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State of the Union Address

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I think we can start discussing this now. We already know what our Narcissist President is going to say. How do people feel about: A balanced approach, fairness, more targeted investments in things like education, Republican obstruction, more spending (oops, I mean investments), clean energy, smart spending reductions, closing loopholes, creating more (government and union) jobs (but not border security or school security), sticking it to the big bad oil companies, a balanced approach (deliberately repeated), comprehensive amnesty (oops again, immigration reform), open borders (I mean increased border security), strengthening SS and Medicare (by doing nothing and letting the next Pres deal with it), reducing health care costs (by giving it away to so many), our commitment to Israel (as long as it doesn't mean defending them), the wonderful work done by Hillary as SOS (even though there are almost no accomplishments to point out) and getting military style (well they look like nasty military weapons) assault rifles off the streets,

Edited by keepthefaith
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Why don't we just let Ben Bernake deliver this? Obama will NEVER pass another stimulus but meanwhile he's let the Federal Reserve print $85 billion per month buying up bad bank debt or the equivalent of $269 per citizen per month.


Where's our $269 check? Oh yeah stolen with the payroll tax holiday!

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Obama’s Hypocritic Oath:The startling disconnect between the rhetoric and the reality

By Victor Davis Hanson


Barack Obama has a habit of identifying a supposed crisis in collective morality, damning the straw men “them” who engage in such ethical lapses, soaring with rhetorical bromides — and then, to national quiet, doing more or less the exact things he once swore were ruining the country. Washington will always be a city of hypocrisies, as one would expect when astronomical amounts of money and political power collide. What is striking about the recent disclosures about Obama’s tenure is not that his embarrassments are all that different from embarrassments of other administrations, but that they are at odds entirely with almost everything Obama has professed. And that realization is starting to damage his presidency as much as its actual shortcomings.


Take the recent drone memo and the context in which it was leaked. When Harold Koh was dean of the Yale Law School, he used to berate the Bush administration for its supposedly criminal anti-terrorism policy. He went so far as to call President Bush “torturer in chief.” But as State Department legal counsel in the Obama administration, a metamorphosed Koh and others gave President Obama the go-ahead to up the Predator-drone kill tally tenfold over the Bush administration’s, and insisted that it was legal to kill American citizens suspected of al-Qaeda affiliations.




There is a pattern here, and the list could be expanded: the Affordable Care Act, which will send health-insurance premiums skyrocketing; the bragging about new oil and gas development that came despite, not because of, administration action; the moralizing about the selfish and high-living 1 percent amid the president’s vacationing at Martha’s Vineyard, lavish entertaining, and golfing at tony links; and the platitudes about a new civility and a new politics while raising record amounts of money in order to blacken Mitt Romney as a sexist, racist, veritable crook, and near killer.



In 2008 Obama was not just a fierce critic but a sanctimonious critic of just the sorts of practices and protocols that he has later embraced. Why? Partly, Senator Obama was inexperienced and really believed that the presidency would be as easy a task as had been his opportunistic brief tenure as a senator. Partly, because during the 2007–08 campaign the media never asked questions of Obama in the manner that they did other candidates, he naturally assumed, quite correctly, that they were so invested in his symbolism that they would never critique him when he was president. And partly, as a man of the Left Obama believed that the means really are justified by the ends — and so the reactionary Bush should be judged by standards that can hardly apply to the egalitarian progressive Obama.


Will the abject hypocrisy continue for another four years? There is no reason to believe that Obama has become more circumspect and now understands that he cannot meet the very expectations he demanded of others, or that the media will try to salvage their tattered reputation by applying the same scrutiny to Obama that they did to others. But who knows — in 2016 we may see a young charismatic senator like the Barack Obama of 2007 who creates a messianic persona through hypnotizing the media, insisting that the incumbent is an utter failure, and promising “hope and change.”

Edited by B-Man
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Well, this is a little embarrassing...


Massive Obama cheerleader ABC News brings back former SOTU Obama puppets from Fort Hood shooting, who says the WH has betrayed the victims of the shooting.


This was already known to anyone paying attention, but because the WH designated the attack as workplace violence and not what it was...a terror attack...the government doesn't need to provide full help to the injured or families of the murdered.


Because, y'know, it wasn't a terror attack. It was just a disgruntled employee.




Three years after the White House arranged a hero's welcome at the State of the Union address for the Fort Hood police sergeant and her partner who stopped the deadly shooting there, Kimberly Munley says President Obama broke the promise he made to her that the victims would be well taken care of.


"Betrayed is a good word," former Sgt. Munley told ABC News in a tearful interview to be broadcast tonight on "World News with Diane Sawyer" and "Nightline."Not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of," she said. "In fact they've been neglected."


There was no immediate comment from the White House about Munley's allegations.


Thirteen people were killed, including a pregnant soldier, and 32 others shot in the November 2009 rampage by the accused shooter, Major Nidal Hasan, who now awaits a military trial on charges of premeditated murder and attempted murder.


Tonight's broadcast report also includes dramatic new video, obtained by ABC News, taken in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, capturing the chaos and terror of the day.


Note to ABC News: you will now pay for prodding the bear. Never prod the bear.

Edited by LABillzFan
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It's reported that Dorner is currently in a standoff/shootout with police in Big Bear. Will the left turn on the cop killer if the shootout continuese and he interrupts Obama's speech?

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“The decade of war is over....................


but we face threats from new regions.................


but we are reducing by half our troops in Afghanistan.........


but our troops deserve our support ................


but we need taxes or the axe will fall on the Defense Department.”




and on, and on, and on, and on,



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“The decade of war is over....................


but we face threats from new regions.................


but we are reducing by half our troops in Afghanistan.........


but our troops deserve our support ................


but we need taxes or the axe will fall on the Defense Department.”




and on, and on, and on, and on,




you got it!!!



the sequester that Dems wanted, is now gonna be blamed on Reps... But quite frankly, they deserve it for the asinine job they do opposing anything Obama wants...


As for the rest of the night:

I haven't seen anyone assume he'll blame Bush at least once???

Defense cuts are the Reps fault

How proud he is to serve as commander obama (in chief)

They are the most transparent admin in history

his daughters told him

we produce more oil today, than when he took office

we must protect police officers (huh)

our borders are secure

the American people agree with me

we will take care of... kids, seniors, unfortunate, but only if the rich pay their fair share


I won't take your guns..............................




revenue enhancement




Democracy (but not republic)

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