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Have we had enough Brad Smith yet?

Russ 'Em

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Well thought out Flap. As I have stated before that I respect your opinion, I still think it's a clear cut case that not only BS but the WC also is a waste of time and money. As I've said before, it can hurt you (like this past Sunday) more than it can help you (like this past Sunday). It puts players who aren't supposed to be in those positions, in the position to win or lose a game.


Frankly, if I'm going to have someone throw the ball, I want my starting QB. Not a backup. Not a WR. Not a RB. My starting QB. Regardless of how innefective he might be that particular day.


If someone is going to run the ball, I want my RB doing it. The same RB that has consistantly put up 7+ yards a carry and has shown the ability to break it loose from anywhere in the field. Not a backup QB. Not a WR. My starting RB. And we have 2 really good ones.


Regardless of how effective or innefective my offense might be on any particular Sunday I don't want to put it into the hands of a backup of 4 different positions. I want it in the hands of my offensive leaders. Fitz', Stevie, Cj, Chandler, Freddy.


I'm not only anti WC, I'm anti BS. Alfhought I can live with the WC in certain situations where it should not effect the game. On a 2nd and 5, 3rd and 2 type of play I'm ok with it. But on a 3rd down late in the game when your up and need to run the clock out (I know that wasn't exactly the situation) is rediculous. The fact that Chan even had this play on his radar for the game I'm sure effected his playcalling. I'm sure he was itching to use it all game and was looking for the right time, right situation. He was wrong. And this brings me to my last point.


Anti Chan. He has absolutely made some of the worst playcalls and descisions I've seen out of a coach on this team in a very long time. Some of these calls even make Dicky J look good and Mularkey look like an absolute genius.


Between Chans rediculous playbook, Fitz inability to throw even the simplest of passes, and the overrated love and expectations of the Wildcat I'm on edge. The game yesterday should have been won regardless of bad execution by Fitz and everybody else nut the descisions of Chan almost made me think they were trying to lose purposely for a better draft pick. Things need to change. If Chan can get his hands on a Pro Bowl type QB then i'm all for his pass happy offense. But he doesn't have one. He needs to realize what he's got and where his strengths are and Futz sure isn't it.


Everything is tied into my argument. From the idiotic playcalling all the way down to the sub par play. Anyone could watch that game yesterday and see that we should have locked it up with running the ball. It was the only thing working.


Ok so ingot off topic a bit from the WC. But like i said, it all ties into the bad coaching and bad playcalling descisions and when to use them.

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Brad Smith is a talented athlete. More often than not, the Wildcat results in a first down and I seem to remember Smith running for a TD out of it against Philly last season. Yes it was a bad call on Sunday and a bad throw, but certainly not the worst play a Bill has made this season. I'll take him on my team any day.

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He only gets on the field for a handfull of plays. The kick return game is no longer an important part of the NFL. The wildcat seems to be just a diversion and not a real yard gainer. Smith at reciever in my mind is as good as Roosevelt. I know Chan likes his versatility, but come on. That money could be spent on another quality reciever or an actual back up quarterback option. If Brad Smith has to come in to play our qb position, the year is over. Thoughts?

Good player. We need as many talented NFL level players we can get. His run down to the one set up a touchdown. Great run. Not many guys make that run from the QB spot. Let it go. Chan called the play and ran into coverage he wasn't expecting..simple. Smith just executed it. Man...fans are not too bright. I need to find another board where people think before they post. Who has ever in a hundred years said Smith was a candidate to play QB full time? geez. .. boy it is hard to reign it in, Mr. moderator.

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Good player. We need as many talented NFL level players we can get. His run down to the one set up a touchdown. Great run. Not many guys make that run from the QB spot. Let it go. Chan called the play and ran into coverage he wasn't expecting..simple. Smith just executed it. Man...fans are not too bright. I need to find another board where people think before they post. Who has ever in a hundred years said Smith was a candidate to play QB full time? geez. .. boy it is hard to reign it in, Mr. moderator.

Your post is 100% correct. He had the best play/run in the San Fran game. He had a nice run in the Arizona game. The other teams have to respect his speed and capability to throw out of the wildcat. They have to spend time preparing for him and the Bills' wildcat. NOBODY ever proclaimed him to be the FT QB. He is a talented player and a great teammate. He creates a lot of mismatch problems for opposing defenses and personnel groups. He has more yards than Tebow out of the wildcat this year with less runs. Chill out people. We run it a few times a game if that and it has created good yards the last few weeks.

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Well thought out Flap. As I have stated before that I respect your opinion, I still think it's a clear cut case that not only BS but the WC also is a waste of time and money. As I've said before, it can hurt you (like this past Sunday) more than it can help you (like this past Sunday). It puts players who aren't supposed to be in those positions, in the position to win or lose a game.


Frankly, if I'm going to have someone throw the ball, I want my starting QB. Not a backup. Not a WR. Not a RB. My starting QB. Regardless of how innefective he might be that particular day.


If someone is going to run the ball, I want my RB doing it. The same RB that has consistantly put up 7+ yards a carry and has shown the ability to break it loose from anywhere in the field. Not a backup QB. Not a WR. My starting RB. And we have 2 really good ones.


