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Sad, but, funny comments


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Wide Right by a landslide for me. 0-4 is at least something we can look back on now and realize what an accomplishment that really was. The chances of another team going to 4 SBs in a row is highly unlikely.


don't shortchange the sabres here. the chance of another team losing the stanley cup due to brett hull scoring an illegal goal is highly unlikely as well.


i celebrate both accomplishments equally.

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The day Ralph passed, I went for a drink after work to toast him. A buddy mine was at the bar. Being a Chargers fan, as soon as I sat down on the barstool next to him he referenced the passing of the last living member of the Foolish Club. He offered his condolenses and added "Too bad he's not getting into heaven."


"Oh? Why do you say that?"


"He walked right up to the pearly gates but missed wide right."


He quickly apologized when he saw the expression on my face; he knew it was too soon. Looking back now, it was actually a pretty good zinger if you're not the overly sensitive type.

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Hey team, can we focus on the topic a little more?


I'll play. I 'knew' (not really a friend but someone I recognized on campus) a guy in college during the super bowl era. He wore tons of Bills gear and Atlanta Braves gear all the time. Not sure how he got that combo...


Regardless, after the third super bowl loss, I saw this guy walking across the campus. My good friend leaned over and whispered as he went by....'you think he roots for the Trail Blazers too?' You have to know the history/teams at the time but I laughed pretty good at that comment.

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It was either Wade Phillips last or second last year as HC. Wade was asked in a post game presser, "what do you think of Chris Watson as a punt returner"? Wade responded, "I think Watson is more of a punt catcher than a punt returner"!

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Definitely wide right. In hindsight, it was the only one we should have won.


I would argue that we should have won the last one also but after TT fumbled early in the third quarter for a Dallas touchdown to tie the score, the team gave up. The camera panned the players' faces on the sidelines immediately after and I was so mad because the look of defeat was so obvious I was yelling "it's only a tied game!" at the TV. That actually bothered me a lot more than wide right.

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I turned to a guy once, asked him how he liked the Fair, he said, with a straight face mind you, "I like turtles". It was the most deep yet the most asinine thing I've ever heard. Mind was blown.

was he wearing face paint?
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I'll play. I 'knew' (not really a friend but someone I recognized on campus) a guy in college during the super bowl era. He wore tons of Bills gear and Atlanta Braves gear all the time. Not sure how he got that combo...

He was a bandwagoner. Both the BILLS and Braves were awesome at that time. I see people from Boston all the time who are Red Sox/Niner fans. They grew up with the Red Sox, the Niners had Montana, and the Pats sucked out loud.


Looking back now, it was actually a pretty good zinger if you're not the overly sensitive type.

I laughed.

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