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Elementary school shootings in CT: Principal, multiple students killed

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I am sorry Adam. Please accept my apologies for aiming it @ you. 3rd, being the butt head they are keeps on beating a dead horse. Standard MO for somebody like 3rd. I will let it go and let them have the last word...

No problem. I don't even remember what it was about!

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I am sorry Adam. Please accept my apologies for aiming it @ you. 3rd, being the butt head they are keeps on beating a dead horse. Standard MO for somebody like 3rd. I will let it go and let them have the last word...


Listen you little weasel, I simply pointed out to you that you completely changed your attitude after you were criticized by many for making the massacre political and then claimed that you had a whole different attitude from the start. You're the one who keeps making excuses.

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Speaking for myself... And that I did, stay respectful, through the thread. You heard what the founder of this board had to say... For crying out loud, he hasn't chimed in 8 or 9 years... 8 or 9 years!


I am @ peace with you UConn... Stay true to your beliefs...


For crying out loud... There is a poster here advocating that the shooter should have "lit up Congress" instead... And nary a peep... Now you wonder why hate spreads, anti-gov 't sentiment spreads. If anything, the board management should be worried about **** like that being said... Not normal political discourse on an already dedicated political board. "Lighting up Congress" is not normal thinking.


It doesn't merit censorship. On that I agree.


I said far less about Ralph Wilson in the Shoutbox (that when he kicks the bucket, the state of the franchise will be better off. Literally. That's what I wrote.) and got banned and 2 "warning points" for it. So as for any consistency in moderating on this site... every mod is a sheriff in his/her own right and is above questioning as Beerball wrote in the Customer Service forum.


We don't want them here, we don't need them here, we "police ourselves."


You have the right to write your opinions here, but incumbent in that is a personal duty to not be a prick before dead first graders are buried.


I know someone who has/is working the scene. In the school, in those two rooms. It is beyond terrible. This person is as hard-boiled as they come, had seen everything... and I can see a change in this person's personality already. It will be their nightmare for the rest of their life. Post traumatic stress disorder has been described as the brain trying and failing to make sense of the insensible. Someone has to do it, and it is unenviable. There's a reason why people in the military are rotated through Graves Registration. I have an uncle who did that through two tours of Vietnam; most of those guys blew their own brains out.


I don't see how it's such a hard thing to let this settle down a bit before people go poking the nerve.

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It doesn't merit censorship. On that I agree.


I said far less about Ralph Wilson in the Shoutbox (that when he kicks the bucket, the state of the franchise will be better off. Literally. That's what I wrote.) and got banned and 2 "warning points" for it. So as for any consistency in moderating on this site... every mod is a sheriff in his/her own right and is above questioning as Beerball wrote in the Customer Service forum.


We don't want them here, we don't need them here, we "police ourselves."


You have the right to write your opinions here, but incumbent in that is a personal duty to not be a prick before dead first graders are buried.


I know someone who has/is working the scene. In the school, in those two rooms. It is beyond terrible. This person is as hard-boiled as they come, had seen everything... and I can see a change in this person's personality already. It will be their nightmare for the rest of their life. Post traumatic stress disorder has been described as the brain trying and failing to make sense of the insensible. Someone has to do it, and it is unenviable. There's a reason why people in the military are rotated through Graves Registration. I have an uncle who did that through two tours of Vietnam; most of those guys blew their own brains out.


I don't see how it's such a hard thing to let this settle down a bit before people go poking the nerve.

I very much agree with the point going around Facebook now (which is being attributed to Morgan Freeman), about the media glorifying these incidents. I also think they should leave the kids alone as far as interviews.

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I very much agree with the point going around Facebook now (which is being attributed to Morgan Freeman), about the media glorifying these incidents. I also think they should leave the kids alone as far as interviews.


Actually, talking the experience through is one of the most effective forms of therapy. Another of the symptoms of PTSD is when remembering it brings about those same feelings of panic/anxiety/etc. One of the points of therapy is being able to talk about it without re-experiencing it. I would reference the PBS miniseries "This Emotional Life" in this regard.


Granted... talking to the media isn't any form of this kind of therapy. But, people want to try to understand this event, and the people who experienced it are the kids. It's naive to think that this won't or shouldn't happen.

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Actually, talking the experience through is one of the most effective forms of therapy. Another of the symptoms of PTSD is when remembering it brings about those same feelings of panic/anxiety/etc. One of the points of therapy is being able to talk about it without re-experiencing it. I would reference the PBS miniseries "This Emotional Life" in this regard.


Granted... talking to the media isn't any form of this kind of therapy. But, people want to try to understand this event, and the people who experienced it are the kids. It's naive to think that this won't or shouldn't happen.

They should be talking to their parents or a therapist then. The journalists just want a story.

Edited by Adam
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They should be talking to their parents or a therapist then. The journalists just want a story.


So true.


On another note. Growing up, I am old enough to remember air raid drills... We'd get under our desks or go out into the halls and line up against the lockers... Hands to head, elbows to walls... I remember asking a teacher once in grade one, why? She said: "In case the communists bomb us."


That being said... I work for the DoD... We take anti-terrorism training yearly. "Active shooter" is part of the course. Maybe we should start having "active shooter drills" in schools?

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So true.


On another note. Growing up, I am old enough to remember air raid drills... We'd get under our desks or go out into the halls and line up against the lockers... Hands to head, elbows to walls... I remember asking a teacher once in grade one, why? She said: "In case the communists bomb us."


That being said... I work for the DoD... We take anti-terrorism training yearly. "Active shooter" is part of the course. Maybe we should start having "active shooter drills" in schools?

