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Jonathan Martin AWOL, Incognito suspended

uncle flap

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The way this is being presented in the media stinks. How did this situation get this out of hand? Was it as out of hand as it is being reported?


Right, because I'm sure Incognito is going to come out and tell us what Martin did to incite the despicable voicemail he left.


just that this whole story is full of a lot of odd behavior. If someone is attacking me with words then I am not going to just show my parents at some point or my employer. That's just one small part. It is a very odd story. Where was the rest of the team? Did Martin make this a big deal and drama over nothing??


If you think leaving a threatening voicemail calling him a half-****** is nothing then I would advise you to stop posting in this thread. Of course, you're free to ignore the advice.

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Right, because I'm sure Incognito is going to come out and tell us what Martin did to incite the despicable voicemail he left.




If you think leaving a threatening voicemail calling him a half-****** is nothing then I would advise you to stop posting in this thread. Of course, you're free to ignore the advice.

oh I know what to think and I have my opinion but before I throw Incognito to the wolves I want to wait a little bit.


My self of steam is not that fragile to worry too much if I am against the grain

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The way this is being presented in the media stinks. How did this situation get this out of hand? Was it as out of hand as it is being reported? Many want to throw Incognito to the wolves because of his past behavior. It has been facilitated by the team and tolerated by the organization who clearly had to know a little bit about what going on. Martin does come off as weak taking the approach he did but we do not know what else was done. Was it the first straw or the last? Again. One side is coming out.


Much like we have learned this past summer. Don't trust the media and the first knee jerk reaction to a situation especially coming out of south Florida - a place that was just thrown to the forefront of a racial dividing line and battle. The media there has picked up on every story with racial undertones for a reason. This story is sad and hurtful to hear. Grown men acting so poorly but it is not unheard of and until more dust settles I will keep an open mind before casting stones which can't be taken back


Incognito is a jerk. So many people and some of those people play in the NFL. That's all I really have to say about it. I don't know either party or the exact circumstances, nor does anyone else. We likely never will. We only know history on similar circumstances which should indicate how we behave ourselves on an issue like this...


lots of conclusions drawn from what I said.


I agree with you to the extent of only one side coming out makes this a lopsided story, however it's not Martin who is weak. In fact I give him respect for doing it the way he did, I don't have that kind of strength personally, I would've snapped and possibly been in a world of trouble. Props to young Martin for being strong enough to take this route.

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How many daughters does he have left to expend on this kind of journalism?


Can someone please tell me what all if these posts about Pat Moran and his daughters mean?

Ive seen them pop up a couple times through the years but don't understand them.

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I think I know what you're driving at.


To really play the devil's advocate and defend Incognito, he may have viewed it is normal rookie hazing, not actual physical threats on Martin and his family. The way he expressed the hazing was in the most vulgar and inappropriate way, but he would probably argue that he shouldn't be kicked out of the league due to a poor choice of words during innocent hazing. After all, Riley Cooper wasn't kicked out due to using the N-word.


I personally don't buy that. I think it was clear that Incognito engaged in offensive bullying behavior, and no organization should tolerate that kind of hateful bullying, especially when it had this kind of effect.

and now he was will be thrown under the bus for it. The front office had to know what was going on.


In current times using racial terms does not mean that you are a racist. It is sad and unfortunate. I don't know if incognito is racist or just an idiot. But nothing does excuse the language still. There is more to this story

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I agree with you to the extent of only one side coming out makes this a lopsided story, however it's not Martin who is weak. In fact I give him respect for doing it the way he did, I don't have that kind of strength personally, I would've snapped and possibly been in a world of trouble. Props to young Martin for being strong enough to take this route.

which leads me to wonder. Where in this was the Fins organization? I cannot imagine with his precise care in bringing this to attention he did not mention it to them. If he did....well its going to get very ugly
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There is possibly more to this story. But can you think of an explanation that justifies what Incognito is accused to have done? Or do you not necessarily believe that he did it?

there has to be more to this...

There is never a valid reason to use obscene language in addressing someone. Incognito is likely a hard nosed a-hole type who doesn't take much crap. He probably doesn't use HR to make a complaint or worry if he rubs someone the wrong way. That's not a crime. It is stupid but some people are that way.


After Cooper and his situation and the way that was handled i had to laugh. Mike Vick says he forgave so we all should and things go back to normal once he went to counseling for a few hours. Sure.


From the moment this started and incognito was brought up I knew he would get a lenghty suspension and be the culprit. But what I did not know and still do not know is how much he was the knstigstor. And even if he was the sole perp then why didn't other members of the team step up? Did they just ignore him? Was Martin alienating himself from the team, acting different, something that could have made his teammates not want to stick up for him? We don't know.


