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Ted Cruz

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Cruz could actually get a Trump endorsement via the Jeff Sessions connection. I can't imagine Trump/Sessions would endorse the traitor Rubio.


Cruz would motivate the base, the mainstream/establishment voters would even support him (because at least he's not Trump), AND he's the one guy who could conceivably get a heartfelt Trump/Sessions endorsement.


Basically, Cruz could keep Romney's coalition, but then ADD ON a motivated base and new white working class voters via Trump. He would beat Hillary like a drum with that coalition.


He's always been the right compromise candidate for many months now.


If the GOP instead performs the convention steal to nominate Romney, Ryan, or Rubio, it's over for them as a Party.


Trump's going to win the nomination. Cruz just doesn't know it (or is in denial) and the media doesn't want to let the audience know it and lose ratings.


If there's any funny business at the convention and it's stolen away from Trump, then Hillary will win the election in the biggest landslide victory in history.

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Trump's going to win the nomination. Cruz just doesn't know it (or is in denial) and the media doesn't want to let the audience know it and lose ratings.


If there's any funny business at the convention and it's stolen away from Trump, then Hillary will win the election in the biggest landslide victory in history.

She is probably going to anyways
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Trump's going to win the nomination. Cruz just doesn't know it (or is in denial) and the media doesn't want to let the audience know it and lose ratings.


If there's any funny business at the convention and it's stolen away from Trump, then Hillary will win the election in the biggest landslide victory in history.


Hillary is going to win regardless of who runs against her. It has been decided, so it shall be.

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The only place this is a "runaway"............is in the NYC/DC newsrooms.

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Trump's going to win the nomination. Cruz just doesn't know it (or is in denial) and the media doesn't want to let the audience know it and lose ratings.


If there's any funny business at the convention and it's stolen away from Trump, then Hillary will win the election in the biggest landslide victory in history.


Yep, if Trump and Cruz head to the convention with the most delegates and yet Romney, Ryan, Rubio, or Kasich emerge as the nominee, there will be hell to pay.

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If Trump was such a bad debater then why hasn’t that been shown in the GOP primary debates? I think that you're wishing something true (because you hate Trump) when it’s not true. IMO Trump has been an extremely effective debater. In fact, he has the communication and branding skills to brand Hillary and have it stick. How has “Little Marco” been doing since he’s been branded? What about “low energy” Jeb? While it's not normal debating methods, it obviously has been working like a charm.



You're a Trump supporter. Nice to have you here.


Being bad at a debate does not mean he's bad at reaching his indented Apprentice/Khardashian audience.


Trump knows jack about governing. He knows jack about foreign policy. He knows jack about the economy. But he's a low rent insult machine and that appeals to 40% of Republicans.


Too bad Triumph the Insult Comic Dog wasn't running on the Republican ticket.

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You're a Trump supporter. Nice to have you here.


Being bad at a debate does not mean he's bad at reaching his indented Apprentice/Khardashian audience.


Trump knows jack about governing. He knows jack about foreign policy. He knows jack about the economy. But he's a low rent insult machine and that appeals to 40% of Republicans.


Too bad Triumph the Insult Comic Dog wasn't running on the Republican ticket.


Don't laugh, Triumph the Insult Dog would beat Little Marco too.

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Yep, if Trump and Cruz head to the convention with the most delegates and yet Romney, Ryan, Rubio, or Kasich emerge as the nominee, there will be hell to pay.

And there should be. It will confirm that special interests and the establishment really have all the power and do not care what voters think.


The people have spoken, those in power need to listen.


If there is a brokered convention and an establishment chosen candidate becomes the nominee, all hell breaks loose.


You're a Trump supporter. Nice to have you here.


Being bad at a debate does not mean he's bad at reaching his indented Apprentice/Khardashian audience.


Trump knows jack about governing. He knows jack about foreign policy. He knows jack about the economy. But he's a low rent insult machine and that appeals to 40% of Republicans.


Too bad Triumph the Insult Comic Dog wasn't running on the Republican ticket.

