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Another problem with the Wildcat this year is Chan is not choosing to use it on 2nd and 3rd and 1-2 to pick up the first downs all that much, and instead is having Fitz throw out of an empty backfield and it's not working.


That said, today they used it on 2-1 and picked up 3 yards for a first down.

Spiller had a 7-8 yard run from it.

There was a great 16 yard Wildcat run to the 1 yard line by Brad Smith right before the Fred Ex TD.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't Smith serve up a big INT the last time he threw a bomb off a wildcat? Maybe that's what Rex was talking about when he said Tebow throws better than Smith in the wildcat. Can't disagree. Plus, as a former QB, he should know better not to throw the ball when the WR takes the wrong route (if that's in fact what happened).

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Correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't Smith serve up a big INT the last time he threw a bomb off a wildcat? Maybe that's what Rex was talking about when he said Tebow throws better than Smith in the wildcat. Can't disagree. Plus, as a former QB, he should know better not to throw the ball when the WR takes the wrong route (if that's in fact what happened).

Terrible call. Pretty bad throw. Bad decision. Bad route. There is no question that Gailey did not design that play to have two WRs run fly routes right next to each other. Smith threw to his target, Jones, who seemed to have a step on his man, and overthrew him by 2-3 yards. But Peterson should never have been that close to intercept. He wasn't covering Jones. If Jones ran more to the middle of the field it's very likely just incomplete. And just a stupid call and pretty bad throw (but overthrown as it better be not underthrown).

Edited by Kelly the Dog
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not a good call at all in that situation. under 5 minutes in the game with a 3 point lead on the right side of the 50 yard line. We needed to run the ball and kill the clock. Might be a great call in a different part of the game, but not in that one....


I actually liked the call. It stunned everyone on the defensive line. Smith had all day back there to throw a bomb. Thing is, it was a bad throw. Receiver didn't have good separation. Good call, bad execution.

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I like the Wildcat if we don't pass from it. Think of it this way - when we use the wildcat, Fitz isn't throwing inaccurate passes. Addition by subtraction.


Can we ban the wildcat now? for every one good play there are 10 bad ones.

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I actually liked the call. It stunned everyone on the defensive line. Smith had all day back there to throw a bomb. Thing is, it was a bad throw. Receiver didn't have good separation. Good call, bad execution.

I honestly don't think it was a bad pass at all. The problem was that Stevie/Peterson were running the same route and over the top of the other WR/DB. Watching the replay the ball was thrown to where Jones only had a shot at it.

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Agreed....it was 2nd and 8 and I would have been happy with two consecutive running plays. At least we would have taken some time off the clock, and the way we were running the ball, probably would have moved the chains. Horrible call given the game situation.


Me too! I don't know how successful running would've been, but at the very least you're burning clock. Run it on 2nd down, eat clock, and see what you got on 3rd. I bet a draw would've worked on a third and medium, if the scenario presented itself.



It's a horrible call if it in any way involves the word "wildcat".


Gimmicks are what bad teams use to compensate. Have a base offense, know it, practice it until you can execute it in your sleep, then punch other teams in the face with it. Anything else is bull ****.


I would agree except you're forgetting the Bills aren't a very good team. I'm sure the few wildcat reps in practice don't significantly detract from the base offense. It's not like the wildcat is holding the Bills back from being an otherwise good team. So if a gimmick is what they need to compensate, I'm all for it. It's really just a wrinkle that happens to have a name, so it's easier to criticize.


My real problem is not the playcall itself to throw out of the wildcat but more of the fact there was no attempt at misdirection.


There was the same pre-snap motion on that play as every other wildcat play they ran all day. Not sure what you mean. Smith faked a handoff to Spiller, same as he did on his 16 yard keeper.


Correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't Smith serve up a big INT the last time he threw a bomb off a wildcat?


I wouldn't call it a "big" INT. It was essentially a punt in garbage time of the first game of the season when the Bills had a commanding 35 point lead. I'm sure Chan just said, "No matter what- throw it downfield so there's tape of us throwing out of the wildcat." Good DCs then knew that they had to cover wideouts and keep at least one safety back so someone like Roscoe doesn't get behind the coverage. That probably helped the running aspect of the wildcat last year until they scrapped it when BS had to play WR fulltime.

Edited by uncle flap
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