All for it. The more involvement the military has in schools the better- particularly with meals and physical education. Enough of the garbage that pizza is a vegetable!

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I don't know which of the 4 different threads relating to the Sandy Hook massacre Morgan Freeman was quoted in, but the link below is his repudiation of that quote.






Turns out Morgan Freeman hasn't spoken his mind on the school shootings in Newtown, Conn.


Having played all manner of heavyweights -- even God -- in his career, Freeman commands attention, and we he speaks out, people tend to listen. So Saturday, when a statement blaming the media for sensationalizing the shootings was attributed to the respected actor, it quickly became a Facebook and Internet sensation.


More: Latest developments on the shooting tragedy from MSN News


But he never made or posted any statement, his publicist Stan Rosenfield told TheWrap Sunday. He said the actor's camp was trying to determine the origin of the hoax statement.


"It's because of the way the media reports it," the phony statement read in part. "Turn on the news and see how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single 'victim' of Columbine?


"Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basement see the news and want to top it by doing something worse and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster instead of a sad nobody."


The statement also takes CNN to task over its use of the phrase "body count" in relation to the Newtown shootings and said the news coverage would incite more killings.


"So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or maternity ward next."


Reddit users pointed to long Facebook post by "Mark" of Vancouver that is identical to Freeman's "statement," according to the Inquisitor. "Mark" later commented on his own post, "If I know the Internet, someone will attribute the quote to Morgan Freeman or Betty White and it'll go viral."


Apparently so.



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I don't know which of the 4 different threads relating to the Sandy Hook massacre Morgan Freeman was quoted in, but the link below is his repudiation of that quote.






Turns out Morgan Freeman hasn't spoken his mind on the school shootings in Newtown, Conn.


Having played all manner of heavyweights -- even God -- in his career, Freeman commands attention, and we he speaks out, people tend to listen. So Saturday, when a statement blaming the media for sensationalizing the shootings was attributed to the respected actor, it quickly became a Facebook and Internet sensation.


More: Latest developments on the shooting tragedy from MSN News


But he never made or posted any statement, his publicist Stan Rosenfield told TheWrap Sunday. He said the actor's camp was trying to determine the origin of the hoax statement.


"It's because of the way the media reports it," the phony statement read in part. "Turn on the news and see how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single 'victim' of Columbine?


"Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basement see the news and want to top it by doing something worse and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster instead of a sad nobody."


The statement also takes CNN to task over its use of the phrase "body count" in relation to the Newtown shootings and said the news coverage would incite more killings.


"So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or maternity ward next."


Reddit users pointed to long Facebook post by "Mark" of Vancouver that is identical to Freeman's "statement," according to the Inquisitor. "Mark" later commented on his own post, "If I know the Internet, someone will attribute the quote to Morgan Freeman or Betty White and it'll go viral."


Apparently so.

Yep. I suspected it wasn't From him, but I agree with it.

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i don't think anyone would argue against the fact that atrocities have been committed in the name of God or of a specific religion. but there have been many great things done by religions and their followers and continue to be. many examples are ordinary, everyday acts that the rank and file do daily throughout their lives. those lives are an important part of the moral fabric of many successful societies. a few at the powerful stations have poisoned the well with devastating results but that doesn't implicate the philosophical foundations of christianity or of any of the other major belief systems in the world. as far as i know, they all believe in the presence of evil and the people who are empowered are particularly susceptible to it.


regarding your statement that religion enables absolutism, i would reply that this is a gross generalization and oversimplification. Some of the spiritual figures that i most admire (eg mother theresa) have questioned the very existence of God at times in their lives yet continued their good works. critical thinking is an important part of a great many peoples spirituality. it's taught successfully and continually at many fine religion based universities.

Very good post.


I'm not 100% in agreement, but that was an excellent, passionate, and well said.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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I keep trying to wrap my head around what happened in Connecticut the other day and this seemed like a good place to look. I normally have a lot of opinions on things to blame and not to blame. I'm sure at some point I will have opinions on the arguments that arise from this about guns, mental health, schools and the media.


Right now I still don't have any opinions on any of it. Maybe it is because I have two young children, or maybe it is just the age of those poor kids that were taken from us. Parents or not, we can all relate in some way.


I always come back to the what if. What if this were my kid(s), or if it were me, and there was nothing that could stop it, what would I feel? The only answer is knowing that I would trade everything I have, including my life and all of its memories, to be able to spend one more minute with my kids. It makes me realize how blessed I am to not have to make any such trade.


There are 20 sets of parents yearning to make that trade right now, but they can't. All they can do is live there lives in a way that honors their children and hope that at the end of their own days, they will have a glorious reunion with their child. I pray for them that they will have this reunion.

Edited by OGTEleven
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I always come back to the what if. What if this were my kid(s), or if it were me, and there was nothing that could stop it, what would I feel? The only answer is knowing that I would trade everything I have, including my life and all of its memories, to be able to spend one more minute with my kids. It makes me realize how blessed I am to not have to make any such trade.


There are 20 sets of parents yearning to make that trade right now, but they can't. All they can do is live there lives in a way that honors their children and hope that at the end of their own days, they will have a glorious reunion with their child. I pray for them that they will have this reunion.


Very well said. I can only imagine the suffocating grief those parents/families must be dealing with.

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Uh, I thought your ballwashing of EiI was sarcasm. Wow, just wow. There's actually someone else who agrees with him?

oh, hell no.....I couldn't possibly disagree with him more. your presumption of sarcasm on my part was 100% accurate.


for what it's worth, my take on the subject is that any one of us here could have walked into that school full of little kids with a baseball bat and killed just as many of them as this maniac did. to argue guns as the big issue here is wrong imo.



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