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I'm confused...about Brandon Spikes

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Thanks for making sense of this...

It strikes me that Spikes considers Hernandez to be innocent, and that is his opinion, and he has a right to it. We can argue how smart the opinion is, but if he is speaking up for a friend that he believes is innocent, that is not a "low-character" move. Quite the opposite, in my opinion.



I don't believe that. I think he's saying that Hernandez shouldn't have gotten convicted for it---that he should have gotten away with it essentially, based on his understanding of the charge and the evidence.

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It strikes me that Spikes considers Hernandez to be innocent, and that is his opinion, and he has a right to it. We can argue how smart the opinion is, but if he is speaking up for a friend that he believes is innocent, that is not a "low-character" move. Quite the opposite, in my opinion.


And actually, the belief that Hernandez is innocent would argue that maybe he wasn't that buddy-buddy? From what's come out, Hernandez reportedly did not hang with the Pats team - he would drive 2 hrs to Bristol or bring Bristol to him.


It has to be remembered, also, that a lot of black and hispanic people do not believe that the justice system actually dispenses justice, because that is not their experience or the experience of their family and friends. See also Simpson Verdict Reaction.

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Gone are the days of run twice and then pass. Todays linebackers have to be able to cover also. It`s a pass happy league for the most part. He doesn`t do well in pass coverage. So this is what hurts him. You now have to be good at both.

This...read it . Believe it.

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And Spikes thinks he is a lot better than he is. If he lower his price, he'd probably be back. But he is a one dimensional LB who is painfully slow in a passing league.


This. Spikes is a good run-covering LB in a league which now demands 3-down pass coverage abilities from LB.


I think Whaley and the Bills would like to have him back (regardless of tweets) but not at the price of a 3 down LB.

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I'm not sure who's convicting Spikes of a crime in this thread, but that idea seems discussed more by the tolerant crowd here..?


Irony is everywhere, my friend. It's ironic that we can discuss the meaning and consequences of a Spikes tweet and take the stance that social media is the reason why he's seen in a certain light, yet it's the reason why we can even talk about it with each other to begin. Yep, I did stupid stuff when I was younger also. But Spikes isn't young. He's a millionaire that has the ear of many many thousands of fans and his comments are found at the top of the World Wide Leader's webpage because they were dumb. I refuse to give somebody a gun and then blame the gun when he kills somebody. That's an exaggerated case of course, and Spikes has done no such thing (I hope), but the buddy he's defending did exactly that. It's not Spike's fault his friend killed people, but he certainly has proven to stick his foot in his mouth about some very serious issues where there's no room for mistakes. Issues that have caused millions of deaths.


Should the Bills keep him around? More people in this thread say yes than no. And that's perfectly fine. He said some dumb things. It's not Twitter's fault, or Hernandez's fault, or because he's black and grew up a certain way. It's his fault and he's a big boy that can deal with that. I would only suggest that he stop posting stupid stuff because as a Bills lifer, Its disappointing, and it won't help him positive ways.


If Spikes wants sympathy for his Brother, how about showing a little for the victim's family first.

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I'm not sure who's convicting Spikes of a crime in this thread, but that idea seems discussed more by the tolerant crowd here..?


Irony is everywhere, my friend. It's ironic that we can discuss the meaning and consequences of a Spikes tweet and take the stance that social media is the reason why he's seen in a certain light, yet it's the reason why we can even talk about it with each other to begin. Yep, I did stupid stuff when I was younger also. But Spikes isn't young. He's a millionaire that has the ear of many many thousands of fans and his comments are found at the top of the World Wide Leader's webpage because they were dumb. I refuse to give somebody a gun and then blame the gun when he kills somebody. That's an exaggerated case of course, and Spikes has done no such thing (I hope), but the buddy he's defending did exactly that. It's not Spike's fault his friend killed people, but he certainly has proven to stick his foot in his mouth about some very serious issues where there's no room for mistakes. Issues that have caused millions of deaths.


Should the Bills keep him around? More people in this thread say yes than no. And that's perfectly fine. He said some dumb things. It's not Twitter's fault, or Hernandez's fault, or because he's black and grew up a certain way. It's his fault and he's a big boy that can deal with that. I would only suggest that he stop posting stupid stuff because as a Bills lifer, Its disappointing, and it won't help him positive ways.


If Spikes wants sympathy for his Brother, how about showing a little for the victim's family first.

Maybe I'm missing something here.


Are you suggesting that Spikes should temper his opinions? Should he not be tweeting? Is there something out of line about having a negative opinion of the current justice system? Are we being "too tolerant" of his views? Or, just too tolerant of him expressing them?


And forgive me if I'm not completely dialed in on this issue. To be honest, I don't follow ANYBODY'S twitter. My life is, more or less, Twitter-free. But, did Spikes tweet something other than the tweet you posted, "I'M CONFUSED ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM THESE DAYS!!!"?


And, has Spikes, in any way, asked for sympathy regarding his brother?


In all honesty (and I'm being quite serious) I'm not sure if your being overtly neo-conservative, or overtly neo-liberal, because you seem to be parodying both.

