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Does beating Dolphins mean anything anymore?


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It's base on time.


We all hated them in the 70s cause we couldn't win a damn game. That hate followed us into the 80s a d of course the 90s because they were our biggest rival. Times changed. We sucked for almost 20 years since Kelly left. With that, the hatred towards the Phins dwindled because the fans changed. Became younger, and weren't around during the 80-90s hay days of Fish hatred.


With all that said, we have accumulated a larger hatred for the Pats and Jets than ever before. IF, and that's a BIG IF, we finally become a playoff caliber type of team, we will enjoy our Jets and Pats rivals just as much as the Dolphins gathered of the 70-90s.

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I can't ever recall being less indifferent about a victory over the "hated" fish.... who are we playing again next week??

Division Games are a test of a team's manhood.


The Bills have been little boys in the division for many years.


Win Division games is the shortest path to the playoffs.


It will always matter.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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Bills v Dolphins these days is like a chess club nerd getting into a fight with the pimply faced kid in band who plays the clarinet.

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I swear I've never seen this board more unhappy after a win. We beat a division rival. Does that mean anything?



As I said in another post. After Chan completely fumbled the game and almost lost another another one I was actually hoping for a loss. The players deserved a win, Chan deserves to be fired for his incompetence.
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As I said in another post. After Chan completely fumbled the game and almost lost another another one I was actually hoping for a loss. The players deserved a win, Chan deserves to be fired for his incompetence.


I have to watch the game again. Unfortunately I had people over who wouldn't shut up and it was distracting me. I totally do not get the attitude over this game.


What I saw was a very conservative game plan while getting the ball to our two best playmakers. After all the complaints of Chan rolling the dice late in games I figured everyone would be happy we didn't make Fitz throw much.


So how did Chan almost lose the game?



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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The Bills and Dolphins are pretty much neck and neck..The only difference is that it took the Fins 10 games to reach this level of mediocrity, and it has taken us three years! This is the longest rebuild in the history of mankind.



The Bills and Fins are pretty much neck and neck..The big difference being it took them ten games to reach this level of mediocrity, and it has taken us three years...This is the longest rebuilding project in the history of mankind!


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