I think Trump is also stealing a lot of votes from angry blue collar "reagan democrats". That explains why democrat turnout is so low and Republican so high. In open primaries I think a lot of angry dems are in on the trump wrecking ball. Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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The regular middle class people who live no where near DC or NY want to gamble on someone outside of Washington who they think will have their backs and not the backs of corporate donors. The “globalist” policies of the elites guided by the donors using politicians as puppets have effectively made the rich richer and the middle class poorer. Policies geared more towards providing the American people the greater prospect of more prosperity needs to be tried because it aint workin the DC way.
The GOP elites are losing their power because they can no longer sell their politician BS to the people. It seems like the elites are much more ignorant than the people, because they’re actually stunned and don’t understand Trump’s rise because they’re cut off from real people outside of DC. Mitt Romney’s plea made him look like someone in serious denial and whose gone completely nuts.
Trump's much more electable than Cruz because Trump actually has a chance (yes long shot) to win states like MI, PA, and NY. Cruz has no path because he’s so far right while the country’s left of center.



I keep reading things like this, and keep asking, without getting a coherent answer. What have you seen or heard from Trump's campaign that he's going to do to re- engineer the global economy? Are we looking at a Tianamen Square standoff with the Fortune 500?

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I keep reading things like this, and keep asking, without getting a coherent answer. What have you seen or heard from Trump's campaign that he's going to do to re- engineer the global economy? Are we looking at a Tianamen Square standoff with the Fortune 500?

Global economy? I think Trump's--and Sanders--campaigns are basically a repudiation of globalization. The free trade deals and immigration are scapegoats for the loss of factory jobs that just required hard work and little education. Look at what is happening to the death rate, suicide rate and drug use explosion among white men. They are having a terrible time adjusting to this high education economy. That's why Trump is saying we never win anymore. Many people just can't compete in this economy, are seeing "others" getting ahead and are frustrated and angry so they blame wall street and Washington. So fight China, build a wall and somehow wish the factories back into existence. Pure fantasy but he is promising to bring back the "good old days"

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Global economy? I think Trump's--and Sanders--campaigns are basically a repudiation of globalization. The free trade deals and immigration are scapegoats for the loss of factory jobs that just required hard work and little education....Many people just can't compete in this economy, are seeing "others" getting ahead and are frustrated and angry so they blame wall street and Washington. So fight China, build a wall and somehow wish the factories back into existence. Pure fantasy but he is promising to bring back the "good old days"


Trump and Sanders both want walls, just different kinds of walls. Neither of them support a free market economy. Sanders believes that focusing resources of the 5% inwards will elevate the 95%. Trump thinks we should build a wall and then...well who knows what thinks will happen then. Ask him 5 times and get 5 answers. Can't take his positions seriously.

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Trump and Sanders both want walls, just different kinds of walls. Neither of them support a free market economy. Sanders believes that focusing resources of the 5% inwards will elevate the 95%. Trump thinks we should build a wall and then...well who knows what thinks will happen then. Ask him 5 times and get 5 answers. Can't take his positions seriously.

Socialism and national socialism B-)

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Trump and Sanders both want walls, just different kinds of walls. Neither of them support a free market economy. Sanders believes that focusing resources of the 5% inwards will elevate the 95%. Trump thinks we should build a wall and then...well who knows what thinks will happen then. Ask him 5 times and get 5 answers. Can't take his positions seriously.


Neither option is particularly effective.

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Don't laugh, Triumph the Insult Dog would beat Little Marco too.


Trump basically gets one kind of vote: the uneducated white vote. He gets nothing else as is evidenced by how bad his unfavorables look.


He will get no Latinos, no women, no blacks, no wealthy, and no educated. I know he stands there and tells you "Look, the Latinos love me. Okay? They really love me!"


But they don't. Nor do the women. Nor does anyone other than the uneducated white vote who somehow thinks Trump is special. I know you think there are legions of you across the country...but there are not. Look at the difference between the open and closed primaries and you'll see the truth. Trump will NOT get the Democrats to vote for him like they are doing in the opens.


Trump equals a Hillary landslide of epic proportions...and it will come after she repeatedly beats the snotschitt out of him in every debate.

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Trump basically gets one kind of vote: the uneducated white vote. He gets nothing else as is evidenced by how bad his unfavorables look.


He will get no Latinos, no women, no blacks, no wealthy, and no educated. I know he stands there and tells you "Look, the Latinos love me. Okay? They really love me!"


But they don't. Nor do the women. Nor does anyone other than the uneducated white vote who somehow thinks Trump is special. I know you think there are legions of you across the country...but there are not. Look at the difference between the open and closed primaries and you'll see the truth. Trump will NOT get the Democrats to vote for him like they are doing in the opens.


Trump equals a Hillary landslide of epic proportions...and it will come after she repeatedly beats the snotschitt out of him in every debate.

Spot on! Great post! :thumbsup:

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