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Did the administration lie about Obama's immigration action?


When President Obama announced his sweeping unilateral executive action on immigration last November, administration officials stressed that the new edict would not take effect immediately. One part of the president's action — changes to DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, to extend the period in which illegal immigrants are protected from deportation to three years from its present two years, and also to extend work permits for the same time — was scheduled to go into effect Feb. 18, 2015, three months after the president's announcement. The other part of the president's action — the newly-created DAPA, or Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents — would go into effect six months after Obama's edict.

The day after Obama's Nov. 20 announcement, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service published notice that it "expects to begin accepting requests for the Expanded DACA program on Feb. 18, 2015; and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program in mid-to-late May 2015." The dates were set.


The administration's schedule shaped the schedule of those challenging the president's action. On Feb. 16, federal judge Andrew Hanen issued an order stopping the program, noting in his opinion that "the DHS' website provides February 18, 2015 as the date it will begin accepting applications under DACA's new criteria, and mid-to-late May for DAPA applications." Hanen barred the administration from implementing "any and all aspects or phases of the expansions (including any and all changes)" to DACA and also "any and all aspects or phases" of DAPA.


So everyone involved knew the score. Changes to DACA, which had been scheduled to start Feb. 18, were on hold. DAPA was also on hold. And everyone assumed those dates to be accurate. But now, the administration is telling a different story.


In a "Defendants' Advisory" filed with Hanen's court late Tuesday, the Justice Department notified the judge that it has already implemented significant parts of the Expanded DACA program, and indeed that it has already granted expanded DACA protections and work permits to "approximately 100,000" people.


In the advisory, which began by claiming the administration has followed Hanen's order to temporarily stop the implementation of the program, Justice Department lawyers added this:


Out of an abundance of caution, however, Defendants wish to bring one issue to the Court's attention. Specifically, between November 24, 2014 and the issuance of the Court's Order,
USCIS granted three-year periods of deferred action to approximately 100,000 individuals
who had requested deferred action under the original 2012 DACA guidelines (and were otherwise determined to warrant such relief), including the issuance of three-year Employment Authorization Documents for those 2012 DACA recipients who were eligible for renewal. These pre-injunction grants of three-year periods of deferred action to those already eligible for 2012 DACA were consistent with the terms of the November Guidance…Defendants nevertheless recognize that their identification of February 18, 2015, as the date by which USCIS planned to accept requests for deferred action under the new and expanded DACA eligibility guidelines, and their identification of March 4, 2015, as the earliest date by which USCIS would make final decisions on such expanded DACA requests, may have led to confusion about when USCIS had begun providing three-year terms of deferred action to individuals already eligible for deferred action under 2012 DACA.



More at the link: http://m.washingtonexaminer.com/did-the-administration-lie-about-obamas-immigration-action/article/2561037

Edited by B-Man
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Bringing in people out of the shadows of second class status and giving them the dignity, humanity and resposonsibilities of citizenship


OMG, I'm beginning to think you actually believe POTUS' crap. The other side of the coin you so socially consciously spotlighted above is that the vast majority, who foolishly continue to subscribe to the hard work will be rewarded scenario, are waking up to realize that mantra has been corrupted just a tad. Currently, it goes like this,"Your hard work will reward your neighbors' outstretched hand." PM me with the long list of responsibilities of citizenship currently being adopted and exercised by those emerging from the "shadows."

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More on story in post #21



Obama Administration Hid 100,000 Amnesty Approvals From Texas Judge
by Neil Munro


Original Article


President Barack Obama’s deputies hid the rapid-fire start of his November amnesty from the Texas judge who is now weighing the amnesty’s legality. The cover-up was exposed March 3, the same day that top GOP leaders pressured GOP legislators to pass a toothless budget bill for the Department of Homeland Security, which doesn’t block funding for Obama’s unpopular and possibly illegal amnesty. Obama signed the funding bill March 4.







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This is obviously a problem and Obama is a professor-type commie who is getting help from the hippy-commies and the people coming in here are pawns. I get why they won't crack down on the problem. The part I think is weird is the press goes after all of these stories in the south while ignoring the north. How many of these hospitals are in North Dakota, Michigan, Minnesota, Seattle and other Northern States? Can someone run a story on those please?

