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Here's some optimism for you:

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When I was a kid, I always would see those sports illustrated commercials after a team won a championship...


"congratulations redskins fans, your team is the best in the NFL, subscribe now and we'll send you this vhs and a redskins year book commemorating their season."


And I always swore up and down, when the Bills won the Super Bowl, I'd get that subscription.


Well, clearly, I still have never had an S.I. subscription, but I digress.


Turns out, I wasn't the only one who thought that way. After the Pats won in 01-02, my friend got that subscription, got that dvd, and got that year book. As much as it pains me to say, I have read that yearbook, and let me tell you something:


It's not all op-ed pieces about how amazing the Patriots were that season. It's filled with doom and gloom when Bledsoe goes down. It's filled with pieces about how it's going to be an impossible task to beat the Rams. And on and on.


The point is--and this is the most important point you can make to a board full of Bills fans--its a LONG season. And you're not out of it until you're eliminated, mathematically, 100%.


I think, over the last 15 years, some of us have forgotten that, but more importantly, young bills fans, who may only have been 10 when the bills last made the playoffs (and may only have ever closely followed the bills) don't even know this lesson.


One loss, really, truly is only one loss. As a matter of fact, the current reigning champions of the National Football League lost 7 times last year, went 3-3 in their division, and had the 27th ranked defense in the league.


My biggest mistake as a Bills fan was giving up on them. In 2004, we started 0-4. Started 0-2 in the division (losses to the Jets and the Patriots.) Then we clawed back to 3-5, before losing to new england AGAIN to go to 3-6. I'm ashamed to say, I bailed. "I had had enough." No more was that team going to torture me. I was in college, I just wanted to enjoy my weekends with my friends. Not be miserable with the Bills.


So what happened? Well, everyone knows they won 6 in a row to set up the week 17 match against Pit for a wild card spot. But as I watched that game, part of me wanted them to lose. The season to that point had felt magical, and I KNEW i had given up, and as a fan, I didnt deserve to be there if they won the super bowl that year. I would have been a bandwagon bills fan. That season was the last time I havent watched a game, and it's the last time I'll ever "give up" on the Bills.


Now look man, I know how this board works. I know were going to be ripping on our boys when they get smoked in san fran on sunday. But for those guys on here that are maybe 21, 22, 23, and feel like it's hopeless, and it's never going to be fun to watch the bills.. dont give up on it just yet. its a LONG season, and the afc is not very good at all. the odds of us getting a wild card are pretty good, and in the NFL playoffs, anything can happen. Especially if you have playmakers on defense, and an offensive line-just ask the giants.


keep the faith guys.

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When I was a kid, I always would see those sports illustrated commercials after a team won a championship...


"congratulations redskins fans, your team is the best in the NFL, subscribe now and we'll send you this vhs and a redskins year book commemorating their season."


And I always swore up and down, when the Bills won the Super Bowl, I'd get that subscription.


Well, clearly, I still have never had an S.I. subscription, but I digress.


Turns out, I wasn't the only one who thought that way. After the Pats won in 01-02, my friend got that subscription, got that dvd, and got that year book. As much as it pains me to say, I have read that yearbook, and let me tell you something:


It's not all op-ed pieces about how amazing the Patriots were that season. It's filled with doom and gloom when Bledsoe goes down. It's filled with pieces about how it's going to be an impossible task to beat the Rams. And on and on.


The point is--and this is the most important point you can make to a board full of Bills fans--its a LONG season. And you're not out of it until you're eliminated, mathematically, 100%.


I think, over the last 15 years, some of us have forgotten that, but more importantly, young bills fans, who may only have been 10 when the bills last made the playoffs (and may only have ever closely followed the bills) don't even know this lesson.


One loss, really, truly is only one loss. As a matter of fact, the current reigning champions of the National Football League lost 7 times last year, went 3-3 in their division, and had the 27th ranked defense in the league.


My biggest mistake as a Bills fan was giving up on them. In 2004, we started 0-4. Started 0-2 in the division (losses to the Jets and the Patriots.) Then we clawed back to 3-5, before losing to new england AGAIN to go to 3-6. I'm ashamed to say, I bailed. "I had had enough." No more was that team going to torture me. I was in college, I just wanted to enjoy my weekends with my friends. Not be miserable with the Bills.


