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Opportunity knocks, a confession and Beerboy is chicken


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Anyway I started a new idea for a business and as usual Beerboy is being a negative Nancy. This has opened up a spot for you.


The idea takes advantage of many modern trends:

  • The popularity of tattoos
  • The fact that tattoos make people look stupid when they get old if not right away. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but let's face it they have enough evidence of stupidity by just getting old without adding sagging tattoos to the mix.
  • The advancements of arthroscopy
  • Obamacare putting surgeons out of work
  • And last but not least, always on the list...vanity.


So the idea is that we start a tattoo business, but the difference is that the tattoos go on the inside, not the outside.


We ran a test and here is the confession:


I slammed Sage for not being on here much any more because his new wife would not allow it. The truth is that he stepped up and volunteered. Turns out the tattoo of code name Ennifer on his large intestine caused a few minor issues that kept him bed ridden for a bit. I am happy he is up and about and the permanent side effects are sort of limited.


Anyway even a minor glitch will always scare Beerboy who no longer wants a unicorn on his spleen. Something stupid about the horn poking it and getting spleen juice everywhere. I'm not sure everything he said because I stopped listening at "But Boss....".


So we need a new volunteer or a few for an inner tattoo. 5% ownership in the new biz is your reward. I can take on up to 3 new partners.


If you're willing to volunteer let me know. I then consult the Googlebot to find the perfect tattoo and body part based on your screen name. I'll post it back in this thread and you can make your decision.


Who is in? You better hurry up because I think Shark Tank is interested.

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Ok, I'll do it


Googlebot says an apache tomahawk on your cerebellum. You in?


Personally I think you may want to wait.


i think a nice colorful sleeve tattoo on a chick is super hot(dependent on the chick, naturally), so I prefer not to deprive myself of the lasciviousness of my daily stalking


I know you sort of declined but I ran your name past Googlebot anyway. Either the first three letters of the second word of your screen name did you in or between you and Sage, Googlebot is starting to develop and obsession. Either way I'm removing you from consideration and I can't even repeat what I just read.

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I'm holding out for My Little Pony.


Googlebot added a choice. The unicorn on your spleen is still an offer. In addition there is another option which I feel is NSFW but involves 2 unicorns simulating something unmentionable every time you move. It also potentially could create more spleen juice although I think that is an unfounded concern and a risk I am willing for you to take.


A dainty wrist tattoo on a chick is okay. Tattoos (good ones) that can be hidden by a short-sleeve shirt on a chick are HOT. Chicks with tattoos on their forearms do nothing for me.


Googlebot says a dainty daisy with athlete's foot fungus dripping from it on the inner side of your soft white underbelly.


Don't shoot the messenger.

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As most of my internal organs are for crap anyway, I'm in! But I want 5%, I'm not greedy like Chef.


Googlebot initially said a tattoo of a UFO on the part of your brain that controls child like imagination then laughed and decided it should be a tattoo of the entire screenplay Independence Day on your rectum and all contiguous parts because you said all of your organs are for crap.


It is only the third time I have ever heard the bot bust a gut.

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