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Ok Can Some of You Finally Admit........

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No, just like us they are citizens. My Grandfather was an immigrant anyway


My ancestors on my mother's side came over on the Fortune the first ship after the Mayflower to arrive at Plymouth. It doesn't mean anything just kind of cool. Now my grandfather on my dad's side was probably illegal. My dad was born here so that makes him a citizen. But we're not talking about people like you, me and my father becoming citizens at birth. We're talking about the parents of anchor babies lobbying for citizenship. THAT I have a problem with.


And what path did he take to get here?


Land bridge.


Oh sorry, wrong thread.

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Because asking you questions is always funny. Deer-in-the-headlights funny. You're like a telemarketer. The minute anyone asks you a question that takes your off your copy/paste script, you freeze, sweat and drool before you hang up the phone.

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Because asking you questions is always funny. Deer-in-the-headlights funny. You're like a telemarketer. The minute anyone asks you a question that takes your off your copy/paste script, you freeze, sweat and drool before you hang up the phone.

You didn't answer why

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But you added it. You brought it up. This is a thread about immigration and your grandfather was an immigrant. So what path did your grandfather take to become legal?

Why do you want to know? Why is that important? I don't see the importance, can't you explain it?

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Why do you want to know? Why is that important? I don't see the importance, can't you explain it?


I'm assuming he followed the laws that were on the books to begin with as opposed to trying to change existing or creating new laws through the sympathy vote.

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I'm assuming he followed the laws that were on the books to begin with as opposed to trying to change existing or creating new laws through the sympathy vote.

Even if that is true, the Constitution is still the Constitution. If you are born here, you are in!

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Why do you want to know? Why is that important? I don't see the importance, can't you explain it?


I'm curious. That's all.


I can see how someone like yourself, lacking the basic skills to respond to questions without first running it by your overlord editor's desk, are immediately suspicious of even the most simple of questions, but I was genuinely just curious.

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