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Mike & Mike request: Tweet #get well Jim Kelly

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As he prepares for major surgery tomorrow. Not sure what it will involve yet... last night Peter King was doing one on Twitter and RTing thoughts from followers all evening and then tweeting where they are from. I usually listen to M&M on the radio but am going to put their show on TV at that time in case it will involve a visual.

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Jim's surgery is next week. It was postponed

I saw this reported yesterday and it is correct. It seems it didn't get out amongst a lot of media because I have seen numerous people in the media incorrectly reporting that the surgery is Thursday.

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Is the postponement a good or bad sign? Anyone here a medical professional? My totally uneducated guess is that it can't be spreading extraordinarily rapidly or they would have done the surgery and started chemo ASAP.

My first reaction to the postponement was the same as yours, but don't know.
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