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Update On Legal Dispute Over "Redskins" Trademark

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Wrong team since Fighting Irish got the name for fighting back prejudice Irish faced from going to US (Signs were up saying "No Irish" just as later they said no blacks and no Asians). I'd make my suggestion on a replacement team name as insulting to owner as Redskins is to Native Americans but would get a warning point again. It is acceptable on this board to use that derogatory name but not others showing how much political power Native Americans have.


People tell me that intent or meaning doesn't matter, and that only the offended persons feelings on the matter are significant. If an Irishman takes offense to the name, (or more likely someone who isn't Irish, connecting the dots, and saying wow, isn't that offensive?), then all reason goes out the window, and it is offensive, and should be changed because it is ruining "someone's" day.


I am very curious why someone would name a team the Redskins and put an Indian on their logo, if it was meant to be offensive? "Man I really hate those guys, I'll put their face on my national football team! That'll teach'em!!"

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Nothing wrong with the American flag,greatest in the world.The confederate flag is part of this nations history though like it or not.I would like the people of South carolina to decide if it flies in front of the state house though not a small group of special interest folks with an agenda practicing revisionist history.

The kind of revisionism that makes people forget about the centuries of injustice to Africans/African-Americans? Just what part of "southern pride" are people so proud of? Breaking away from our great country? Selling people? Torturing? 10 year olds working for 18 hours a day? The rape of tens of thousands of women? Ripping babies out of their mothers' arms and trading them for a horse? The trail of tears? Is there something my 'revisionist' texts may have missed?


You call it the greatest flag in the world. Just who were the enemies of what our flag represents? The confederates, right? The same reason you and I choose not to use the N word is the same reason it should be taken down. It's just the right thing to do.


Feel free to pick your knuckles off the floor to type and fill me in because I'm obviously ignorant of the historical viewpoint you so eloquently defend.


Special interests...please.

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The kind of revisionism that makes people forget about the centuries of injustice to Africans/African-Americans? Just what part of "southern pride" are people so proud of? Breaking away from our great country? Selling people? Torturing? 10 year olds working for 18 hours a day? The rape of tens of thousands of women? Ripping babies out of their mothers' arms and trading them for a horse? The trail of tears? Is there something my 'revisionist' texts may have missed?


You call it the greatest flag in the world. Just who were the enemies of what our flag represents? The confederates, right? The same reason you and I choose not to use the N word is the same reason it should be taken down. It's just the right thing to do.


Feel free to pick your knuckles off the floor to type and fill me in because I'm obviously ignorant of the historical viewpoint you so eloquently defend.


Special interests...please.

Wow, you covered all the negatives for sure viewed from your perspective of course.Here is a homework assignment for you.Do some real research and see how many positive events happened during those times that created the exceptionalism that America enjoys today.By the way That N word that you speak of is commonly used in a very open and frequent manner by African-Americans today.Also ,rapes,kidnapping,murdering (10 murdered in Chicago 4th of July weekend)and people working 18 hours a day just trying to make ends meet still goes on today, yes, in all horror of horrors 10 year olds working on the family farms 18 hours a day like they have for generations. You are a feeble whiner, obviously brainwashed by the typical American revisionist "educator".You better start a movement to ban the American flag because the problems you support your argument with are still in existence today.

Edited by Very wide right
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Nothing wrong with the American flag,greatest in the world.The confederate flag is part of this nations history though like it or not.I would like the people of South carolina to decide if it flies in front of the state house though not a small group of special interest folks with an agenda practicing revisionist history.

Don't forget that "small group" are South Carolina citizens who were elected by the people.

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Don't forget that "small group" are South Carolina citizens who were elected by the people.

Elected by the people to govern.Not to be King and Queen.The power belongs to the people however we have allowed the politicians to slowly whittle away at the constitution. Just check out what the 2nd amendment has become.Instead of the right to bear arms we now allow kings and queens to decide when how and if we are allowed to defend ourselves.


Also, the "small group" I'm speaking of are those pushing the liberal agenda.

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Don't forget that "small group" are South Carolina citizens who were elected by the people.

A state with one of the worst rank educational system in the country. You definitely should trust their judgment.


Back to the Washington Slurs, I don't understand the folks who try so hard to defend a team name that does bother people. I have not met one Irish person who doesn't love the name Fightin' Irish.


But keep up the fight to keep slurs. You're doing the Lord's work. Washington Americans. Simple and they can take over Dallas as America's team.

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A state with one of the worst rank educational system in the country. You definitely should trust their judgment.


Back to the Washington Slurs, I don't understand the folks who try so hard to defend a team name that does bother people. I have not met one Irish person who doesn't love the name Fightin' Irish.


But keep up the fight to keep slurs. You're doing the Lord's work. Washington Americans. Simple and they can take over Dallas as America's team.

Put the state down as much as you want. I don't care, at all. They elected these politicians, they get to live with the decisions. Doesn't matter to me.


As for the Redskins, have you met one person of Native American descent who is offended by the team name?

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Put the state down as much as you want. I don't care, at all. They elected these politicians, they get to live with the decisions. Doesn't matter to me.


As for the Redskins, have you met one person of Native American descent who is offended by the team name?

Yes, I work with a lot of them. I challenge you to go a reservation and use the term redskin.


