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It is time to hire that football consultant

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While we're discussing quick fixes and easy answers, I agree that we should hire a football czar. But I think that it should be an even better czar than the one the OP is describing. Hiring any old football czar isn't good enough. We need to hire the BEST czar that ever did czar. Also, he should be 7 feet tall and dress in traditional Russian court garb circa the fifteenth century and speak only in riddles.

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While we're discussing quick fixes and easy answers, I agree that we should hire a football czar. But I think that it should be an even better czar than the one the OP is describing. Hiring any old football czar isn't good enough. We need to hire the BEST czar that ever did czar. Also, he should be 7 feet tall and dress in traditional Russian court garb circa the fifteenth century and speak only in riddles.

and should shoot lightening bolts from his eyes




Fireballs from his ass

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This nonsense of Whaley not involved completely in the Rex hiring is pure revisionist history. Whaley loved Rex and hired him with the Pegulas. This is a matter of fact.

What a load of BS. If there was one "fact" that was made clear in the offseason it was that Whaley was not in charge of hiring the next head coach. Over and over again it was stated that he was bringing in the candidates for the Pegulas' to interview and hire.
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We are at the fork in the road. And it's time to take it!

It's time to realize the truth. There is no fork. Then you'll see, that it is not the fork we take, it is a whole new direction.


Seriously though, I like the idea of a consultant/czar/president of football ops. Someone that can look at the entire organization from the top down and then has the authority to make whatever changes need to be made. The one thing that I'm left with at this point in the season is that there's a systemic dysfunction in this franchise. It needs to be excised once and for all.


We've all seen it manifested in leaked stories about a rogue GM, about fresh batteries not making it to London, undisciplined players repeatedly committing the same penalties, players being benched, cut, re-signed, and ultimately and most importantly in more loses than wins. Half the fans on this board can see the problems; its time someone at OBD see them and actually fix it.

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What a load of BS. If there was one "fact" that was made clear in the offseason it was that Whaley was not in charge of hiring the next head coach. Over and over again it was stated that he was bringing in the candidates for the Pegulas' to interview and hire.



Whaley's own words and the description of the events at that time prove you are wrong. Whaley was 100% on board with Rex as the coach and he confirmed at that time that he was interviewed. Whaley collaborated with the decision and made it very clear that Rex was the guy he wanted to be coaching the Bills. It's therefore "on him" as much as it is the Pegulas.

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It's time to realize the truth. There is no fork. Then you'll see, that it is not the fork we take, it is a whole new direction.


Seriously though, I like the idea of a consultant/czar/president of football ops. Someone that can look at the entire organization from the top down and then has the authority to make whatever changes need to be made. The one thing that I'm left with at this point in the season is that there's a systemic dysfunction in this franchise. It needs to be excised once and for all.


We've all seen it manifested in leaked stories about a rogue GM, about fresh batteries not making it to London, undisciplined players repeatedly committing the same penalties, players being benched, cut, re-signed, and ultimately and most importantly in more loses than wins. Half the fans on this board can see the problems; its time someone at OBD see them and actually fix it.


We have a winner!

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I am actually not against this.....


I think that consultant would commend Whaley....who has basically done his job


I think he might have some things to say about Rex


This is straight-up delusional speak here.


An owner pays 1.4B for a NFL team, keeps the GM and hires a HC with the GM's support. Then, he makes both of them report to him independent of each other.


Naturally, there are issues. I'm not sure if you know this, but consultants are hired to make changes. It's how the corporate world works. Because if the guy came in and said all is well, Whaley is great and Rex is good, then what was the point? He ain't there to say they need a new right guard or inside linebacker.


He's there to make big sweeping organizational changes, because the owner is paying him big dollars.


Whaley isn't a TPegs/KPegs guy. He'd be the first one gone if a czar is fired, primarily because no one owes Whaley crap right now.




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Whaley's own words and the description of the events at that time prove you are wrong. Whaley was 100% on board with Rex as the coach and he confirmed at that time that he was interviewed. Whaley collaborated with the decision and made it very clear that Rex was the guy he wanted to be coaching the Bills. It's therefore "on him" as much as it is the Pegulas.

First, Whaley has said over and over, no matter what the specific topic, that there is internal debate and disagreements, but once a move is made they all need to be on the same side publicly.


Do you honestly think that Whaley would come out after his new boss (who was apparently on the fence about keeping him in the first place BTW) hired a new head coach and say that he was against the move? Talk about revisionist history! Look at everything that came out of OBD and the media while the hiring process was going on and tell me where there is anything indicating that Whaley's opinion was going to be a deciding factor.

Edited by Acantha
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I've always thought that they needed someone to oversee football operations. Whaley has shown that he's more than capable on the personnel side, and Brandon is simply a marketing guy (and I don't mean that as a negative). That said, they do need someone who can put this franchise on the right path.


I'm not sure Polian was that guy. At this point in his career, he's not looking for a full-time gig. I'm not saying that he would have taken it for the wrong reasons, but adding a few million dollars to his bottom line and hopefully securing a prominent role for his son had to be huge factors in his initial interest in the job. So in a sense, it's probably a blessing that it all blew up in the end (although it probably would have prevented us from hiring Rex in the first place).


I really don't know where we go from here, and any extended amount of time that it takes to right this ship puts the team closer and closer to a two decade long playoff drought.

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