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The Jets asked for help....

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As a little side note...A friend of mine is a Jets season ticket holder and he decided to break his PSL contract and not buy his season tickets. He owed $5k on a $7,500.00 PSL. The Jets sent numerous letters threatening to sue. Had some big law firm send a threatening letter. Called him several times. He repeatedly told them he would renew when they cut Tim Tebow and fired Rex Ryan. He expected to go to court.


Last week, they called and offered to move him from the 10 yard line to the 40 yard line and NOT charge him the incremental $12,500 PSL AND they said he could pay the 10 yard line ticket price for 2 years.


He took the deal. Isn't it great to see the desperate Jets.

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Answer. Then repeat the question. Twitter is popular why?


Beats me. I find that entire site completely unreadable. It looks like constant repeating of what is above with a whole bunch of &^@* characters thrown in. It's like trying to read a post on Bills Zone.

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