What "serious journalistic environment" are you imagining? Every media outlet (print, broadcast, online) is FILLED with guys with such hot takes. What are you talking about?

You know damn well what I'm talking about Weo. There are real journalists, and then there are the Gleasons and Sullivans. Tyler Dunne is a real journalist. Tim Graham, though thin-skinned, produces quality content. Bucky and Jerry do not. Their job is to stir the pot, to generate clicks and grab eyeballs by printing demagoguery and trash.

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You know damn well what I'm talking about Weo. There are real journalists, and then there are the Gleasons and Sullivans. Tyler Dunne is a real journalist. Tim Graham, though thin-skinned, produces quality content. Bucky and Jerry do not. Their job is to stir the pot, to generate clicks and grab eyeballs by printing demagoguery and trash.

I don't agree on Graham but Vic Carruci is a real journalist. Sully and Gleason are now back cover tabloid writers like the NY Post and Daily News.

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You know damn well what I'm talking about Weo. There are real journalists, and then there are the Gleasons and Sullivans. Tyler Dunne is a real journalist. Tim Graham, though thin-skinned, produces quality content. Bucky and Jerry do not. Their job is to stir the pot, to generate clicks and grab eyeballs by printing demagoguery and trash.



Yeah well, then they are doing what they are being paid to do. And they are doing it the very same "environment" as the others that you mention. You also don't seem to differentiate between straight reporting and opinion writing.

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You also don't seem to differentiate between straight reporting and opinion writing.

This is a distinction that eludes many in this thread. It's one that has been called out many times here but folks still don't get it. In fact, there is a lack of understanding of the media's role in general; many seem to believe that writers for the Buffalo News should be cheerleaders for the team and for the community.

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Yeah well, then they are doing what they are being paid to do. And they are doing it the very same "environment" as the others that you mention. You also don't seem to differentiate between straight reporting and opinion writing.


Oh I get the distinction. But that's not what they're doing, either. Their "opinions" are always the same - a negative slant accusing the entire organization of complete dysfunction and incompetence. Designed to stir up emotions. It's demagoguery.

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Oh I get the distinction. But that's not what they're doing, either. Their "opinions" are always the same - a negative slant accusing the entire organization of complete dysfunction and incompetence. Designed to stir up emotions. It's demagoguery.



Well, yes.


Would it make more sense for him to write a piece where he praises the hiring of Rex at this point? Should he be like Mehta?


Do you know of any news organization that runs an Op-Ed page that is not meant to stir up emotion/debate/passion? I still don't think you understand what you are trying to criticize here.

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Well, yes.


Would it make more sense for him to write a piece where he praises the hiring of Rex at this point? Should he be like Mehta?


Do you know of any news organization that runs an Op-Ed page that is not meant to stir up emotion/debate/passion? I still don't think you understand what you are trying to criticize here.


Remember Sullivan's "release Dareus" garbage crusade? Have you ever heard of stirring up POSITIVE emotions? Judging by your posting history, you have not.

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Gleason is paid to write an opinion piece. Big !@#$ing deal.


I happen to agree with Gleason that it appears on the outside that there are lifers whose main objective is to preserve their jobs. The fact that they defy the odds and can't even manage to back into a playoff berth is indisputable. It should be alarming.

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Remember Sullivan's "release Dareus" garbage crusade? Have you ever heard of stirring up POSITIVE emotions? Judging by your posting history, you have not.


If you need positive emotions in the midst of another collapsed season, go read something by "head reporter" Chris Brown. Or maybe you can read an uplifting piece by one of those other reporters you value more. Go enjoy their current positive opinion pieces.


Oh, wait, there are none? Well then they must be hacks by proxy!


Your attack on Gleason for not writing positively is really off point.

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Remember Sullivan's "release Dareus" garbage crusade? Have you ever heard of stirring up POSITIVE emotions? Judging by your posting history, you have not.

Positivity about 16 years of missing the playoffs on the heel of another total disappointment of a season. Get right on it. That's what the people want to hear right now, I'm sure.

Edited by FireChan
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If you need positive emotions in the midst of another collapsed season, go read something by "head reporter" Chris Brown. Or maybe you can read an uplifting piece by one of those other reporters you value more. Go enjoy their current positive opinion pieces.


Oh, wait, there are none? Well then they must be hacks by proxy!


Your attack on Gleason for not writing positively is really off point.


Positivity about 16 years of missing the playoffs on the heel of another total disappointment of a season. Get right on it. That's what the people want to hear right now, I'm sure.


Coming from the Sullivan and Gleason of this board, I'd say this is about right.

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I realize not everybody is a Sabres fan like us but they need to read his history before defending him.


He makes his narrative up on the fly to fit a particular situation even when it contradicts his previous takes as if no one will notice. He's a journalistic joke.

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I was talking about the Pegula's net worth since they are the ones who own the Bills





The last report I saw had Pegula at $5.1 Bil. That may include assets of the two teams if sold, or not. I'm unclear as they can play with these numbers all day long. I could care less if Trump is worth $1 or $9 Bil. He's a baffoon.

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