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Clinton admitted for Emergency Heart Surgery??


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Heard it on the national news on the radio.

His face (and nose) had been getting redder and redder recently.


They say it is not an emergency, but a quadruple bypass is always an emergency situation.

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I hope all goes well.


Here I go saying something stupid........


Despite my impression that Clinton is (slightly) overweight, this really surprises me. He is young and generally gives off a vibe of being enrgetic and "healthy as a horse". I know that is stupid and these problems can happen to anyone but I'm still surprised.


Here's to a quick and healthy recovery........

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I wasnt a big Clinton fan as a President but I liked the man personally and wish him well.

Too bad many of those on the other side of the political spectrum couldnt separate the man from the politics in regards to President Reagan.



I disagree, I thought the vast majority of Dems were very courteous and sympathetic to Reagon's family and the Reps.

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I hope all goes well.


Here I go saying something stupid........


Despite my impression that Clinton is (slightly) overweight, this really surprises me.  He is young and generally gives off a vibe of being enrgetic and "healthy as a horse".  I know that is stupid and these problems can happen to anyone but I'm still surprised. 


Here's to a quick and healthy recovery........




Looks can be very deceiving when it comes to heart disesae. Clinton has looked very healthy, and had slimmed down a bit since leaving the White House. Jeesh, did anyone ever think David Bowie would need bypass surgery? Nobody is safe from heart disease.....

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Looks can be very deceiving when it comes to heart disesae.  Clinton has looked very healthy, and had slimmed down a bit since leaving the White House.  Jeesh, did anyone ever think David Bowie would need bypass surgery?  Nobody is safe from heart disease.....



Except that town in Italy that seems to be genetically impervious to the effects of chloresterol and heart disease.


Like diabetsis, we are living a lot easier life now.

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I disagree, I thought the vast majority of Dems were very courteous and sympathetic to Reagon's family and the Reps.




Yep, that's my recolllection, too.


Last I heard on the radio, Pres. Clinton's condition is treatable with a very good record of success. I wish him only the best and hope for a speedy recovery.

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My father had a quadruple bypass a couple of years ago in his early 70's. The operation was in January and the doctor said no skiing until next year. Yeah right. He was out there in March skiing up a storm.


Makes me wonder about my situation that I mentioned a couple of days ago. Had a stress test yesterday and there are some "areas of concern."


These bypass surgeries are like oil changes these days, but here's to a speedy recovery to President Clinton.

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Even though we detest him, us on the right are praying that he will be OK.


The leftist media is even using this to try to slur Bush.

There was an AP story that Bush was at a rally in Wisconsin and when he announced that Clinton would be undergoing surgery, people booed. Well, thre were no boos. Tape of the rally cleary shows there were no boos. AP then retracted the story.


The leftist press in this country will stop at nothing to make Bush look bad including outright lies.

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