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Are people really still doing the IN thing? It might be one of the lamest things on planet earth. Right there with "keep calm" shirts and people who think it's funny to be overly/ironically/mockingly patriotic on the 4th of July. Edited by metzelaars_lives
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Are people really still doing the IN thing? It might be one of the lamest things on planet earth. Right there with "keep calm" shirts and people who think it's funny to be overly/ironically/mockingly patriotic on the 4th of July.

Keep Calm and MURICA oN.

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Maybe I'm missing something here.


Are you suggesting that Spikes should temper his opinions? Should he not be tweeting? Is there something out of line about having a negative opinion of the current justice system? Are we being "too tolerant" of his views? Or, just too tolerant of him expressing them?


And forgive me if I'm not completely dialed in on this issue. To be honest, I don't follow ANYBODY'S twitter. My life is, more or less, Twitter-free. But, did Spikes tweet something other than the tweet you posted, "I'M CONFUSED ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM THESE DAYS!!!"?


And, has Spikes, in any way, asked for sympathy regarding his brother?


In all honesty (and I'm being quite serious) I'm not sure if your being overtly neo-conservative, or overtly neo-liberal, because you seem to be parodying both.

Honestly, even in the midst of one of the most exciting off seasons in team history, it's still the off season. You're right...why I'm I saying Spikes wants sympathy for his brother..? That was an assumption in order to make a point. I think Spikes got enough attention on this one folks. I won't be looking to play the liberal/conservative game in a thread about the Buffalo Bills. For god's sake.


Temper his opinions? It's his right.

Stop tweeting? It's his right.

Having a negative opinion about our justice system? Thank you. So do I.


If I wasn't clear that he can tweet what he wants, but the two that are mentioned in this thread aren't going to help him any, then I hope I am now.

Edited by Thrivefourfive
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Are people really still doing the IN thing? It might be one of the lamest things on planet earth. Right there with "keep calm" shirts and people who think it's funny to be overly/ironically/mockingly patriotic on the 4th of July.


Next up is "Winner, winner, chicken dinner!"


That is ALWAYS clever, and funny....not!

Edited by HoF Watkins
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Spikes has been a huge supporter of Buffalo, the team and its fans ever since he got here.


Last year he helped bring relevance to this franchise. Wasn't he the only big name FA we signed?


Love to have him back. He brings great attitude.


I will bet that everyone on here who disagreed with his tweets is white.

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Spikes has been a huge supporter of Buffalo, the team and its fans ever since he got here.


Last year he helped bring relevance to this franchise. Wasn't he the only big name FA we signed?


Love to have him back. He brings great attitude.


I will bet that everyone on here who disagreed with his tweets is white.


Is that bad?


I have a feeling that a high percentage of posters here are white, so I don't think you are going out on a limb.


I have plenty of problems with the legal system, but not in this case. With this case, I'm having a hard time figuring out why anyone would want to associate themselves with someone that is such a creep.


Maybe there should be a little more outrage from the black community too, considering Odin, Bradley, and the 2 other guys he is accused of killing, are all black men.

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Is that bad?


I have a feeling that a high percentage of posters here are white, so I don't think you are going out on a limb.


I have plenty of problems with the legal system, but not in this case. With this case, I'm having a hard time figuring out why anyone would want to associate themselves with someone that is such a creep.


Maybe there should be a little more outrage from the black community too, considering Odin, Bradley, and the 2 other guys he is accused of killing, are all black men.

I have to wonder if this whole thread isn't operating on some spurious assumptions. Is there another tweet besides, "I'M CONFUSED ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM THESE DAYS!!!," that I don't know about that would suggest that he is only talking about the Hernandez case? If this tweet's association to the Hernandez case is based purely on timing, perhaps he was commenting that while Hernandez can be convicted on circumstantial evidence, others get acquitted, or not charged al all, with much stronger evidence, and a badge. Or something along those lines.


This thread seems to be talking only about the man, Spikes, and not any issue he might be trying to raise. And, while I do think that the, "I will bet that everyone on here who disagreed with his tweets is white," comment is pretty stupid in the context of this forum, you do have to admit that the issues of race, and the justice system in America are far less important if you're white.

Edited by Rocky Landing
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I have to wonder if this whole thread isn't operating on some spurious assumptions. Is there another tweet besides, "I'M CONFUSED ABOUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM THESE DAYS!!!," that I don't know about that would suggest that he is only talking scout the Hernandez case? If this tweet's association to the Hernandez case is based purely on timing, perhaps he was commenting that while Hernandez can be convicted on circumstantial evidence, others get acquitted, or not charged al all, with much stronger evidence, and a badge. Or something along those lines.


This thread seems to be talking only about the man, Spikes, and not any issue he might be trying to raise. And, while I do think that the, "I will bet that everyone on here who disagreed with his tweets is white," comment is pretty stupid in the context of this forum, you do have to admit that the issues of race, and the justice system in America are far less important if you're white.

It's stupid in the context of the case, too.

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