Regardless of how effective or innefective my offense might be on any particular Sunday I don't want to put it into the hands of a backup of 4 different positions. I want it in the hands of my offensive leaders. Fitz', Stevie, Cj, Chandler, Freddy.



Thanks mrags- I still kind of got carried away there.


I wasn't trying to pick on you in particular, just the fact that I keep seeing people say Brad Smith sucks when what they probably mean is what you just wrote here.


I don't think Brad Smith or the wildcat sucks (in fact, I think BS is pretty damn good), but I can certainly respect the opinion that the Bills should stick to running their base offensive packages for the reasons you clearly stated.


I also think that many are getting hung up on the wildcat when there are much more serious problems/shortcomings. Especially Fitz's arm, the Defense as a whole, and not giving Spiller the carries he deserves. Chan was god awful on Sunday, but after having a day to let it digest, I don't think he should be fired immediately. Let's see how this season unfolds and then re-evaluate.

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Although I believe Brad is a little used resource, I did not think that his pass out of the wild cat was as bad as folks say.


The Arizona defender on Stevie was beaten badly and if he wasn't dragging on his jersey the last 5-10 yards I am not sure Stevie doesn't get there before Patrick.


The officiating was scab-ref level yesterday, I mean the Arizona game definitely got the slow blinkers on Sunday.



What I really question about that WC play is why on earth was it drawn up with two receivers ending up in the same area. That blunder allowed Patrick to peal off of the receiver he was defending and undercut the throw. Bad design or bad route run by one of the receivers.

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Give me Brad Smith overthrowing a receiver on a deep route 100 times out of 100 instead of fitz throwing up a limp-wristed, 15 yard, duck of a pass that lands 5 yards behind stevie and is picked off.


Was it a bad call? how can anyone know? if jones ran the wrong route, AND there were other reads, then who's fault was it? but after watching dick jauron run this team for 3 years, sometimes its refreshing to see our coach take risks at inappropriate times.


and how much time was left in the game at that point? 6 minutes? 5 minutes? i cant quite recall, but we were on the 30 or 40, so there wasnt much more time for us to kill. the odds of us grounding and pounding down to the endzone and coming away with 7 may have been good, and thats what arizona was expecting, which makes us trying that play that much better of a call.


because if we get the 7 right there, we go up by 10, kick off, hold them to a 3 and out--game over.

OR even if they do drive the field, they STILL need to recover an onside kick AND THEN score again, just to force overtime.


so all in all, i would say;


good call by gailey

refreshing to see a qb who can throw the ball 40 yards

cut fitz immediately, and we instantly become super bowl contenders

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and how much time was left in the game at that point? 6 minutes? 5 minutes? i cant quite recall, but we were on the 30 or 40, so there wasnt much more time for us to kill. the odds of us grounding and pounding down to the endzone and coming away with 7 may have been good, and thats what arizona was expecting, which makes us trying that play that much better of a call.


because if we get the 7 right there, we go up by 10, kick off, hold them to a 3 and out--game over.

OR even if they do drive the field, they STILL need to recover an onside kick AND THEN score again, just to force overtime.

1st of all, I'm pretty sure there was 4 mins or so left. Leaves plenty of time to be killed. With the way our game was going, it shouldn't have been a problem.


2nd, that's alot of IFs. As it so happens, all the IFs you were betting against came true in our scenario. We made a bad play call. Bad execution. Bad throw. Got the pick. Played horrible defense (again). Gave up more than enough yards to lose the game on a chip shot field goal. We got lucky, simple as that.


jack of all trades, master at none.


worst QB on team...

worst WR on team.....

worst Kick Returner on team....

worst RB on team.......


brad smith is a waste of money.

Best post of this thread. No where has it said the truth so much with so little words.


Man...fans are not too bright. I need to find another board where people think before they post. Who has ever in a hundred years said Smith was a candidate to play QB full time? geez. .. boy it is hard to reign it in, Mr. moderator.

Yeah, Moderator, reign it in. People on this board are not too bright. Even after almost losing Us a game the other day, and NEVER winning a game for us, some people still think Brad Smith and the Wildcat is a good idea.
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Ya. That's what I did. I thought maybe you and your 100 posts needed to see it since you just got here about 4 days ago. And probably missed it the first time it was posted. Get some posts kid.

This post screams "I'm a virgin." You aren't better than anyone for posting more, buddy.

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He only gets on the field for a handfull of plays. The kick return game is no longer an important part of the NFL. The wildcat seems to be just a diversion and not a real yard gainer. Smith at reciever in my mind is as good as Roosevelt. I know Chan likes his versatility, but come on. That money could be spent on another quality reciever or an actual back up quarterback option. If Brad Smith has to come in to play our qb position, the year is over. Thoughts?


I think he's actually a good player. I think They need more practice with the Wildcat and Chan needs to call better plays in order for him to be a Better weapon on the Field in Wildcat and normal Offense.

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OMG do you people want some cheese with that whine?


Brad Smith or Decoy Tim Tebow. Brad Smith! He has been much more efficient than the Decoy Tim Tebow.


He throws a deep pass and the play went south. It was Fitzesuqe. Get over it.


uh, no contest, i will take Tebow...especially when the issue is about deep ball accuracy. Look it up.

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