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What's People's Take on Head Lice Nowadays?


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I wanna hear everything that people say about it. The problem seems to be an issue in my daughter's elementary school (Catholic School, she's in 8th)... It has us pretty rattled even though she doesn't and never had it.


I am definitly judgmental (no! :lol: You think, me???) and I think it is a slipping of standards in society! I am totally "No Nit" policy and agree with NOT allowing any child with a nit (dead or alive om their head) back into school.


Back in the day, everybody lined up and got checked... What is so bad about that... ?? Are we losing all logic so as not to offend the sensitive? I know everybody can get them, clean, dirty, rich or poor... But, I still think people are not attentive to detail and daily standards are slipping more than ever. Mix in the enviro/anti-chem people and you have a crazy storm!


Thoughts? What people had to deal with... Let it all fly! :lol:


Does tea tree oil really work? I have been sloshing that around on my head and @ 10 bucks an ounce, I wanna know if I should stop. Can't we invade Austrailia so we can secure a cheaper supply? :lol:

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Not everyone has the same ability as you to be as anal about hygiene. Some are poor and cannot afford the luxuries you take for granted and look down upon.



My take... Even if somebody got them... How do they get bad and into infestation? Aren't people careful with simple hygiene... How does it get to the "problem stage."


I know everybody can get it... But why isn't it eradicated on a daily basis.


Little children tend to get them more because of bad social practice... Which is excusable, they are small children! The lice don't jump or fly.


What is the missing link here. I guess I am anal, but that doesn't take money or resources, just hard work...

What's the big deal? Little shampoo and a comb and they gone.



Really. I know body lice spreads typhus. They tend to think that head lice can't spread disease... BUT not so fast... Aren't the two critters relatives? They are rethinking head lice as just being bothersome.

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Not everyone has the same ability as you to be as anal about hygiene. Some are poor and cannot afford the luxuries you take for granted and look down upon.

They sell body wash, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and deodorant from the dollar tree. They can afford the 5 bucks month.

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They sell body wash, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and deodorant from the dollar tree. They can afford the 5 bucks month.

people get head lice across all economic, racial, religious etc lines. My kid got it once in 1st grade or something...does not exactly go to a school where people are worried bout the price of shampoo. Chit happens, get the Rid shampoo and they be gone!

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people get head lice across all economic, racial, religious etc lines. My kid got it once in 1st grade or something...does not exactly go to a school where people are worried bout the price of shampoo. Chit happens, get the Rid shampoo and they be gone!

I'm not saying it does, I'm just replying to Beef Jerky's response. My aunt is the biggest neat freak/hygene freak I've ever met and both her kids got lice from a sleep over a few years ago.

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tea tree oil is pretty much the duct tape of the natural remedies world. if you can get past the strong smell, it is good for just about everything, externally



There was some head lice in my daughter's pre-k classroom this year. I was nervous about it. I put very small touches of tea tree oil on her scalp. I've heard this is a good safe preventative. Not sure if that's what did it, but my girl never got any lice.

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But what if through the years standards slip and people just take a lackadaisical... Who cares attitude?


Aren't we better being not infested w/bugs? Shouldn't logic prevail of people's sensitivities?


Have the hippies won? ;-p

people get head lice across all economic, racial, religious etc lines. My kid got it once in 1st grade or something...does not exactly go to a school where people are worried bout the price of shampoo. Chit happens, get the Rid shampoo and they be gone!

Understandable... I realize what you said is true. That's not what I am talking as about. It is the care free attitude. What is your take on "No Nit" policy? I would never want to send my child back to school until they were nit free.


WHY do infestation keep taking off? To lackadaisical of an attitude?

I'm not saying it does, I'm just replying to Beef Jerky's response. My aunt is the biggest neat freak/hygene freak I've ever met and both her kids got lice from a sleep over a few years ago.

True. IMO, it has nothing to do w/being a "neat freak"... And more to do w/"doing the job right"... Some of these "neat freaks" are some of the most lax people and apply their energy into things wrong... Probably your aunt?

The same as its always been. Has something changed? :nana:


and washing all her sheets & pillows and pillow cases in hot water

And that is where standards come in... I was raised to do this weekly. Stay on top of chores. Chores is what makes you whole... MAYBE... Too much German? LoL... The more the chore hurts, the better? ;-)


I we wouldn't say this is a clean, dirty, rich, poor thing... Head lice do like clean heads too... The vector to infestation lies elsewhere.

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