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CJ winded? He doesn't think so.


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CJ doesn't understand Chan's comments about him being 'winded'.




He was asked today about his conditioning.


"I'm not going to get into a battle with my head coach if I'm winded," Spiller said. "I'm in shape. Let's just put it like that. I'm in shape. If I wasn't in shape, then I shouldn't be on the field. But I'm in shape."


I'm interested to see how Chan talks his way out of this one.

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Another "not winded" article from Joe B: http://wgr550.com/tw...-drive/14996948


Glad to see Chan FINALLY saying:


"We’re going to get the opportunity here in the next few weeks for him to get a lot that we won’t have what I term two great backs. I think Tashard’s a very good back but to me he’s not in Fred’s category so there won’t be a lot of sharing of duties. C.J. will have to take a big part of the load now.”


At least we're going to get to see with CJ can do carrying the load. If he comes out hitting home runs in the last three games Chan is going to look like a fool for not using him all season - let's just hope it's the start of a stellar career for CJ and maybe the undoing of Chan...



Though with our luck CJ will go off, we'll finish 8-8, this doomsday scenario Buscaglia describes will take place and we'll actually make the playoffs and Chan will get another year... http://wgr550.com/pa...tentId=11987028

Edited by Heitz
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Another "not winded" article from Joe B: http://wgr550.com/tw...-drive/14996948


Glad to see Chan FINALLY saying:


"We’re going to get the opportunity here in the next few weeks for him to get a lot that we won’t have what I term two great backs. I think Tashard’s a very good back but to me he’s not in Fred’s category so there won’t be a lot of sharing of duties. C.J. will have to take a big part of the load now.”


At least we're going to get to see with CJ can do carrying the load. If he comes out hitting home runs in the last three games Chan is going to look like a fool for not using him all season - let's just hope it's the start of a stellar career for CJ and maybe the undoing of Chan...



Though with our luck CJ will go off, we'll finish 8-8, this doomsday scenario Buscaglia describes will take place and we'll actually make the playoffs and Chan will get another year... http://wgr550.com/pa...tentId=11987028



Glad I wasn't the only one that found Chan's comments about being 'winded' curious and worth following up on. B-)


It's still not clear that Chan was lying. CJ played the 1st, 3rd (where he said that he tapped out), 5th and 6th drives of the first half. CJ played the 1st and 3rd drives in the 2nd half. The Bills had 11 total drives and the last one was a 2 minute drill. So, according to the rotation, CJ did get more drives. Reference: http://www.nfl.com/l...UF_Gamebook.pdf


What I find ridiculous is that Megamind hasn't figured out better ways to get both his great backs on the field at the same time or more involved in the passing game. Spiller is better in space than standing on the sideline.

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Another "not winded" article from Joe B: http://wgr550.com/tw...-drive/14996948


Glad to see Chan FINALLY saying:


"We’re going to get the opportunity here in the next few weeks for him to get a lot that we won’t have what I term two great backs. I think Tashard’s a very good back but to me he’s not in Fred’s category so there won’t be a lot of sharing of duties. C.J. will have to take a big part of the load now.”


At least we're going to get to see with CJ can do carrying the load. If he comes out hitting home runs in the last three games Chan is going to look like a fool for not using him all season - let's just hope it's the start of a stellar career for CJ and maybe the undoing of Chan...



Though with our luck CJ will go off, we'll finish 8-8, this doomsday scenario Buscaglia describes will take place and we'll actually make the playoffs and Chan will get another year... http://wgr550.com/pa...tentId=11987028

It's too effin late.

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It's a struggle to touch the ball more than 5 times for Spiller. This is the biggest case of out thinking yourself. You have a rb who is averaging a historic ypc and is magic with the ball in his hands, yet you try to save him? I hate yelling to just fire people, but that is a reason to lose your job. You best believe in Madden, Spiller is getting at least 20.

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Id have more respect for spiller if he said what he really feels....


This makes me hate Gailey more!


Interesting thought.


I really respect that CJ is a respectful young man who won't publicly disparage his boss. I respect that a lot.


But I see your point and I do admire when people are also brutally honest without being a-holes about it.

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Have you guys ever considered.......maybe this is also Gailey's problem........he has to coach a few plays and then "his head" gets winded?? Unfortunately for him (and us) he doesn't have a back-up head coach that he can put in for a series or two until he is, again, able to perform at his "optimum" level. (haha, sorry, i actually laughed outloud when i typed "Gailey at his optimum level") But seriously......maybe we should have the waterboy standing by just in case Chan needs to take a play/series or two off, it seems to work great for CJ!!!

