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Bill O'Reilly's Take On Our Race Problem--He Doesn't Hold

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if you would have said it was Rickles, I would have become belligerently envious. still, it sounds like it was a pretty sweet job. I remember Don Adams being interviewed years ago, and he told of how he tried to do some of the insult-style stand-up and nearly got himself killed for it. :)





dude, the guy was Polish. he threatened to pee in his own corn flakes.


You die!

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I take it you're Polish? So who's been typing all your posts for you?


I'm not Polish at all. My favorite saying though comes from the little old Polish women working on the production line. Ask them a question and they would answer back; "how come by it"? I finally figured out what they meant....................................................why? So yes, there is a reason for Polish jokes. I like the Italian ones better---you get to say "minga" a lot.

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For whatever the causes, and whoever is to blame, the situation people in poverty find themselves in isn't one that others can lift them out of, but one individuals have to pull themselves out of. All we as a society can realistically do is provide the opportunity. At this point I would say the opportunities are there and the greatest barriers to those opportunities are cultural and/or personal.


I've learned first hand in helping people in these situations that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. There are a lot of influential voices (many of which are glorified by predominantly white liberal media organizations) whose primary message is to make excuses for those who won't drink. It helps their political candidates, but it doesn't help the kid who rejects opportunity because he prefers the more glamorous thug life, or because he's been convinced that opportunity doesn't exist for him.



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