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Broncos injury report for 12/5

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Interestingly, even though Gronk ate our lunch, we are something like 6th against opposing TE's. That said, I'd rather Julius not play.

I re-watched the Pats game and Gronk did have a good game mostly because Duke Williams was on him all day. I wonder how the game would have ended if A-A ron Williams was playing.


Go Bills!

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I'm much more worried about Julius than dimetrious. Wrs are meh it's the TEs that always destroy us.


I agree with this more in the earlier part of the season, but other than Gronk, we've done pretty well. And Gronk does that to all teams. But we've shut down Gates and Kelce just to mention a couple of the better ones we've faced. I'm most worried about the shallow crossing routes that Miami showed the rest of the league and Cleveland was killing us on in the first half. I think that's where Manning wants to make hay vs. our D. Short drops, quick releases to counter our rush.



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