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I heard the "winded" comments by Gailey this AM and I was thinking, what? Does CJ have a breathing problem or something? I can understand taking a break for a play or two...OK...But this kid is in amazing, I mean...incredible shape...I just could not understand the way Gailey made the comment because it sounded like it's a regular thing with CJ asking out because he was winded...It really struck me as being a bit strange...I'm glad CJ set the record straight...Now Chan can file that excuse I guess... B-)

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Interesting thought.


I really respect that CJ is a respectful young man who won't publicly disparage his boss. I respect that a lot.


But I see your point and I do admire when people are also brutally honest without being a-holes about it.


Well i might need to rethink what i said....


My point is, id love for Spiller to say i want the ball every play! Give me the damn ball i will carry this team....i will take us to the next level...give me the ball...i can make the plays! Lets do this.


But...instead we get, i just run the plays called, when my numbers called i try my best...that attitude is why this franchise is where it is!


Id love love love to see Spiller walk off the field yelling throwing his helmet cause he was taken off the field! Its called FIRE!!! Ive yet to see it from anyone on offense! All ive seen is lame dances on TDs!


Most fire we've seen from NON defensive players was from Rian Lindell after being taken off the field for a punt! To me thats really bad and really sad!


I do like how Spiller handled the questions....but man show some emotion that you want the ball and want to stay on the field !


One reason i loved T.O. Was cause whether his team was on a roll or struggling he wanted the ball to help his team and he let it be known....


We have guys who are scared to say anything! That scared mentality their coach has installed in them!

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These "winded" comments are being exaggerated and mis understood. Coach Gailey was asked about why CJ and Fred did not get more carries. He hemmed and hawed around and at one point said that after those 2 long runs CJ came out and said he was winded. CJ says the same thing. After those two 14 yard runs at the beginning of the 2nd half he came out because he was winded. He goes on to say he told them he was ready to go back in after one or two plays but was never put back in.


Coach Gailey never said he didn't put CJ in late in the 3rd or 4th quarter was because CJ was tired. He was just talking about that one series that CJ concurs with.


Seems dumb to not get CJ and Fred more touches than passes by Fitz with our RBs and Fitz being Fitz.


If they were stacking 9 in the box when CJ was in, shouldn't a great Offensive coaching genius been able to come up with a way to exploit this?

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I knew it, you knew it, everybody knew it.

Chan Gailey walked up the podium for his post game interview and everyone in the room knew exactly what he would say when the question came. Once it did, Gailey did not disappoint — or maybe he did depending on how you look at it.

The Buffalo Bills may lack talent in several spots, but not at running back. C.J. Spiller and Fred Jackson are among the better running back stables in the league, but very few people have been able to see that.

Spiller, specifically, is being held back and nobody can figure out why. Gailey’s explanations have been the same and frankly, have become tiresome.

“He had two good runs in that first drive, he gets winded, and he comes out,” Gailey said when asked why Spiller came out of the game following a 15-yard carry and never appeared again on that drive which ended in a field goal.

He gets winded? After a 15-yard run? Something must be wrong if a professional athlete in that kind of physical shape gets winded after a 15-yard run. But yet, that’s not the first time Gailey has said that about Spiller.

Gailey has also often gone to the excuse of it being “Fred’s turn” to run the ball when Spiller is sitting on the sidelines while the Bills’ offense sputters.

“We were trying to run the football and when it was Fred’s turn, it was Fred’s turn to be in there,” said Gailey. “Trying to keep them both fresh.”

What exactly are they keeping them fresh for? The Bills will soon be sitting at home in January for the 13th straight season, so Jackson and Spiller will be plenty fresh for watching the playoffs on television.

With Jackson’s injury it makes that Spiller would now be used more, but with Gailey that’s no certainty. If he gets winded after a 15-yard run this week, why wouldn't he do the same in Toronto this Sunday against Seattle?

The Bills were criticized for taking Spiller so early in the 2010 draft because they had so many other more pressing needs and Jackson and Marshawn Lynch were a formidable duo. However, now that Buddy Nix and Gailey have been proven correct that Spiller was worth the gamble and become the dynamic player they envisioned, he is being held back.

Spiller touched the ball eight times against the Rams in a game in which the Bills struggled on offense. The Bills managed only 61 yards rushing, but Spiller still was running at more than five yards per carry.

The problem, however, is that Spiller touched the ball same amount of times as John Hekker — the Rams’ punter.

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