Either way as much as I disagree with you and others on this issue and the flag, I respect your difference of opinion. That's American. I also believe we should be a country that is above disrespecting citizens with public symblols. But agree to disagree. Have a good night.

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Yes, I work with a lot of them. I challenge you to go a reservation and use the term redskin.


Either way as much as I disagree with you and others on this issue and the flag, I respect your difference of opinion. That's American. I also believe we should be a country that is above disrespecting citizens with public symblols. But agree to disagree. Have a good night.

Agreed. Have a good night.

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Either way as much as I disagree with you and others on this issue and the flag, I respect your difference of opinion. That's American. I also believe we should be a country that is above disrespecting citizens with public symblols. But agree to disagree. Have a good night.

Spoken like a true patriot! Thank you-Thank you- Thank you.

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Wow, you covered all the negatives for sure viewed from your perspective of course.Here is a homework assignment for you.Do some real research and see how many positive events happened during those times that created the exceptionalism that America enjoys today.By the way That N word that you speak of is commonly used in a very open and frequent manner by African-Americans today.Also ,rapes,kidnapping,murdering (10 murdered in Chicago 4th of July weekend)and people working 18 hours a day just trying to make ends meet still goes on today, yes, in all horror of horrors 10 year olds working on the family farms 18 hours a day like they have for generations. You are a feeble whiner, obviously brainwashed by the typical American revisionist "educator".You better start a movement to ban the American flag because the problems you support your argument with are still in existence today.

The only revisits history in this thread is the one you're promoting. You're comparing contemporary violence and workplace issues to chattel slavery?


That's not just ignorant, that's retarded.

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You do understand why that is, don't you? For those saying that the confederate flag is a symbol of southern heritage I'd love to be able to give them a test in just that subject. My guess is over 75% would fail.


What someone does to/on their own property regarding this is up to the individual. What I do not believe can be debated is that the confederate flag has no place on "public" property.

Are you discussing a topic in a political nature? Maybe a warning point is warranted

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Are you discussing a topic in a political nature? Maybe a warning point is warranted



Do as I say,not as I do

I gave my opinion on a subject and didn't bring a hint of politics into it. You, after reading it have no idea how I vote, but, keep up the bellyaching, it does wonders for your reputations..

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The ultimate irony here is that the Toby Keithers- the ones who profess to love America more than the rest of us- are the same people who still celebrate a flag that symbolizes, above all else, an ill-fated attempt to LEAVE AMERICA. Now I'm going to preface this by saying that I think Nazis were way worse than Confederates. However if in 100 years people are flying the swastika flag and people born 100 years after the conclusion of World War II are saying "It's just a German pride thing, that's all," they may think they're being sincere but that doesn't change what World War II was really about. And anyone who doesn't recognize that preserving slavery was at the crux of the Confederates' decision to secede needs to go back and take American History 101.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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Put the state down as much as you want. I don't care, at all. They elected these politicians, they get to live with the decisions. Doesn't matter to me.


As for the Redskins, have you met one person of Native American descent who is offended by the team name?

Honest question- how many Native Americans do you know personally that are NOT offended by the term? Sounds like you know quite a few. Just curious. Edited by metzelaars_lives
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Honest question- how many Native Americans do you know personally that are NOT offended by the term? Sounds like you know quite a few. Just curious.

I'm left to presume you did not read the comment I was replying to because my question was direct response to what had been written and in no way infers that I know any Native Americans. But, I actually do know many, some of whom I am directly related to and others are lifelong friends. And, they've told me they are not offended by the team's name. The really interesting part in that is they tell me the majority of Native Americans who are offended by are those living up in our area (WNY & CNY) because they're told to be by the governing bodies in this region. Elsewhere, you hear very little in the way of objection. Believe it or not, this is all a huge political effort to strengthen the Democratic hold on the minority vote and to help certain Native American nations as they continue to fight for more reparations. That's not my opinion; that is fact. It has been effective, obviously.

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A state with one of the worst rank educational system in the country. You definitely should trust their judgment.


Back to the Washington Slurs, I don't understand the folks who try so hard to defend a team name that does bother people. I have not met one Irish person who doesn't love the name Fightin' Irish.


But keep up the fight to keep slurs. You're doing the Lord's work. Washington Americans. Simple and they can take over Dallas as America's team.

I kinda liked the Washington Warriors suggestion that was floated around for a while... I think the logos were military related. Keep the same colors for the team, to make things even easier, and boom done. It's not like Washington hasn't had teams change names before, I'm sure they'll survive. Hell, you could probably keep certain Native American motifs for a Washington Warriors name.

Edited by Dorkington
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Put the state down as much as you want. I don't care, at all. They elected these politicians, they get to live with the decisions. Doesn't matter to me.


As for the Redskins, have you met one person of Native American descent who is offended by the team name?

I am partial Native American. My ex wife is NA. My kids are > 50%. Not counting them though (they don't care), out of the four 100% bloods that I asked, one answered yes, it offends him mildly. The others either don't care, or actually cheer for The Washington Redskins. I know a lot of Native Americans. I would estimate that 95% of Native Americans that I know are OU Sooner fans - think about that! Edited by SAMMY HANDWICH
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