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Obama signs Warrantless FISA bill


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History lesson: The crucial differences between Bush and Obama’s NSA phone surveillance programs


By Michelle Malkin



Feel free to dismiss without reading, because you just know Michelle Malkin is wrong




Michelle Malkin is rarely wrong, empirically.


However, few people in history have needed to learn the "it's how you say it" lesson more than her.


Twitchy could be 3x more hilarious, if it wasn't done in Molson_Golden's writing style.

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“This administration also puts forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we provide.


I will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our Constitution and our freedom.


That means no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens. No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime. No more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war.


No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient.” -- Sen. Barack Obama (2007)





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“This administration also puts forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we provide.


I will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our Constitution and our freedom.


That means no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens. No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime. No more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war.


No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient.” -- Sen. Barack Obama (2007)





That was Senator Obama. President Obama left all those ideas about drones, Gitmo, and the Patriot Act back in Chicago, and his supporters will now tell you how necessary each of these measures are.

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That was Senator Obama. President Obama left all those ideas about drones, Gitmo, and the Patriot Act back in Chicago, and his supporters will now tell you how necessary each of these measures are.



"...due to the failed policies of the Bush Administration." [/Pelosi]

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Michelle Malkin is rarely wrong, empirically.


However, few people in history have needed to learn the "it's how you say it" lesson more than her.


Twitchy could be 3x more hilarious, if it wasn't done in Molson_Golden's writing style.


If only she would use more emoticons.

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Lois Lerner's Rule


By David Gelernter



I think that using software to discover suspicious patterns of call-placement — and going no further without a court order — is reasonable in times of war, and we are at war, and Americans continue to die.



The problem is that President Obama believes that not just conservatives but Americans in general are dumber than rockfish — just recently he explained that all wars should end, and accordingly he was ending the War on Terror by divine fiat — so how did he expect to justify wartime levels of domestic spying?



Answer: He believed we would be too stupid to ask; or the problem never occurred to him, because he lacks the competence to be president of a cub-scout troop.


“PRISM” seems different and far more dangerous to liberty, but so far I don’t really understand what it does. Unfortunately the DOJ, IRS, State Department, et al. are increasingly in the hands of post-religious globalist quasi-intellectuals (PORGIs), educated on PORGI propaganda, who literally don’t know what America, liberty, or the truth means. (Where would they have learned? Harvard?)


D.C. is increasingly in the hands of Lois Lerners. If we don’t change the schools now, this afternoon, worse trouble is coming and we’ll have only ourselves to blame.





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Another Bush-era activity that seemed to survive as BO figured out the reality of being POTUS.


Yep, just like he got privied to the scum at Gitmo- and the other looong lists of updates Georgie Boy had to look at, fret about at night why people tar and feathered him and thew him under the bus ... I am not saying I like the Patriot Act, but being realist we are not living in the USA of 100 years ago- I mean, we do have people who have delared a holy war against our nation... people blow up marathons... the question is what do we see as reasonable to give up in the Liberty arena to make sure we walk out cities safely???

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Yep, just like he got privied to the scum at Gitmo- and the other looong lists of updates Georgie Boy had to look at, fret about at night why people tar and feathered him and thew him under the bus ... I am not saying I like the Patriot Act, but being realist we are not living in the USA of 100 years ago- I mean, we do have people who have delared a holy war against our nation... people blow up marathons... the question is what do we see as reasonable to give up in the Liberty arena to make sure we walk out cities safely???


Notfernuthin', but we just told a week ago that the war on terror is essentially over.


So if it's over, then our cities are safe, right? And if our cities are safe, then there is no need to give up any liberty, right?


Waaaaaaaaiiiit a minute. What if the war on terror really ISN'T over? Then that would mean....????


Man, I can't wait until someone competent is leading this country again.

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Exquisite timing:






It's either a cruel joke or the world's worst timing: An internship listing for a 'Digital Network Exploitation Analyst' appeared Thursday on the National Security Agency's job-opening Twitter feed, just as the cyber spy directorate was caught up in an international scandal involving snooping on millions of telephone, email and social networking accounts.

The program, based at the NSA's Fort Meade, Maryland headquarters, promises to hire successful applicants 'who can perform discovery and target technology analysis of digital network and mobile communications.'

'The three-year intern program combines training (SIGINT Discovery/Analysis), operational assignments (in the SIGINT Directorate) and a technical report to enhance the skills of an individual. There is a one year commitment to the SIGINT Directorate upon graduation from the Development Program.'



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2337824/Horrible-timing-National-Security-Agency-lists-Digital-Network-Exploitation-Analyst-internship-opening-controversy-swirls-digital-snooping-scandal.html#ixzz2Vf8Ponir

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

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That was Senator Obama. President Obama left all those ideas about drones, Gitmo, and the Patriot Act back in Chicago, and his supporters will now tell you how necessary each of these measures are.


What is being done is legal, approved by Congess which also has oversight, and needs approval by a FISA court. So it's consistent with his statement to end illegal activity.


And if you paid attention you would know that he wants to close Gitmo, and bring the detainees to US courts and prisons, but to date has been blocked by Republicans in Congress. Again consistent with earlier statements.


But don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs. Carry on with your fantasy camp.

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And if you paid attention you would know that he wants to close Gitmo, and bring the detainees to US courts and prisons, but to date has been blocked by Republicans in Congress. Again consistent with earlier statements.


But don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs. Carry on with your fantasy camp.


Obama promised to close Gitmo on Day 1 of his first term. To his advantage, on Day 1 his party controlled both houses. And he didn't do it. The GOP couldn't block him if they wanted.


But you keep working that GOP obstructionist angle. It's a real winner with that last dozen people who think Obama is an actual leader of anything.


His cries of "close Gitmo" had the same single purpose as his empty cries of "gays should marry," collect checks and move on to the next group of doe-eyed sheep.

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What is being done is legal, approved by Congess which also has oversight, and needs approval by a FISA court. So it's consistent with his statement to end illegal activity.


You mean aside from the fact that it's a program that DOESN'T require FISA warrants? And a Bush program he claimed was illegal and yet hasn't ended?


And you're bitching about other people letting facts get in the way of beliefs? You !@#$ing hypocrite.

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What is being done is legal, approved by Congess which also has oversight, and needs approval by a FISA court. So it's consistent with his statement to end illegal activity.


And if you paid attention you would know that he wants to close Gitmo, and bring the detainees to US courts and prisons, but to date has been blocked by Republicans in Congress. Again consistent with earlier statements.


But don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs. Carry on with your fantasy camp.


I guess we finally found out who still watches msnbc eh?


US politics is about supporting your team no matter what. Thank you for demonstrating it quite nicely.

Edited by meazza
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