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Rex to parachute with Army's Golden Knights

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stiil ported in SD or V beach these days?

Indeed you are !!!



It was at sea--about 100 miles off SD coast. It was supposed to go back to Washington St. for refitting after that but didn't go until January. Pilots doing day and night recerts.

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The insanity has begun today, work is insane, but you know, dealing with it is the fun part. Hopefully the weather holds out


Tomorrow looks a little sketchy weatherwise. Hope it holds off til the afternoon.

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What's cool about it? His contract should contain clauses prohibiting such risky activity. If one of his prime players did it and got injured or worse, everyone would be up in arms over the stupidity factor.

Dude relax, this guy coached the cellar dwelling Jets, it would be easy to replace a last place coach.

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Yeah I agree. we just had 5 of the Thunderbirds up flying. Such an awesome sight to see.

so cool.

I wouldn't worry too much.If anthing happens Misses Pegula can look for another fired coach with a big name to hire.

What exactly is your point?

The subject was Ryan jumping from an airplane. With a parachute.

How did you reach all the way to Lady Pegula and find way to critique her?

I should make you aware you are beginning to push the envelope a bit too much.

A gentleman Never offers critical opinion on a woman. Only complimentary efforts. Other wise say nothing at all.

and please return to the subject if you are able.

Cheers !

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so cool.

What exactly is your point?

The subject was Ryan jumping from an airplane. With a parachute.

How did you reach all the way to Lady Pegula and find way to critique her?

I should make you aware you are beginning to push the envelope a bit too much.

A gentleman Never offers critical opinion on a woman. Only complimentary efforts. Other wise say nothing at all.

and please return to the subject if you are able.

Cheers !

I'm soooo excited to see Rex jump out of a plane,this is so amazing! GO BILLS

Edited by Very wide right
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