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Obama Losing The Washington Post?

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Chris Matthews' leg tingles no more? The horror!


Ultimately it's not surprising. When you claim to be the most transparent administration ever, then demand the media unquestioningly kowtow to the official narrative under threat of exclusion (such as when Oblambam tried to ban Fox News from the White House Press Corps), it tends to eventually piss even the liberal journalists off.

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Chris Matthews' leg tingles no more? The horror!


Ultimately it's not surprising. When you claim to be the most transparent administration ever, then demand the media unquestioningly kowtow to the official narrative under threat of exclusion (such as when Oblambam tried to ban Fox News from the White House Press Corps), it tends to eventually piss even the liberal journalists off.


The tapping of the journalists was the Obama's administrations mistake. He pissed off even the leftist ones, and it's not helping him with the IRS thingy and Benghazi.

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FTA: in the OP



My personal favorite of all the new revelations from the Obama IRS scandal is that White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler told White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough about the impending IRS inspector general report, but of course the White House chief of staff did not tell the president.



I sat in a White House chief of staff’s office every day for more than two years. The only reason the legal counsel would tell the chief of staff about an impending report or disclosure would be so the chief of staff could tell the president. The legal counsel would assume the chief of staff would know how and when to bring up the matter. The chief of staff would be expected to know if there were additional factors surrounding the issue that needed to be considered before the president was told, or whether or not others needed to be included in the conversation when the information was shared with the president. There are many valid reasons why the chief of staff would tell the president, but I can’t think of a reason why he and the legal counsel would both agree that this news nugget would go no further. It’s very odd.




The legal counsel would never assume that information shared with the chief of staff would not go to the president. In my experience, a legal counsel never would believe that there was information that was appropriate for the chief of staff to know but that was inappropriate for the president to know.


Out of all the news that has emerged regarding the Obama IRS scandal, this is the most curious whopper I’ve heard so far. I can’t wait to hear the real story.

Edited by B-Man
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The tapping of the journalists was the Obama's administrations mistake. He pissed off even the leftist ones, and it's not helping him with the IRS thingy and Benghazi.


If there's one lesson to be learned from the Fox News proposed ban however many years ago, it's that even the liberal media will stick by their fellow journalists. I agree with you that the AP thing is going to bite Obama in the butt.

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FTA: in the OP


That presumes a minimum of functional competency in the White House.


Which is probably a safe presumption...but not exactly a certainty at this point. Think about all the times he's "heard it on the news, just like you." It's entirely possible, for example, that Obama was on the back nine and they simply missed the chance to tell him.


If there's one lesson to be learned from the Fox News proposed ban however many years ago, it's that even the liberal media will stick by their fellow journalists. I agree with you that the AP thing is going to bite Obama in the butt.


It's a small club. To the "Fourth Estate", a perceived attack on any one of them, no matter how unpopular, is considered an attack on the Constitution, equivalent to the President locking the doors of the Capitol building.

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That presumes a minimum of functional competency in the White House.


Which is probably a safe presumption...but not exactly a certainty at this point. Think about all the times he's "heard it on the news, just like you." It's entirely possible, for example, that Obama was on the back nine and they simply missed the chance to tell him.


Which raises the disturbing presidential theme once again: Is Obama intentionally being kept willfully ignorant of what's going on so that he can make some pathetic attempt at implausible deniability when the crap hits the fan, or are his underlings ruling the roost and just doing whatever they want in Obama's name without his (even minimal) involvement?

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Which raises the disturbing presidential theme once again: Is Obama intentionally being kept willfully ignorant of what's going on so that he can make some pathetic attempt at implausible deniability when the crap hits the fan, or are his underlings ruling the roost and just doing whatever they want in Obama's name without his (even minimal) involvement?


I wouldn't be surprised if the latter was true.

Obama strikes me more as a willing puppet they can parade in front of the cameras to deliver an eloquent speech written for him and delivered by teleprompter, than an actual leader.

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Which raises the disturbing presidential theme once again: Is Obama intentionally being kept willfully ignorant of what's going on so that he can make some pathetic attempt at implausible deniability when the crap hits the fan, or are his underlings ruling the roost and just doing whatever they want in Obama's name without his (even minimal) involvement?


