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State of the Union Address

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Mr President ? The alleged murderer of Hadiya in Chicago had been arrested 3 times, was on probation & should have been behind bars.


Your "proposal" regarding guns would not have saved her....................but the worst part is that you are well aware of that (as you use her)




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"Thank you, God bless America!" .................................................................CUT TO... Wolf Blitzer: "CHRISTOPHER DORNER IS DEAD!"


LOL......Sorry Barack.


If only they could have killed him earlier.




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Indeed, this speech showcases why Obama is truly the "drone" president.



Predictable, Forgettable


The president’s State of the Union address was predictable on a number of levels. He called on Congress to pass “balanced” deficit reduction by taxing the rich — and never mentioned that he just raised taxes by $600 billion over the coming decade and that he raised taxes by $1 trillion in the health-care law. He said we can never pull back on promises made in the form of entitlement commitments — without ever mentioning that those promises have never been fully funded and will lead, at some point, to a fiscal and economic crisis. There’s nothing more fiscally irresponsible than to suggest that entitlement commitments can never be revised — but that’s essentially what the president said in his speech tonight.


He said he was willing to restrain Medicare spending, but only with more government-driven price cuts instead of real reforms that will improve the productivity of the health system.


He then went on to recite a good portion of the laundry list of new spending and regulatory ideas that liberal politicians have been pushing for years: universal pre-school, global-warming legislation, job training and infrastructure spending, a “paycheck fairness” act, and even a hike in the minimum wage. The added federal spending for all of this would be financed, presumably, with an ever more “balanced” approach to fiscal policy — meaning, of course, even higher taxes on job creators and entrepreneurs.


As usual for a state of the union address, this speech was such a disconnected assortment of ideas that nothing in it really stood out. So the good news is that what the president proposed — a tired and unoriginal call for even more liberal governance — will be long forgotten in a few short weeks.


And that’s certainly good news for the state of the union.



that was an epic water drink


If he drank water, everything he said was wrong. I only listen to people who don't need water.




Increasing minimum wage is pro-growth, pro-jobs? Like to see the logic behind increasing costs to businesses for 15,000,000 employees supports that.


Unemployment for people 18-29: Around 13 percent.


Obama: Raise the minimum wage by almost 25 percent......................................... Brilliant.




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If he drank water, everything he said was wrong. I only listen to people who don't need water.






Still speaking to 5th graders throughout the speech...Repubs going to need someone who can up the conservative dialog. More or less...is not an ultimatum that makes sense or wins elections in 2012....





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