So what happened? Well, everyone knows they won 6 in a row to set up the week 17 match against Pit for a wild card spot. But as I watched that game, part of me wanted them to lose. The season to that point had felt magical, and I KNEW i had given up, and as a fan, I didnt deserve to be there if they won the super bowl that year. I would have been a bandwagon bills fan. That season was the last time I havent watched a game, and it's the last time I'll ever "give up" on the Bills.


Now look man, I know how this board works. I know were going to be ripping on our boys when they get smoked in san fran on sunday. But for those guys on here that are maybe 21, 22, 23, and feel like it's hopeless, and it's never going to be fun to watch the bills.. dont give up on it just yet. its a LONG season, and the afc is not very good at all. the odds of us getting a wild card are pretty good, and in the NFL playoffs, anything can happen. Especially if you have playmakers on defense, and an offensive line-just ask the giants.


keep the faith guys.


keeping the faith in fine, but blindly following bad management is not a recipe for success...


the team needs to win 2 of the next 3 to have any real shot and show they are actually good... im sick of " potential "... it is what it is...

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I agree with the general idea of this post. I'll never give up on the Bills. They are my team. I've loved them since I was 4 years old and Bruce only got a safety, not a sack with a forced fumble in the endzone. I do not follow blindly, I feel like I am in tune with the team's real talent. I don't give up hope though, because the games are decided on the field. They have to play in order to have a record. I'll watch every game, with the same hope that they can win. Usually there is an "if" snuggled in there, but I'll always watch. They're my team.

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My 1st live game was the comeback. Worst thing that could've happened to me, because now I too have that same horrible optimism...


I grew up in the 90s so I grew up with the Bills being dominant so I'm not nearly as negative as others. Bottomline is it's a football team. They make me very happy when they win and pissed off when they lose. But I'd still rather watch a meaningless Bills game than the SB with teams I don't care about. I'm insane but I will watch most every second of these 12 games hoping for the best.

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Blah blah blah. Keep the blind faith for another 10 years of failure being fed to us by awful management. Blah blah blah. There, I saved everyone 4000 words.


You could have saved 29 more words and not posted at all. Why bother following the team if you're outlook is so bleak?


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You could have saved 29 more words and not posted at all. Why bother following the team if you're outlook is so bleak?


for the same reason that most of us do: we have some illogical emotional connection to a team that has disappointed us for years.


there's no reasonable reason why anyone would love or feel invested in this team (especially since they've provided nothing but heartbreak since before most of us were born). yet, here we are.

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My 1st live game was the comeback. Worst thing that could've happened to me, because now I too have that same horrible optimism...


Funny story. Who could have thought that optimism could be a negative quality! If we are looking for a silver lining (Other than being 2 and 2 and tied for the division lead). At least were not Cubs fans. No. Seriously. At least were not the Cubs. That's 100 years without a championship!


Good Times.

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Funny story. Who could have thought that optimism could be a negative quality! If we are looking for a silver lining (Other than being 2 and 2 and tied for the division lead). At least were not Cubs fans. No. Seriously. At least were not the Cubs. That's 100 years without a championship!


the cubs are viewed as loveable losers. the bills are viewed as pitiful.

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for the same reason that most of us do: we have some illogical emotional connection to a team that has disappointed us for years.


there's no reasonable reason why anyone would love or feel invested in this team (especially since they've provided nothing but heartbreak since before most of us were born). yet, here we are.



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I like the Chicago Bears. I like their history. I like all of their great players. And Ditka. If could change alliances, that would the team I would cheer. I watched them Monday night against the team I despise most - the Dallas Cowboys. I think Cutler's a good quarterback and i get a kick out of his icy demeanor on the field. I wanted to cheer them. I did cheer. I tried to feel some connection to the team and bask in the glory of their win...Nada. Nothing at all. I can't do it. I'm a Bills fan till the day I die or until they are gone.

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Buffalo's playoff drought is still only about one-third the time the Israelites spent wandering through the desert before reaching the promised land. We really don't have anything to complain about as Bills fans. It takes time to get things right.

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