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I thought his wife was fairly milfy, and no not his mom or little girl, dumb ass. But there was another looked of age at the other end looked solid. Maybe his sister ?

I didn't think his wife was attractive, and it had nothing to do with her being a lib. As for the other woman, I must have missed her, but likely because she wasn't memorable.


Was very surprised at how they actually called the ACA "Obamacare"...but that fight is over. It's the new N-word it's not going away I guess time to own it hehe. Nice touch telling some stories about ACA but they need to continue to do so.

They've got to own it. It's his crowning achievement (that the majority of America doesn't want).

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I didn't think his wife was attractive, and it had nothing to do with her being a lib. As for the other woman, I must have missed her, but likely because she wasn't memorable.



They've got to own it. It's his crowning achievement (that the majority of America doesn't want).


Joe's hard-up. He thinks the grandma from Beverly Hillbillies has it going on.

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If its not about how much money you make, how come the democrats care so much about now much money Romney has made?

And if they think the rich should pay more, why don't they start writing checks to pay more themselves? Lead by example.


Joe's hard-up. He thinks the grandma from Beverly Hillbillies has it going on.

To each his own. I'm just glad he wasn't hot for mama or baby Castro.

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If its not about how much money you make, how come the democrats care so much about now much money Romney has made?


I doubt they do care, but it tests well with focus groups and continues their class/race warfare schtick that distracts idiots from what a colossal failure Obama has been.

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And what did Michelle do with her leveraged education? Please tell me

Edit: I forgot she worked on the Daley campaign. that's real public service.

she is a close counsel to the most powerful man in the world. i'm certainly glad she's not a high school dropout. and i'm very happy that she completed studies at ivy league schools. but that probably is a strike against her to you.but back to your reasoning: if romney made a bad leveraged bet, then it follows that he shouldn't borrow any more money to make future bets?

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Is it me, or did it seem that for most of the evening, the DEM speakers were leading a kindergarten repetition class?


I thought Michelle did well, but the rest were overly patronizing with the whole "forward, not back" etc repetitions. I'd be embarrassed if I was in that audience.

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Is it me, or did it seem that for most of the evening, the DEM speakers were leading a kindergarten repetition class?


I thought Michelle did well, but the rest were overly patronizing with the whole "forward, not back" etc repetitions. I'd be embarrassed if I was in that audience.

They've got to pander to their base. ;)

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Is it me, or did it seem that for most of the evening, the DEM speakers were leading a kindergarten repetition class?


Good marketing requires repetition of a simple premise. What struck me more was that while both promoting "forward" as well as fighting the war on women, the biggest draw was a video of a dead guy saying things from the past, but who also...to steal one of the better lines from Twitter...is one of the few politicians with a confirmed kill of a woman.

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The Democrats’ First Night


Yuval Levin


If I understood the thrust of the Democrats’ speeches last night, then Mitt Romney has been a very bad president these last four years, and Barack Obama has the life experience and ideas to do better. Is that about right?


But really, other than Michelle Obama, who I thought did her job superbly, the convention’s first night had to have been pretty disconcerting for Democrats who want to appeal to the narrow sliver of voters who remain undecided or persuadable. If swing voters thought the economy was doing fine and if they really loved abortion and gay marriage, it would have been a great night for the Democrats. But polls suggest that is very far from what swing voters think.





Obviously these (unemployed) women understand that the disaster began at the end of the Bush years. But they also know that for them things have not gotten any better in the Obama years. They are worse off than they were four years ago, and (perhaps more important) they are not on an upward trend; they are not recovering. If this is what your presidency looked like for a key constituency of yours, wouldn’t you do your best to talk about something else?


The trouble for the Democrats is that getting the attention of their own most loyal voters off the economy can’t be the focus of their fall campaign. Persuadable swing voters care intensely about the economy, and on the whole they tend to disagree with the Democratic Party about abortion. Presumably speaking to them is Bill Clinton’s assignment. It’s not something Barack Obama’s Democratic Party seems quite able to do.

Edited by B-Man
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Presumably speaking to them is Bill Clinton’s assignment.


While I don't see a lot of discussion about this, doesn't it seem natural that any politician giving a prime time speech would prefer not to do it the same time that the Giants and Dallas open the NFL season?

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While I don't see a lot of discussion about this, doesn't it seem natural that any politician giving a prime time speech would prefer not to do it the same time that the Giants and Dallas open the NFL season?


Which will probably hurt their ratings which the MSM will talk about in length. Yaaaaaah, that'll happen.

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Dear Dems...please stop with the Hitler references. Three times this week, and the second day of your convention hasn't even started yet. Please grow up.




I'm not surprised. I can't imagine only the ratings of the RNC are down. My point is it was a big point made by the media and it will be interesting so see if the point that out regarding the DNC.


It's hard for me to tell because of where I live, but I think the narrative that "most people already know how they're voting" is probably very true, and the conventions are serving as only red meat to stir up the bases.

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Dear Dems...please stop with the Hitler references. Three times this week, and the second day of your convention hasn't even started yet. Please grow up.






It's hard for me to tell because of where I live, but I think the narrative that "most people already know how they're voting" is probably very true, and the conventions are serving as only red meat to stir up the bases.


And of course they'll blame the low ratings on the football game because they love the blame game. The reason ratings are down is there are so many other ways to watch this stuff than on network TV. And it's my understanding that ratings don't take into account DRVs. I could be completely wrong on that.

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