The next events will be Incognito has failed drug tests, former teammates come out against him and talking how horrible he was. How he beat puppies and children. How he once called a Hispanic man a Mexican. It will keep being blasted at the fan until the media has something else ti fuel the flames of in the next week. He will enter rehab and he will issue an apology. As soon as he does he will be released from the team and the team will say they want to put it behind them. They won't tolerate it. The NFLPA will get him fully paid. The Fins will fight it. Incognito will not play for a while but someone may bring him in. We will forget about this. Miami will know this as just more racism and a reason to bring up SYG and Martin. How injustice still perceveres. How all levels of society are horrible and the NAACP, Sharpton and Jackson will make their rounds. It is just what happens with the media...


But to fully answer your question - incognito did do something.

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which leads me to wonder. Where in this was the Fins organization? I cannot imagine with his precise care in bringing this to attention he did not mention it to them. If he did....well its going to get very ugly


they were busy putting incognito on the leadership council to advise philbin of what the mood in the locker room was!


in all seriousness, im guessing the dolphins were well aware that things were going on but where there knowledge fell (or where they can claim) is likely shy of what weve seen. if i recall correctly, the reports i mentioned earlier of martin informally telling the phins were in april - and thats when these texts/calls were. who knows if he shared everything, or just said he was sick of it or what. long way to go still, but i dont think theres anything that lets incognito of the hook at this point.


there has to be more to this...

There is never a valid reason to use obscene language in addressing someone. Incognito is likely a hard nosed a-hole type who doesn't take much crap. He probably doesn't use HR to make a complaint or worry if he rubs someone the wrong way. That's not a crime. It is stupid but some people are that way.


After Cooper and his situation and the way that was handled i had to laugh. Mike Vick says he forgave so we all should and things go back to normal once he went to counseling for a few hours. Sure.


From the moment this started and incognito was brought up I knew he would get a lenghty suspension and be the culprit. But what I did not know and still do not know is how much he was the knstigstor. And even if he was the sole perp then why didn't other members of the team step up? Did they just ignore him? Was Martin alienating himself from the team, acting different, something that could have made his teammates not want to stick up for him? We don't know.


The next events will be Incognito has failed drug tests, former teammates come out against him and talking how horrible he was. How he beat puppies and children. How he once called a Hispanic man a Mexican. It will keep being blasted at the fan until the media has something else ti fuel the flames of in the next week. He will enter rehab and he will issue an apology. As soon as he does he will be released from the team and the team will say they want to put it behind them. They won't tolerate it. The NFLPA will get him fully paid. The Fins will fight it. Incognito will not play for a while but someone may bring him in. We will forget about this. Miami will know this as just more racism and a reason to bring up SYG and Martin. How injustice still perceveres. How all levels of society are horrible and the NAACP, Sharpton and Jackson will make their rounds. It is just what happens with the media...


But to fully answer your question - incognito did do something.


he was kicked off his college team (two different teams)

off his first pro team

shown the door by us despite holding his rights on the cheap

now this... heck even how he reacted to this was ridiculous.


that ignores issues on the field, doesnt go into his arrests.


im not sure this is the "he once called a hispanic man a mexican" type of over reaction. hes been a well documented trainwreck for quite some time. that the dolphins thought to put him in a leadership role is ridiculous and likely only helped strengthen his status as the guy teammates were supposed to follow.

Edited by NoSaint
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which leads me to wonder. Where in this was the Fins organization? I cannot imagine with his precise care in bringing this to attention he did not mention it to them. If he did....well its going to get very ugly


And assuming the Fins organization knew about it and delayed action or intended to do nothing, they certainly have a great deal to answer for in both public forum and with the NFL...no debate from me on that one.


But, that does not absolve Incognito for his hateful use of language, no matter what Martin did or didn't do...there is no cause for it in today's society, especially in a state that saw such controversy over the summer and with the issue being an especially "Southern" one....should Incognito be hanged and burned in effigy? NO...should be reprimanded and mandated to some form of counseling and Community Service / Volunteer work with those under-privileged in a predominately minority neighborhood if these statements are proven to be true? YES....YES!! There is an opportunity for Incognito to be a better man, not just a humble player, and it is to that end the NFL should seek...a better man, because God knows, there are men who are horrible examples of manhood playing this game and there are countless opportunities for them to influence the next set of generation of boys to BE good, strong men who do right, not just *know* right from wrong...

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From the moment this started and incognito was brought up I knew he would get a lenghty suspension and be the culprit. But what I did not know and still do not know is how much he was the knstigstor. And even if he was the sole perp then why didn't other members of the team step up? Did they just ignore him? Was Martin alienating himself from the team, acting different, something that could have made his teammates not want to stick up for him? We don't know.


If Martin did something to actually deserve being treated like an !@#$, it will likely come out. Acting differently doesn't really fall in this category. If the team knew and looked the other way, that too will likely come out. It's early. All that is clear right now is that Incognito is an !@#$. People are fairly quick to accept that because we already knew Incognito is an !@#$. I don't see how any inaction on the part of the Dolphins or Jonathan Martin acting differently is relevant to Incognito being an !@#$.


And to cover your point about it not being a crime - he's not being charged with a crime, he's being punished by his job (and his workplace is reported on prominently in the media, so yes, he's being punished there as well.) That's what often happens to people who are !@#$s at work.

Edited by Captain Caveman
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