Either way, it's a mess. An embarrassing mess.

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I challenge anyone here to name me one substantial accomplishment Obama has made in the 4 1/2 years he's been in office. Lowering his golf handicap doesn't count. C'mon libs, tell us all about it.


Obamacare and getting re elected. Other than that, I have nothing.

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I challenge anyone here to name me one substantial accomplishment Obama has made in the 4 1/2 years he's been in office. Lowering his golf handicap doesn't count. C'mon libs, tell us all about it.


He helped make Nancy Pelosi more irrelevant than I would have ever imagined, and has managed to make Joe Biden and Debbie Wasserman Shultz disappear.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I challenge anyone here to name me one substantial accomplishment Obama has made in the 4 1/2 years he's been in office. Lowering his golf handicap doesn't count. C'mon libs, tell us all about it.


1.) He won the Nobel Peace Prize. For some reason.

2.) His first chief of staff would intrude into the showers naked to poke appendages into the chests of showering Congresscritters. Not really an Obama accomplishment, but needs to be said.

3.) He managed to be completely useless from 2009-2012 and managed to win re-election.

4.) He managed to allow the first US Ambassador to be murdered on the job in 33 years.

5.) He was the first person to ever raise a billion dollars campaigning. Incessantly. For years. Instead of doing his job.

6.) Beer summit. 'Nuff said.

7.) He reads a teleprompter like no one else.

8.) Managed to alienate the liberal media. As a liberal.

9.) Created the most partisan/racial/corrupt Justice Dept. in recent memory.

10.) Has lowered his golf handicap Er, does great with his March Madness brackets.

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I challenge anyone here to name me one substantial accomplishment Obama has made in the 4 1/2 years he's been in office. Lowering his golf handicap doesn't count. C'mon libs, tell us all about it.



Osama Bin Laden dead.

Eliminated several other Al-Qaeda leaders by focusing military and intelligence assets, including an expanded drone policy.

Ended the War in Iraq.

Begun the drawdown of forces from Afghanistan.

Enacted policies to stop the financial crisis and stabilize and grow the economy.

Ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) in our military.

Stopped defending DOMA in court.

Passed the Hate Crimes bill.

Appointed two progressive women to the Supreme Court.

Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can't afford it.

Expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Fixed the preexisting conditions denials in health insurance.

Created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Overhauled the credit card industry, making it more consumer-friendly.

Effectively mobilized the federal gov't on the BP oil spill, and held the oil industry accountable.

Did the same in response to Hurricane Sandy, just ask Gov Christie and Rep King.


And many of these accomplishments were done despite having to deal with obstructionist Republicans in Congress.


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Obamacare and getting re elected. Other than that, I have nothing.

Getting re elected may be an accomplishment in some eyes but has been quite a sham for him. Obamacare is not a victory for him but an ever tightening collar around his neck. His legacy will be Carter-like.

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Osama Bin Laden dead.


Don't forget about the part where he was already set to blame the Admiral in charge of that area if things went wrong. (You know, before he took all of the credit for agonizing that terribly difficult decision.)

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Osama Bin Laden dead.

Eliminated several other Al-Qaeda leaders by focusing military and intelligence assets, including an expanded drone policy.

Ended the War in Iraq.

Begun the drawdown of forces from Afghanistan.

Enacted policies to stop the financial crisis and stabilize and grow the economy.

Ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) in our military.

Stopped defending DOMA in court.

Passed the Hate Crimes bill.

Appointed two progressive women to the Supreme Court.

Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can't afford it.

Expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Fixed the preexisting conditions denials in health insurance.

Created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Overhauled the credit card industry, making it more consumer-friendly.

Effectively mobilized the federal gov't on the BP oil spill, and held the oil industry accountable.

Did the same in response to Hurricane Sandy, just ask Gov Christie and Rep King.


And many of these accomplishments were done despite having to deal with obstructionist Republicans in Congress.


You're an idiot.

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That was an opinion piece from a conservative columnist....Having said that, WAPO has had a few editorials (which is more of a reflection of the views of the paper than an opinion piece) that have come out criticizing the handling of the Obama administrations response and changing narratives regarding some of the scandals.

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