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OMG, I'm beginning to think you actually believe POTUS' crap. The other side of the coin you so socially consciously spotlighted above is that the vast majority, who foolishly continue to subscribe to the hard work will be rewarded scenario, are waking up to realize that mantra has been corrupted just a tad. Currently, it goes like this,"Your hard work will reward your neighbors' outstretched hand." PM me with the long list of responsibilities of citizenship currently being adopted and exercised by those emerging from the "shadows."

Paying taxes for a start

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Paying taxes for a start


Well, I've waded my way through the long list of responsibilities you chose to illustrate your point made several posts above. I suspect you meant to say potentially required to pay taxes since the IRS just postponed yet again the need to be responsible for the tax implications of the ACA. A shuck and jive here, a lateral arabesque there and what-do-you-know no tax requirement.


Step back, take a breath, maybe read something before you re-enter the fray wholly on the side of the "downtrodden" in America. Better yet, walk a mile in their shoes; call me on your Obama cell phone from your affordable housing project to let me know how it's going....wait, maybe you'd better wait 'til after "work" to call.

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It is paradoxical that employment in the United States could be improved by bringing in workers from abroad, but only if you think employment is a zero-sum game. In reality, employment is not a fixed pie to be divided, with more for some resulting in less for others. Rather, employment is a dynamic cycle always poised for growth. Greater immigration would allow the US economy to operate more efficiently, creating more jobs for native-born Americans.

US businesses founded by immigrants employed approximately 560,000 workers and generated $63 billion in sales during 2012. Immigrants have a higher propensity to start businesses than native-born Americans. For example, 44 percent of high-tech Silicon Valley businesses had at least one immigrant founder.



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I'll remember:


"but only if you think employment is a zero-sum game. In reality, employment is not a fixed pie to be divided, with more for some resulting in less for others."


the very next time you bring up income inequality, and every other time as well.


It's hilarious that when it comes to illegal immigrants, gator quotes the Hoover Instituton talking about no fixed pies, but, when it comes to the economy as a whole? Oh no, of course there is no such thing as economic growth, it's all "fixed pie", and in order for one person to make more $, s/he has to take it from someone else.....


...right gatorturd? Say 1% again. :lol:


Hilarious. The entire Democratic line of thought on economics is Zero Sum/Fixed Pie, and has been since FDR. But, now, apparently gator has F-tarded his way into arguing against his own party's multi-generational thinking.


Economic growth, and individual, not collectivist, achievement, is the end of the "fixed pie" argument, in all things economic. The "fixed pie" concept died with Nixon/Ford/Carter, because wage and price controls proved to be an utter failure. Why we are still keeping alive these late 60s and 70s nonsensical/proven failure ideas?



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Greater immigration would allow the US economy to operate more efficiently, creating more jobs for native-born Americans.


More efficiently, WTF does that mean?


If we have an extra million come in every year, you know, kids, uneducated low skill adults, people that don't speak english, I suppose we create SOME jobs. More school teachers, social workers, English as a 2nd language teachers, police, hospital workers and a few others hear and there. And who pays for those? Any thought that 1 immigrant = 1 additional job is total rubbish. Jobs created is far less than the numbers coming in. Sensible immigration makes sense. What we have now is a free for all and a voter registration program for Dems.

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More efficiently, WTF does that mean?


If we have an extra million come in every year, you know, kids, uneducated low skill adults, people that don't speak english, I suppose we create SOME jobs. More school teachers, social workers, English as a 2nd language teachers, police, hospital workers and a few others hear and there. And who pays for those? Any thought that 1 immigrant = 1 additional job is total rubbish. Jobs created is far less than the numbers coming in. Sensible immigration makes sense. What we have now is a free for all and a voter registration program for Dems.


At some point you guys are all going to realize that gatorman's role here is simply to copy/paste what his overlords provide to him. He is in no way able to field, comprehend or respond to questions about any topic unless he can use the word "Bush". His marching orders are simple: copy, paste, troll, snark, Bush did it, disappear.

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At some point you guys are all going to realize that gatorman's role here is simply to copy/paste what his overlords provide to him. He is in no way able to field, comprehend or respond to questions about any topic unless he can use the word "Bush". His marching orders are simple: copy, paste, troll, snark, Bush did it, disappear.


And not even addressing the fact that the OP was about illegals coming for one reason and one reason only. To create anchor babies. These are automatic American citizen factories.

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So your mom came here pregnant for the sole purpose of you becoming a citizen so she could stay too? If the answer is no then it's not just like us.

No, just like us they are citizens. My Grandfather was an immigrant anyway

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