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Nelson Mandela has passed


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It's very easy to look at South Africa and the region compared to the rest of the world. What has South Africa and the region done to improve humanity compared to the rest of the world...


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_South_Africans not a very stout list, if you ask me.


This thread has got a little too stuffy. Anyone know any good jokes? I heard Benghazi was pretty funny?

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It's very easy to look at South Africa and the region compared to the rest of the world. What has South Africa and the region done to improve humanity compared to the rest of the world...


http://en.wikipedia....h_Africans not a very stout list, if you ask me.


This thread has got a little too stuffy. Anyone know any good jokes? I heard Benghazi was pretty funny?


There once was a successful rancher who died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was determined to keep the ranch and make a go of it, but she knew very little about ranching, so she decided to place an ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand. Someone called Boyst applied for the job and was hired. He turned out to be fantastic worker, worked long hard hours every day and knew a lot about ranching. For weeks the two of them worked, and the ranch was doing really well. Then one day the rancher's wife said to the hired hand, "You have done a really good job and the ranch looks great, you should go into town and kick up your heels." The hired hand agreed readily, and Saturday night went to town. However, one o'clock came and he didn't return. Two o'clock and no hired hand, two-thirty, in came the hired hand. The rancher's wife was sitting by the fireplace and quietly called him over to her. "Unbutton my blouse and take it off," she said. Trembling, he did as she asked.

"Now take off my boots." He did so, slowly.

"Now take off my socks." He did.

"Now take off my skirt." He did.

"Now take off my bra." Again with trembling hands he did as she asked.

"Now," she said, "Take off my panties." He slowly pulled them down.

Then she looked at him and said, "Don't you ever wear my clothes to town again!"

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There once was a successful rancher who died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was determined to keep the ranch and make a go of it, but she knew very little about ranching, so she decided to place an ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand. Someone called Boyst applied for the job and was hired. He turned out to be fantastic worker, worked long hard hours every day and knew a lot about ranching. For weeks the two of them worked, and the ranch was doing really well. Then one day the rancher's wife said to the hired hand, "You have done a really good job and the ranch looks great, you should go into town and kick up your heels." The hired hand agreed readily, and Saturday night went to town. However, one o'clock came and he didn't return. Two o'clock and no hired hand, two-thirty, in came the hired hand. The rancher's wife was sitting by the fireplace and quietly called him over to her. "Unbutton my blouse and take it off," she said. Trembling, he did as she asked.

"Now take off my boots." He did so, slowly.

"Now take off my socks." He did.

"Now take off my skirt." He did.

"Now take off my bra." Again with trembling hands he did as she asked.

"Now," she said, "Take off my panties." He slowly pulled them down.

Then she looked at him and said, "Don't you ever wear my clothes to town again!"

Thank for that.


Evidently, word of me has passed throughout the country. The only part you missed was the ad I answered was from my own mother, since it was her dad's farm. It made the whole blouse thing more awkward.


What I've learned from this thread is that no one really knows much about Mandella other than that he was against Appartheid and the TV said he was a hero. But hey, that's enough for us all to suck his proverbial dick.

That's my opinion and has been for a while. Most people knock on Nixon yet couldn't name what he did while in office and still think of him as a joke. People worship John Lennon like he was a savior but the guy was as out there as ...lybob. Mandella did great things by bringing many issues to the attention of the world and being a part of the revolution but he seems to be as much publicity generated hype as Sarah Palin.
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Guys I went to school with, though here in New England we don't golf through the winter months unless we're traveling, which, unfortunately isn't in the cards during the 4th quarter. Too much going on.


can't be bothered to look it up but didn't you pronounce that you'd fire your gardner in the winter? lot's of gardening to be done in midwinter new england is there? you don't say. must have been hell on you.


i know, i know, lybob but it's like slowing down to look at a wreck...you know you shouldn't but...

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Thank for that.


Evidently, word of me has passed throughout the country. The only part you missed was the ad I answered was from my own mother, since it was her dad's farm. It made the whole blouse thing more awkward.


That's my opinion and has been for a while. Most people knock on Nixon yet couldn't name what he did while in office and still think of him as a joke. People worship John Lennon like he was a savior but the guy was as out there as …lyb…


Lennon was nuts. He screwed Yoko. The only redeeming feature she must have is that she can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. What other reason would anyone stay with her?

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can't be bothered to look it up but didn't you pronounce that you'd fire your gardner in the winter? lot's of gardening to be done in midwinter new england is there? you don't say. must have been hell on you.


i know, i know, lybob but it's like slowing down to look at a wreck...you know you shouldn't but...

no he just fired his housekeeper because she argued when he told her that he was cutting her pay 30% because "elections have consequences" his gardener meekly accepted probably because he was banging TYTT's wife
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OK I finally get what going on here, someone is creating characters for sketch comedy or sitcoms , you should of stopped at DCTom and OC this TYTT character just puts it over the top and makes it obvious, I mean how many personality deficient, delusional egomaniacs could really end up in one place - it's like being in a room with Milburn Drysdale , Mr Burns, Newman,Louie De Palma and Dwight Schrute, come man that's overkill - just as a critique I think you are suppose to add a shred of humanity to any reoccurring character something you haven't done yet with your characters.


I am not egomaniacal. It just seems that way to you, as I'm better than you in every conceivable way.

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can't be bothered to look it up but didn't you pronounce that you'd fire your gardner in the winter? lot's of gardening to be done in midwinter new england is there? you don't say. must have been hell on you.


i know, i know, lybob but it's like slowing down to look at a wreck...you know you shouldn't but...

If you're going to make personal comments, you should have the decency to reference.


I understand the propensity of your political ilk to lie to make a point, but really... This forum is 100% sourceable.


Perhaps you'd care to inquire into what my Gardner does in the winter?

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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I'm drunk & stumbled on this page...pointless back & forth dribble blah blah. Is this the place grown men go to die?

as opposed to 20 pages on marginal players or coaches on a team that hasn't been to the playoffs in 14 years. plenty of wisdom there as well. now, if you check out some of theppp showdown threads ther's some real deep stuff there in the form of a soliloquy as we now know. this particular thread had a point. one, many of us have suspected for a long time. perhaps now we can begin having some honest debate on topics.
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What I've learned from this thread is that no one really knows much about Mandella other than that he was against Appartheid and the TV said he was a hero. But hey, that's enough for us all to suck his proverbial dick.


As usual, Rob distills the issue down to its core.


I'm sure lots of dutiful idiots will devote 15 seconds to making the appropriate Facebook and Twitter tributes.


I'm drunk & stumbled on this page...pointless back & forth dribble blah blah. Is this the place grown men go to die?


back and forth dribble? Where's that TBDisms thread? :lol:

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