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NE/Ravens Sunday Night Thread

Kelly the Dog

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Bills front four>> raven's. It feel's good to type that, but it's true.


Yah I really feel like the Ravens are being a bit overrated this yr...feel like missing Suggs all year will catch up with them eventually. If you don't have any real good pass-rushers I think you need a better qb than Flacco to be an elite team.

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What does Goodell care? People are still watching and advertisers are still paying.


Give it time. It's an integrity issue. As the league loses it, they WILL lose viewers and ad dollars. It's not instant, but they recognize its a big issue compared to the money at play with the nflra. We're talking a couple thousand per game for the officials. A fraction of a point in ratings will cost many multiples of that payout

Edited by NoSaint
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There have been several this week.


After last Monday, this being the next national primetime game... Not good for goodell.

A friend of mine flying back to LA after the Bills game last week was sitting next to a guy who was the Back Judge in the Chief game, and had some interesting things to say... He also already had the tape of the game on his tablet and they watched a bunch of plays on the flight. My buddy is one of the most astute fans I ever met and knows the game better than me.


1 He was a Division II ref and the NFL looked at hundred of hours of film on him before they called him in. They started with about 200 and cut it down to 100 or so.


2. He thought the the Searcy late hit was a bad call.


3. The entire referee team hated that the Chiefs were calling time outs late and this guy said no matter what the Bills did on the last play he was not going to call a penalty on them.


4. His life goal was to referee a Big Ten game and now he is doing the NFL and a lot of the refs are big fans of certain teams.

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