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Has Roger Goodell's Handling of Ray Rice Incident Devalued the NFL


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If so, Mr. Pegula and his wife may want to reconsider their ridiculously generous offer.


I am completely serious ... This NEW information about the NFL having the Video in Question was not available before the Pegula's made their bid on the Bills.


Seeing that it is highly doubtful that the deal has been consummated, and considering this new information, and frankly considering the Pegula's "more than generous" offer, I believe the possibility exists that the sale price will ultimately go for less than the almost 1.4 billion bid that was made.


And really, does the Wilson estate actually believe that the Pegula's should pay nearly 400 million dollars more than the next highest bidder?


Laughably absurd premise.



All those who were planning to watch football this weekend but have now decided not to because of the "handling" of the Ray Rice case, please raise your hand.

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not false


I estimated game bans due to drugs


I didn't estimate the 2 games (Before he was cut by the Ravens AND then suspended indefinitely by the NFL)


First offense of smoking a joint is not "up to 4 games."


You don't know what you are talking about.


He is correct, a second pot test positive was 4 games and a third is worth a season. That is !@#$ed up when Rice's punishment was so much less for a more severe issue.


He's not. You just said he's wrong.

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No. The Liberals need to stop being so over sensitive and butt hurt. If I were Rice I would sue the NFL and the Ravens. He was already punished and now that they are bowing down to liberal peer pressure they cost the man his career?




So it's a liberal agenda to be against a man beating the schit out of a woman. That's a new one on me.

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At the end of the day...Ray punched the lights out of his girlfriend. NO one else did anything. Meanwhile Harbaugh and the Ravens are made to look like idiots for supporting him during a press conference a few weeks ago. The club loses it's best RB of course. The owner has to write a ridiculously detailed letter of apology to PSL and Suite holders. Sponsors are affected and have to drop Rice. The NFL is looking like morons for having given Ray the 2 games suspension...not following through with viewing the video,,,not taking domestic violence more seriously from the start. Now Goodell and his cronies are looking at their jobs on the line due to Ray's punch. Amazing the trickle down effect here.


Personally I wanted Goodell around because i felt he was a supporter of the Bills staying in Buf (being from Jamestown). Now that Pegula is here, it's perfect timing. I don't really care if Goodell stays or goes..but he did not punch any women so I'm not sure why there's such a witch hunt for his firing. He said they (NFL) screwed up and they will change policy and do better. What is he supposed to say now?

Edited by zow2
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Though all aspects of the negotiation are fluid, there has been basic agreement in other areas:

1) There would be reform in marijuana testing. The threshold for the A sample is expected to be raised from 15ng/ml to match normal workplace standards in other businesses. Also, the first suspension for marijuana would be two games, rather than four




the point IS Roger fouled this up from the get go.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Though all aspects of the negotiation are fluid, there has been basic agreement in other areas:

1) There would be reform in marijuana testing. The threshold for the A sample is expected to be raised from 15ng/ml to match normal workplace standards in other businesses. Also, the first suspension for marijuana would be two games, rather than four


First suspension. Not first offense.


Please, continue.

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No. The Liberals need to stop being so over sensitive and butt hurt. If I were Rice I would sue the NFL and the Ravens. He was already punished and now that they are bowing down to liberal peer pressure they cost the man his career?



Do you have a daughter?

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again Y O U M I S S E D T H E P O I N T




You know what happens when you use incorrect info to make a point? It detracts from your point. When you draw a false comparison to make someone else look stupid, YOU are the one who looks stupid.


That was my point. I've illustrated it twice now.

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So smoking a joint is 0 games. Domestic violence is 2.


See how easy that was?


You are missing the point, weed is legal in two states now, may actually help the players deal with the pain of the game, and is not a performance enhancer; beating your wife is legal only in third world hellholes and countries that operate under Sharia law. One should not be a suspendable offense period and the other is a crime everywhere in this country.

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You are missing the point, weed is legal in two states now, may actually help the players deal with the pain of the game, and is not a performance enhancer; beating your wife is legal only in third world hellholes and countries that operate under Sharia law. One should not be a suspendable offense period and the other is a crime everywhere in this country.


The NFL suspends based on their own code of conduct, not legal code. Pot has nothing to do with the case, or the NFL in general.

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You are missing the point, weed is legal in two states now, may actually help the players deal with the pain of the game, and is not a performance enhancer; beating your wife is legal only in third world hellholes and countries that operate under Sharia law. One should not be a suspendable offense period and the other is a crime everywhere in this country.


One player just got four games for legally prescribed fertility treatments.


"Legal" has nothing to do with it.

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One player just got four games for legally prescribed fertility treatments.


"Legal" has nothing to do with it.

Legality is a reflection of societal standards. It has everything to with the NFL's code of conduct which should serve as a complement to state and federal law. Don't you remember nothing?


excellent question for him


Do you have a sister, a niece? Any of the above don't deserve to get KO'd by a boyfriend / spouse or in some cases a relative

You don't know my sister.

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