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SEAL writes book on Bin Laden shooting

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No, but big !@#$ing frankenstein monster that you are you could.


God. It was just that one time, when I didn't see you, and you still won't let me live it down. I told you, you should put one of those orange safety flags on your helmet.

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I'd never even heard the "40 minute firefight" thing before. That's funny. SEALS only fight forty minute firefights when something goes seriously FUBAR in the first five minutes.


I can't say for sure where i got the impression but I was under the impression that it was a little while and a good bit of the time was not a firefight but them sweeping the compound and taking anything that could provide them information. And either planting or finding porn hehe

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Pentagon not happy. They may file criminal prosecution or at the very least take all the money.


So Obama giving up the details to Matt Lauer is OK.

But anybody else speaking a word is a violation of the National Security and leaking Classified Material


It's not illegal when the President does it, right? <_<

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Well, his coming out party and book tour are certainly at odds with the official Obama Reelection effort. All of Seal Team 6 on the OBL raid died in a chopper crash. Thus making a Nelson DeMille type revenge killing spree by the wacky jihadists moot. Why oh, why can't they just keep to the script? Friggin' Clint Eastwood wannabe. :ph34r:

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Well, his coming out party and book tour are certainly at odds with the official Obama Reelection effort. All of Seal Team 6 on the OBL raid died in a chopper crash. Thus making a Nelson DeMille type revenge killing spree by the wacky jihadists moot. Why oh, why can't they just keep to the script? Friggin' Clint Eastwood wannabe. :ph34r:




Uhmmm, no.


No, they didn't.

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